Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The European Atrocity You Never Heard About...

The European Atrocity You Never Heard About...

The screams that rang throughout the darkened cattle car crammed with deportees, as it jolted across the icy Polish countryside five nights before Christmas, were Dr. Loch's only means of locating his patient. The doctor, formerly chief medical officer of a large urban hospital, now found himself clambering over piles of baggage, fellow passengers, and buckets used as toilets, only to find his path blocked by an old woman who ignored his request to move aside. On closer examination, he discovered that she had frozen to death.
Finally he located the source of the screams, a pregnant woman who had gone into premature labor and was hemorrhaging profusely. When he attempted to move her from where she lay into a more comfortable position, he found that "she was frozen to the floor with her own blood." Other than temporarily stanching the bleeding, Loch was unable to do anything to help her, and he never learned whether she had lived or died. When the train made its first stop, after more than four days in transit, 16 frost-covered corpses were pulled from the wagons before the remaining deportees were put back on board to continue their journey. A further 42 passengers would later succumb to the effects of their ordeal, among them Loch's wife.
Hoover Institution Archives
An estimated 500,000 people died in the course of the organized expulsions; survivors were left in Allied-occupied Germany to fend for themselves.
During the Second World War, tragic scenes like those were commonplace, as Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin moved around entire populations like pieces on a chessboard, seeking to reshape the demographic profile of Europe according to their own preferences. What was different about the deportation of Loch and his fellow passengers, however, was that it took place by order of the United States and Britain as well as the Soviet Union, nearly two years after the declaration of peace.
Between 1945 and 1950, Europe witnessed the largest episode of forced migration, and perhaps the single greatest movement of population, in human history. Between 12 million and 14 million German-speaking civilians—the overwhelming majority of whom were women, old people, and children under 16—were forcibly ejected from their places of birth in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, and what are today the western districts of Poland. As The New York Times noted in December 1945, the number of people the Allies proposed to transfer in just a few months was about the same as the total number of all the immigrants admitted to the United States since the beginning of the 20th century. They were deposited among the ruins of Allied-occupied Germany to fend for themselves as best they could. The number who died as a result of starvation, disease, beatings, or outright execution is unknown, but conservative estimates suggest that at least 500,000 people lost their lives in the course of the operation. More on site, please click link above.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Amazing facts of how we got ourselves into this mess...

The Heritage Foundation has also

"Even during the Cold War, the federal reserve system continued to finance the Soviet Union -- which was "never" a viable economy; it was a Third World economy. And we continued to finance, through the federal reserve system, through the Bank for International Settlements, in Switzerland. That's how we kept the Soviet Union going all these years. That's why we had to spend $248 billion a year for defense against this monstrous Soviet Union during the Cold War!............I became interested in monopolies through the federal reserve system. And I realized that because they now had the power to print money, since 1913, they were printing the money and taking over other areas. So that's why you now have the medical monopoly, the American Medical Association, the medical trust. You have the legal monopoly, which controls the courts of the United States. And when you go into court, you are at their mercy because they can do whatever they wish.....And the education monopoly! And they found "that" was the most important one of all, because, by training the children to accept these other monopolies [and] never question authority........Flexner was John D. Rockefeller's "stool pigeon" in setting up the takeover of the entire medical school industry by Carnegie Foundation, which was a Rockefeller Foundation subsidiary at that time.......When you say "Carnegie Foundation", you're talking about something that has no substance. It's entirely under the domination of the Rockefellers. .................He (Abraham Flexner) did "The Flexner Report", and this changed the medical schools of the United States from homeopathic, naturopathic medicine, to allopathic medicine -- which was a German school of medicine which depended on the heavy use of drugs, radical surgery, and long hospital stays. That's what we've got today, allopathic medicine."---Eustace Mullins.   [Interview 2003]  by Tom Valentine  

Saturday, July 21, 2012



In Drake’s update he was asked when the the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was formed. This is the Act that created it in 1871. That is why when the change over comes, we will be going back to the republic of 1870. The constitution of 1870 only had 13 amendments at that time with the 13th amendment being the “original” 13th amendment or TON amendment. There will be NO 14th amendment which is what is used for “anchor” babies and restores our Bill of Rights removed in the Slaughter House cases. No 16th amendment, so NO Income Tax. No 17th amendment that changed the appointment of senators by the state legislatures guaranteeing state’s rights to general election of senators. Representatives are by general election for the people’s rights. This will restore the checks and balances between state’s rights and the sovereigns rights. Just as reinstituting the “original” 13th amendment disallowing lawyers to hold public office restores the checks and balances to the 3 branches of government Executive, Legislative, and Judicial because having lawyers i.e. people from the same organization or “club” can collude to guarantee that certain acts or legislation will be enacted and survive.

Nikola Tesla was Murdered

“Skorzeny died on December 31, 1999. His body was cremated, I have a copy of his death certificate, and I saw his ashes. After the war, he helped George Bush found the CIA through Operation Paperclip and ODESSA.”
Berman recounted how Skorzeny was found “not guilty” at the Nuremburg trials, and then ushered into the CIA. “Some 50,000+ S.S. Nazi war criminals, not just rocket scientists, were brought to America after the war.”
Skorzeny, about age 90 at the time, was described by Berman as “very focused and very lucid, and he was still very mobile. He was still able to walk around—he was still very impressive and he had about the biggest hands I have ever shaken. He was 6’-4”and was a giant for his day. He towered over me, and I’m 5’-8”.”

Friday, July 20, 2012

The White Hats Report: July 20, 2012 - WHITE HATS REPORT #46

The White Hats Report: July 20, 2012 - WHITE HATS REPORT #46

A different call to action …CRITICAL INFORMATION!

First agenda item:  Over the last week we have heard of many different types of “calls to action”.  The “calls” have to do with militia style activism and, although we do not discourage these actions, we realize how difficult it will be.  First and foremost, Brother Drake has been putting the word out to a lot of folks during his weekly broadcasts.  We have heard many of his shows and his briefings are informative and the depth of knowledge is heart warming to all of us here at the White Hats.  The clear and precise message is “be informed” and “take action” when required to do so.  The folks in the hallowed halls are listening to the thunder clouds of a pissed off nation and world, clearly approaching the steps of the Capital.  So, to all of our “friends” in the Washington D.C. beltway, listen carefully, soon the people will be on your door step, taking you away.  It’s not just Obama they will be after … it’s you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Neil Keenan Press Releases | ANMilitia

Neil Keenan Press Releases | ANMilitia

Once we get things right we can close this system down on them as has already happened in BIS and then they will have nothing to fight with. The idea is to take the money out of their pockets. Without this they have no ability to hire the armies they need to deal with the real American People. The Kazar’s and Nazis’s will be left alone to themselves finding nary a dollar to buy what they need to protect themselves and then when weakened the American People can do as they wish with such garbage. It is just a matter of time.

Weekly geo-political news and analysis

  1. Weekly geo-political news and analysis

It is time to look at the big picture again

When historical events are taking place, the daily rush of news event can fog the vision. We have entered such a time of fog now, so it is a good time to stand back and look at the big picture. The European “crisis,” the US “fiscal cliff,” and the ongoing war-mongering by the NATO terrorist states in the Middle East are all part of a fundamental and unstoppable shift in the way this planet is ruled. No amount of propaganda in the Western corporate media and no amount of number inputting in central bank “black screens,” is going to change that reality. The vast majority of the world’s money is now controlled by non-Westerners who have a very different agenda from that of the people who have been ruling the West and most of the world since at least 300 years ago.
The best analogy for what is happening to the West is the fall of the Soviet Union. It started with a ship-yard strike in Gdansk Poland and ended with the fall of the Soviet Union in what in retrospect seems like no time whatsoever. At the time, though the several years in between those two event seemed to last an eternity.
Right now in the West, the regime change against bankster controlled criminal government has started with Iceland but it will end with the United States and the Vatican.
It is something like a Titanic hits the iceberg type of moment where technicians and the ship’s top crew know the vessel is doomed even if they cannot say exactly how long people have to get onto the lifeboats.
What happened to make the fall of the Soviet Union inevitable was not, as we are told, the economic failure of the Soviet model. Instead, it turns out it was the theft of the Soviet Union’s foreign exchange reserves that made the collapse a matter of time.
What we are seeing in the West is the same. The money making machine at the Federal Reserve Board has been closed down so collapse is inevitable.
Think of it as following: a high flying Wall Street Trader has been fired. He has enough money from his “golden handshake” and savings to keep on going as if nothing has happened. However, you notice that he has begun to sell off his sports cars and art collection.
He has also been borrowing money from banks but he is now fully mortgaged out so he has had to borrow from friends. That has also hit bottom so he has begun hitting non-bank financial companies and loan sharks for money. He has also been writing checks that he knows will bounce (think of the 19 announcements that the “euro crisis” has been solved).
If you are watching all this from the sidelines, you will know that it is not long before the Wall Street high flier will be moving out of his fancy digs.
The situation in the Western world is very much like what has been described above. For the past 30 years the United States and Europe (as a whole) have been running a trade deficit with the rest of the world.
The financial leaders in the West have been secretly financing this deficit by making promises they could not keep. That is why, for example, a $300,000 bond backed by a lifetime of labor is issued every time an American citizen is born. That is why the Chinese have been secretly issued liens on much of US real estate as well.
These maneuvers have bought time and created the appearance that all is well, especially in the US.
However, just like Wall Street junkie above, you can deny reality for a certain time but it always catches up with you.
This is the case with the West.
What is now happening is that the creditor nations have stopped issuing new credit.
That is why there is now a 147 nation alliance, led by Brazil, Russia, India, China and Africa that is telling the Western nations they will not buy their bonds or other “financial products.”
The Western nations, however, have prevented the creditor nations of the world from investing their earnings in trade with the West in buying real things, like multi-national corporations, in the West.
The result has been what appears to be a Mexican stand-off, with two people pointing guns at each other while sitting across from each other on a table.
However, in this case, time is on the side of the 147 nation alliance. The big problem for the West is that the Western nations have “out-sourced” most of their industrial infrastructure. These nations made the arrogant assumption that the rest of the world would make real stuff while the Western world gave them orders through the banks and other financial institutions.
Now they find though, the money being earned at Chinese or ASEAN export factories is not being spent on Western IOUs. The Chinese have been taking their dollars and spending them all over the world on “real” things like real-estate, commodities and factories. Other countries have begun to do the same.
What this means is that both the EU as a whole and the United States are bankrupt but are refusing to admit it.
In the case of the EU, the member countries have been announcing they will print “Euros” in order to get themselves out of their crisis. The problem, of course, is that the European central bank does not have the legal right to print Euros any more Euros.
There is a similar situation with the US.
Many readers, at this point, will object and say that both the US Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank have announced massive money printing schemes. The question is then, “where did all this money go?” The answer is that it was blocked every time.
Who is doing the blocking? The answer is the 147 nations that are tired of NATO mass murder and invasion. They can tell the Bank for International Settlements, the BIS, to block the money and they do.
In the case of the United States, a slightly different situation exists. The US is in deeper debt to the rest of the world than the European Union. So far, the Chinese have been keeping them going because a US trade deficit with China is in China’s long term geopolitical interested. The more US dollars they get that they can spend in Asia, Africa or South America (but not Europe and the US) the more friends and influence they get around the world.
The result already has been that Chinese are perceived by the rest of the world as arriving with bags of money and business plans while Western nations arrive with guns and plans for mayhem. Guess who is losing and who is making friends in these circumstances(hint: not the Westerners).
The big blockage remains on Asians and other countries being allowed to spend their money in Europe and the US without impediment. If that becomes possible, Europeans and Americans will be hired in large quantities to engage is a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and start a new age.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Two Vitamin C Tablets Every Day Could Save 200,000 Lives Every Year

Two Vitamin C Tablets Every Day Could Save 200,000 Lives Every Year

What is Heart Failure?

The heart muscle fails for many reasons. As we get older, it weakens and may not get enough nutrients to keep it healthy. A severe heart attack, that does not kill the patient but has caused significant damage to the heart muscle, may leave the heart in a very weakened state. Long standing or acute high blood pressure can put a massive strain on the heart and cause it to fail. An abnormal beating of the heart such as a very fast heart rate, an irregular beat or a lot of missed beats will result in a less effective pumping and eventual failure. Anemia will make the heart pump harder and faster in an attempt to deliver enough oxygen to the organs. The valves in the heart which direct blood flow are made up of an important fibrous strengthening tissue called collagen. Weakness or tearing of these valves can cause the blood to flow backwards, making the heart pump very inefficiently and eventually causing it to fail. When the heart muscle begins to fail, there is a buildup of carbon dioxide and waste products, resulting in weakening of the kidneys and liver. Eventually, fluid builds up in all the organs and the person presents with severe fatigue, shortness of breath (from fluid in the lungs) and swelling of the ankles.


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Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012 - WHITE HATS REPORT #45

Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012 - WHITE HATS REPORT #45

Nomenclature of Financial Thievery

"I don't understand, where does all this come from? How do you get funding for something like this?"
"You don't actually think they spend $20,000 on a hammer, $30,000 on a toilet seat, do you?"
-From the movie, Independence Day, an exchange between the President and a civilian when the President enters Area 51 for the first time after the alien invasion.

“Where does all (that money) come from?”  We are on a quest to uncover the trail of deceit, deception, corruption and thievery in the financial arena. Where does the money come from, where has it gone, and what is it being used for?  The answer to that question could be the biggest secret of our time.  But let us begin to connect the dots with some background on the methods used to steal from the people to finance the NWO.

Lord James started the ball rolling on February 16th in London’s House of Lords. We’re going to pick up the trail from there and bring it forward.  It cannot be said enough that Lord James took a historic and brave step in revealing to the world the corrupted underbelly of the financial system.  History, real history, will record Lord David James of Blackheath as a hero for humanity.  This fact cannot be emphasized enough. There is a time to step forward and be counted and Lord James came up all aces.  Who will join him?

The issue in the House of Lords relates to a split in which one side advocates a full and complete investigation into the matter while the other side has issued a “D” notice to the United Kingdom media. A “D” notice is essentially an order to NOT print information on a certain subject matter, in this case, the speech made by Lord James, the ensuing investigations, and the far-reaching ramifications, unless you want political hell to be brought down upon you. The nature of our information will rock political dynasties and banking empires, when revealed.  Censorship has now reached the UK as the effort continues to keep this information out of the mainstream media.  The media being primarily controlled by the Bush Cabal through the efforts of the Bilderbergs and Rupert Murdoch.  However, with so much attention on the crumbling world financial system, secrets are starting to emerge.  Can the cabal keep a lid on all of this?  Not if we, and our readers, have anything to say about it.

We are embarking on a journey that will not only explain what Lord James referred to in his speech, but will follow the money trail to its destination, exposing not only the objective of this theft and money laundering operation but its dire effects on the planet. Our destination is the murky world of black projects and 2012.

As Lord James stood bravely in the House of Lords and delivered his speech, he referred to certain documents that he possessed. These documents provide one example of the methods by which the ruling cabal finances its criminal enterprise, intending the total domination of planet Earth. These same documents have been submitted to the U.S. House and Senate in addition to all law enforcement agencies having the capability to arrest and prosecute these corrupt criminals. Yet, nothing has been done. Why? Perhaps because the same “controllers” own the same Senate, House, law enforcement and judiciary with the authority to stop and prosecute these crimes against humanity, and amazingly, not only in the United States, but in Europe, the United Kingdom and the rest of the G7 countries.  Yes, we have confirmed the leadership of the G7 are up to their eyeballs in all of this but that we will save that revelation for a future report.

When you are bought and paid for, you serve your Masters, not the slaves who elect you to office.  Add to this the complicit and controlled mainstream news media and what results is a very well conceived, well run scam on the public and betrayal of our respective nations, rights and freedoms.

Trading Programs

We have referred to trading programs in prior reports without providing explicit information regarding these financial transactions. They are Medium Term Note (MTNs) transactions which are designed to raise funds for industrial, infrastructure and humanitarian projects around the world and which, like everything else in the financial sector, have been perverted and diverted to the greedy, unscrupulous aims and objectives of the cabal. When you are in charge of the financial system you have a license to steal. And the Federal Reserve has developed it into a Major League art form of chicanery.  These trading programs are conducted in secret, run by the Federal Reserve and done on a colossal scale in vast trillions through banks outside the United States.  What is required is an investor with a minimum of 100 million dollars to enter into a contract with the Federal Reserve. The money is leveraged up to 6 times or more, and is used as enhanced capital for the buying and selling of MTN’s (medium term notes) with profits split between the investor, the Federal Reserve and the project to be funded.  As Lord James said, the profits can be between 20 and 30% per day compounded. That equates to over 100% per week for those in the know! These funds route out via numerous Tax Havens with no taxes paid to benefit or aid society.

The FBI will tell you these are scams. So will the Justice Department, SEC, Dept. of the Treasury and whole host of other financial “watchdogs.”  They call them, “high yield investment programs”, “prime bank programs” and “roll programs” to recite just a few. And they will try to convince the general public that these transactions are nothing more than scammers perpetrating fraud on unsuspecting investors in the form of a Ponzi scheme.  Are they are just plain lying about these well known transactions to cover their fraud, or are they acting as damage control and gatekeepers in keeping the real story from the public. If so, they are heavily complicit in money laundering, conspiracy and fraud.  If you are an investor in these programs you sign a strict non-disclosure agreement with the Federal Reserve (aka banking system) in which you are then at risk of them stealing your funds if you disclose any of the information regarding the transaction. We can think of no better incentive to encourage the investors to keep their mouths shut and enjoy the enormous profits made.  After all, they would not risk a large sum of money only to squander it by going off the reservation and talking about their fortunes made.

But what if the “system” steals it anyway? Then the investor has little to lose by disclosing the crooked trade situation.  At that point the system put the investor into no mans land by declaring the disgruntled investor onto the black list.

Enter Yohannes Riyadi, the wealthy (on paper only) Indonesian businessman referred to by Lord James in his historic speech delivered on “White Thursday”.  Mr. Riyadi is one such innocent victim who was ruthlessly defrauded of vast billions of dollars and who now has no incentive to keep the truth from being exposed.

The documents and contract held in Lord James’ hand while he made his speech was, in fact, a REAL, 100% bang to rights, US Treasury and Federal Reserve trading program contract.  This contract (titled “Project Funding Agreement”) was entered into on March 10, 2003 between Yohannes Riyadi and the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) of New York.  The contract was signed by Mr. Riyadi and Alan Greenspan (as Chairman) and Roger Ferguson (as Vice Chairman) of the FRB. Among the witnesses to attest to the contract were Timothy Geithner and Yusuke Horiguchi for the IMF with Paul O’Neill’s (then Secretary of the Treasury) signature utilized for acknowledgement.

The profit split was designated as 60% to Riyadi as the investor, 20% to the US Federal Reserve, and 20% to Bank of Indonesia.  Since then that fund has been mass compounded into vast Trillions.

Now you know why trading programs are such a well kept secret.

The Fraud

Yohannes Riyadi had a legally binding contractual promise to pay him $500M USD on signature of contract and 60% of all profits accrued. He was coerced into pledging his assets by a combined US Treasury and FRB New York team. It was a complete “Bait and Switch” operation. They used the credibility of the US Treasury to give him confidence.

He signed a contract with them undertaking to pay him $500M USD on acceptance of the contract.  It was switched to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.  He never received a dollar. They reneged on him and stole his $500M.  We have confirmation from the now Deputy President of Indonesia that it was all real and confirmation of Riyadi’s account being denied by the Fed.

Mr. Riyadi entered into his contract in good faith and with genuine intent. When he tried to use his US Federal Reserve Treasury Checks to fund genuine Hospital Projects, he was denied from day one. They lied to him and set him up with callous intent.   HSBC and other banks used his US Treasury Check Safe Keeping Receipts (SKRs) to underpin the issuance of Certificates of Deposits or Bank Guarantees that facilitate MORE MTN Trading Program platforms and profits, creating ever greater Ponzi money debts in a spiral of greed.

Unfortunately, Riyadi was coerced into a cross association with notorious con man Wilfredo Saurin, a US Federal Reserve Bank of New York protected Fraudster.  Saurin has wantonly racketeered the papers all over the planet in numerous up-front fee scams, protected by Homeland Security as evidenced in this colossal Pureheart-Fed operation. 

This was how they underpinned the $15 Trillion of US Debt to issue the SWIFTS with inter Bank conspirators involved to fraudulently cover up imminent black holes in the US and EU banking systems, with their cross firing scams. This was all a cosmetic smokescreen to maintain the illusion of probity for a long since bankrupt economy and insolvent banks.

The $15 Trillion fraud was perpetrated by the Federal Reserve through the banking system with a private entity, Pureheart Investments, Ltd., the recipient (further credit) of the funds.  The 15 trillion dollar question is why would the Federal Reserve fraudulently transfer this vast sum of money to a private corporation? A private corporation registered in a foreign country.  And what is so important that the Federal Reserve would perpetrate fraud of this magnitude? What is this money used for?  To further perpetrate this fraud, they created false SWIFT statements for 750,000 metric tons of gold to underpin the asset backing for their bogus SWIFTS to create false money ($15T).  We are attaching correspondence from the Bank of Indonesia acknowledging the 700 metric tons of gold owned by Riyadi, NOT the 750,000 metric tons claimed by the Fed to support the fraudulent wire transfers to Pureheart Investments, Ltd. 
Pureheart Form - Traditional MT 760 Form (DRAFT)

McCall Offer to Saurin Indo Gold SKMBT_C45112052411220

Now the Lords have the following questions to address, among others:

  • Lord Sassoon, having so clearly denounced the $15T; will you resign your position as the Treasury link once we show where it is?  This happened on your watch! Due to your attitude, we think you have your ticket.  What do you say?
  • Lord Stephen Green will you admit to a Lords committee that YOU were THE key banking conspirator who helped set it all up with Rossier and McCall while Chairman of HSBC. Will The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), which makes only 3 Billion profit, explain to Parliament how they repaid 163 Billion to the Government with no Book records to explain it?  Flat out, count on the fact he got a ticket from the very beginning...Major player!!
  • Will RBS explain how much of the $15T they still control?
  • Will Jaime Dimon, Chairman of the Board of Directors at JP Morgan/Chase, admit to having at least half of the 15T ending up in his bank.   This is the same man that is a player in the silver futures market and tells the Brits that he is a good guy.  This scumbag is a ticket fact, he probably stole a few.
  • Will Lord Green explain if the Prime Minister at the time knew of  these events?  We know he's strange how we found out, guess who weaseled his way in to get a ticket?
  • Will Lord Triesman explain why MI6 has failed to act?  Will Lord Triesman resign for his participation in the cover-up? Another ticket taker?  HMMM! OUCH?!?!?!?
  • As this money would save the EU, why is it not being investigated?
  • Will Rossier testify to Congress? Will Rossier come to the UK and face arrest for fraud?
  • Will Bush Sr., Bush Jr., and President Obama explain all the KGB and Russian trading links with Pureheart, a Homeland Security Entity? Why is General Rossier, a US Military General, trading with Russian KGB Generals?  Isn't there a law against this - where is the US Senate and Congress when needed! OOPS, they have their tickets too!
  • Can Bush Jr. explain why he met Putin at the ranch in Texas and why he met Medvedev at Camp David?
  • Where are all of Pureheart’s funds now?
  • Under what name and from where is Pureheart trading now?

So now we have the answer to the President’s question in the movie, Independence Day, as to where the funding originates for SECRET PROJECTS like Area 51.  The answer: It is stolen from people like Riyadi, leveraged and traded through programs that are neither regulated nor transparent.  Once it goes behind the screens and off balance sheet, it is then multiplied a hundredfold and funneled to private entities to fund projects like Area 51, Dulce, chemtrails, reverse engineering of alien technology and a whole host of other projects out of public view.

“Do you have your ticket yet?”

Our history is replete with warnings regarding this fraud.  President Dwight Eisenhower said in his farewell speech to the nation, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." What has it all been used for?

Now we understand that he was not kidding.  He provided the warning shot across the bow … and nobody listened?                     

Prophetic words that now haunt our very existence.

To even the most casual observer, it’s apparent that something is terribly wrong.    The masses continue to lose jobs and income, while the ruling class continues to get rich and demand more of our freedoms and rights.  For what purpose and to what end?

To explain, let us use the “evolution” of automobiles. In the early 1900’s when cars were first created, the development of pistons, transmissions, camshafts, and carburetors were integral to their operation. In other words, they ran on gasoline. After 100 years, we have satellite radio and GPS systems and power everything and yet, we’ve still got to put gas in a vehicle that, by all measures, is an antique….a relic, something that should be a distant memory in our technology evolution.  And yet, we’re still beholden to the elite and to their energy industry, an industry that continually raises the cost of oil and gas to chip away at our dwindling disposable income. Our cars still use gasoline and yet our government is reverse-engineering actual space craft propulsion which operates on systems thousand of years more advanced than our gas guzzling autos. And so while we continue to pay for the research and development of advanced energy models and technology, that research is being used by the elite….the cabal…the NWO…to take control of our lives. It is all done in secrecy. It is all done with our MONEY. And it is all done to the detriment of humankind.

The question you need to ask yourself is…..WHOSE SIDE ARE THEY ON?

Truth Posse

The response to our call for assistance in the form of the “Truth Posse” has been overwhelming. Your comments and emails indicate a willingness to stand beside us in the fight for survival. Therefore, our call for action will include the following:

  1. Send our reports to friends, acquaintances, elected politicians and your local media. Documents were provided with reports #37 and #41.  More documents will be forthcoming. Send them far and wide.
  2. Encourage friends, family, acquaintances and anyone else you meet to come forward with information regarding: (1) the construction, maintenance and location of underground bases; (2) the reverse engineering of alien technology; (3) genetic experimentation; (4) HAARP and weather manipulation; (5) suppression and/or theft of free energy patents and ideas.
  3. Take pictures and videos of underground base locations and conduct interviews with participants. Then send them to us.
  4. Form community groups in your areas and assign Team Leaders to coordinate activities to utilize background, information and contacts of each member.  Spread the word and recruit as many like-minded citizens as possible. Implement items 1 thru 3 above and send us your data. We will include it in future reports with appropriate credit.
The more people we inform, the stronger we will become.

We have endeavored to follow the money no matter where the trail leads us. We realize that some of you will not want to believe, entertain, or even consider some of the concepts, facts and events that we will report on in the near future.  That is a personal choice that you can exercise in the form of free will. We, however, feel morally compelled to disclose what we know to be true, so that whatever the future holds, it cannot be said the White Hats knew but did not inform.  What you choose to do with the information is up to each of you.

The next series of reports will transition to Pureheart Investments, LTD. This is the Homeland Security front company and cabal money laundering operation that received the $15T that Lord James exposed back in February. We will take you through the process of formation and operations, including names, places, “deals”, alliances, objectives and achievements.  The money factor will be a theme constantly woven through our exposures as it is the necessary catalyst to make it all work.

“Do you have your ticket yet?”

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Tuesday, July 10, 2012
July 10, 2012 – WHITE HATS REPORT #44
Do you have your ticket yet?
When the White Hats started on this little excursion with Report #1, it was to support the Global Settlements. At that time, we really didn’t know everything we should have about the alternative media, the internet. Over the course of almost two years, we have recruited many individuals with talent and have become quite adept in the alternative media world.
We started the Reports because we knew that the Global Settlements would help save the world and assist in the rebuilding and strengthening of the world economy. As we all now know, the battle still rages between us and them for control of the money we will put forth to save the world. It’s shocking to realize the funds are still here in the United States and that none of those funds are being used to save the financial systems of the world even though we have committed to numerous plans to do just that. To a prudent person it would seem that trillions from a rainy day fund to keep America strong would be a good thing; especially when those funds came from a place that did not want to help America.
Subsequent to when we broke the Vatican Bank account scandal, we wanted to create the saying: “Do you have your Vatican Bank Account yet?” But as we moved forward we found that the saying “Do you have your ticket yet?” was more apropos. So, we ask:
“Do you have your ticket yet?”
We have played the game well. It is our specialty. But something is different here…twisted. Like a play on a stage, where the actors (our leaders) are overacting. Something is off. They are either purposely exaggerating to draw our attention, or they’re totally inept. We believe they are purposely distracting us. No one could be that inept. But to what end do they distract us? We intend to explain the results of our investigations over the next series of reports. And our leaders, well, so far we have found ONE with a conscience. We are now looking for a second. Does anyone understand this? We are looking for number 2. Eighteen months of work and we are still looking for number 2; not a pile of excrement, but a second leader who isn’t on the take and is willing to speak out for the people of the world.
Truth…elusive but in plain sight.
After all this time and after all of our reports, the truth remains illusive. Almost as if a trail has been found and now all that is left is to connect the dots. The crime scenes are too perfect, again leading us away…multiple distractions. And as we have followed those clues and found evidence of financial crimes, there is yet nothing to be done with this perfect evidence. The justice systems are also perfect…perfectly bought, perfectly controlled and totally corrupted.
“Do you have your ticket yet?”
We have endeavored to expose and identify both the names of the cabal members and their misdeeds, in a form and fashion that provides for a mature, professional method of handling matters on this level. It was our sincere hope the Lords in London would be able to move quickly to handle the business of the business in their country … the largest financial district in the world. We included the individual stories of the victims and the documents that support the prosecution of the parties involved. We have endeavored to provide clear, concise and documented evidence of the above to ALL of the agencies. This objective has been achieved with no stone left unturned.
Among those we provided with evidence are the American, Canadian, European and United Kingdom agencies specifically including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Central Intelligence Agency, MI-5 through MI-9, Interpol, Europol, German Policing Agencies, and Bundesbank, just to name a few.
It has not worked.
We concluded that the Bush Cabal was so strong that they could stop the Global Settlements, stop the Iraqi dinar revaluation, stop the CMKX settlements, stop the prosperity packs and all other scheduled settlements. Turns out all of this is a front … another scam to lock our emotional attention on things that desperately matter to people who are suffering in our current time frame. It is a major false flag crafted by the Master, Bush Sr. and his cronies.
“Do you have your ticket yet?”
What is disturbing to us is that we have been duped … the professionals. We actually thought we were on the trail of a grand theft ring led by people that were untouchable. The Elite of the Elite were using the system they literally grew up in to rob and plunder as they wished without recourse. And that’s all true. But it doesn’t make sense, even at that level, because we could eventually bring that down simply by proving the truth. And they’re too smart for that to be their main play. Rigging the system to that extent would have meant the entire system could be ripe for the taking.
We could continue for many paragraphs and tell you more about the thefts and the players, but like we have been saying for quite awhile now, all of our attention was on the wrong “thing”.
“Do you have your ticket yet?”
For the longest time, we – as trained professionals – could not get our arms around the reason a former President, and not just one mind you, would want to steal such vast fortunes. Were they all morons? How stupid for them when these crimes were uncovered, especially since we have volumes of proof of the thefts. Hell, they were out in the open, not even hidden from our prying eyes. Knowledge is the key to everything – don’t you agree? With knowledge you can do things like make a great stock pick, make profitable land purchases or be elected to Congress to steal the American public blind.
Then we tried with all of our might to understand the Obama situation. How could any one guy be so flaming stupid? But the American public elected him and as you all know we support the Constitution. The question for Obama is “Really?!” “Mr. President, are you really this stupid or are you the set up – the distraction?” Like when you’re at the three ring circus, and while you watch ring #1, the set is changing in the darkness of ring #3. We must tell you that you are a wonderfully inept stooge. You deserve an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. Damn good job. You even had us played for the longest time.
The games you are playing with the Global and other settlements and the Iraqi Dinar revaluation have kept the world not only at bay, but locked in total aggravation for at least three years of the most dangerous financial times to ever exist.
And, Mr. President, we even want to congratulate you on your unbelievable ability to consistently walk around international events and alienate the leaders of the world. The G20 was a major farce on your part, but it was planned and expected, wasn’t it?
“Do you have your ticket yet?”
As we developed our thoughts on the true nature of what was really going on, we had to look to the rest of the world to determine if it was complicit in all of this.
Although we have the answers, maybe the readership should ask some questions. For our readers in London: You have a split in the Lords. There are those that acknowledge the $15 Trillion and all of the problems associated with it being in The Royal Bank of Scotland, and there are those that don’t. We thought all was well with the investigations into the theft … the $15T. After all, we had presented all of the documents, not only to the Lords but to all authorities in the United Kingdom. So far, no action has been taken. Completely stopped. Why?
“Do you have your ticket yet?”
To the “news media”, or what was formerly known as the news media. Where are your guts? Where is your courage? You’re reporting on the Kardashians when people are dying in our world because no one reports the truth on Syria or prints the truth about hundreds of deadly earthquakes now happening weekly. Chemtrails and manufactured weather; bankers buying Congress; the NDAA; Rupert Murdoch threatening the British Prime Minister if he didn’t incite a war with Iraq; the SCOTUS ruling on both the immigration case and ObamaCare, the latter having nothing to do with health care and everything to do with the chip and depopulation. And if your media corporation won’t allow you to cover real news that makes a difference, then line up at the back door of the newsroom and WALK OUT! How can they make their huge dollars when they have no reporters? And more to the point, how can they accept their huge salaries while they sell their soul with every story that they DON’T report?
A good coach knows that if its halftime and you’re losing, you change your game plan for the second half. We are changing our game plan. We are now focusing our efforts on informing the general public in a way that will support your involvement in the process. There are not enough tickets to go around and preparations need to be made, heads counted and our future secured. For those of us left off the list, and that would be all of us, it’s time we make our voices heard.
We are committed to a constant release of both reports and documents:
Documents providing ammunition for citizens in the US and all over the world to question their respective officials and to exert pressure for the truth to come out.
Documents to bring the fraudulent financial system to an end.
Documents to bring ALL perpetrators to justice.
While money is spent determining if a baseball player lied to Congress, the world financial system is consistently being perverted from within. While the mainstream media focuses on the latest Hollywood celebrity divorce, billions are stolen from the people of the United States through “money” issued as debt. While Dulce and Groom Lake remain a secret, the taxpayers continue to finance the NWO and their own doom.
To our Readers
We appreciate all the support we’ve received. Many of you inquire as to what you can do to help in the battle against the cabal. In response to that, we will be more active in the future, providing more frequent reports with additional documents. These new documents we’ve received are from a growing list of former participants in the greatest financial fraud in the history of mankind. But they are participants no longer, and each is now assisting the White Hats all over the globe to bring the cabal to justice.
Therefore, those of you who volunteer will hereby be designated as Deputies, forming the “Truth Posse” to assist The White Hats in exposing the cabal. We are dead serious about this. Assignments will be coming up.
It’s time for the dirty deeds of the cabal to be exposed once and for all. After all, we’re only talking about your lives, the future of mankind and…..2012.
Ticket? Ticket for what?
Our coming series of reports will give you the background so that we can then explain what the tickets are and who is handing them out. This will be crucial information. We have followed the money trail doggedly and it has led us through the exposures we have revealed to date…but they will seem irrelevant compared to the exposures to come. Dulce, Groom Lake, black projects, reverse engineering, advanced technology are among the revelations to follow.
At the beginning of this report, we called our activities “a game.” Let us be clear.