Thursday, May 31, 2012

Drake's Newest Report Freedom Radio

Drake: Imminent arrests are a couple of weeks away.
* Have at least two weeks supply of physical silver as banks will close for 3-7 days. You will need something tradable for daily commodities.
* Have at least a two week supply of food if store supply is interrupted.
* Revaluation of WORLD currency will occur during this time. US Treasury will re-issue sovereign value backed currency to replace current debt based Federal Reserve notes.
* There is nothing to panic about. Listen and prepare as all utilities will remain in order and stores of food and fuel will be available. Prepare ahead of time and think about items you use on a daily basis such as toilet paper, feminine products, stores of water etc.

* Click link below

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Garbage Giving Light

Garbage Giving Light
A "light bulb" now exists that does not use any conventional energy.

Introducing the Solar Bottle Bulb -- an alternative source of daylight powered by the sun. It is made from an old soda bottle. By filling it with water and sealing it into the roof, the water refracts the sun's rays and provides about 55 watts of light to a darkened room.

This video take us to The Philipines. The villagers are saving money on electric bills, and literally seeing a big difference in their lives.

It can be built and installed in less than 1 hour, and uses inexpensive or recycled materials. The water is mixed with some bleach and does not need replacing for about 2 years.

There is no shortage of green jobs for those installing the miracle light bulbs either. The installer in this video had to quit his day job to keep up with the demand!

--Bibi Farber

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

New Report May 28th 2012

Insiders predict a 5-day bank holiday in Europe before Euro ends, Renminbi may replace US dollar in September

The final showdown in the ongoing financial war is appearing imminent. The 140 nation BRICS alliance is preparing to offer to buy up all cash US dollars and replace them with a new currency backed by a basket of commodities, including precious metals, according to multiple sources. After that move, any money printed by the US Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate would not be accepted as currency by the 140 nation group. This would force an end game for the criminal cabal that illegally seized power in the United States.
Before that move, though, there will be a 5-day bank holiday in Europe followed by the end of the Euro and the re-introduction of old national currencies like the Deutschemark and the Drachma, Rothschild family sources say.
The situation, however, remains highly volatile and there are signs of dangerous end-game maneuvers by the cabal.
In Japan, the attempt by the cabal controlled media to create panic over the nuclear terrorism at Fukushima, is being accompanied by renewed threats of nuclear terror. The deep sea drilling ship Chikyu Maru has been spotted off the shore of the Rokkasho Mura nuclear complex in Aomori Prefecture Japan, according to Japanese military intelligence. The ship is crewed by Americans and brainwashed Japanese slaves.
Rokkasho Mura is the location of a giant plutonium processing complex that has already produced enough plutonium to manufacture 5000 nuclear weapons. Sending the Chikyu Maru to drill tactical nuclear warheads into the seabed off the shore of Rokkasho Mura is a cabal attempt to blackmail the planet with a nuclear holocaust.
Shoichiro Kobayashi, adviser to Kansai Electric Power, and Yoshiyasu Sato, adviser to Tokyo Electric Power and both members of the Rothschild crime syndicate’s Trilateral commission will be taken in for vigorous questioning about their knowledge of this renewed terror threat. They are expected to sing like canaries and point their fingers directly at the Rockefeller gangsters behind these latest terror threats.
Message to the Rockefeller family: Remove David, David Junior, Nicholas and J. from all responsibility and hand over control of the Rockefeller syndicate to the female members of that family. If you do not, every single descendant of John Rockefeller will be hunted down and eliminated from all levels of existence forever.
While we are at it, we would also like to kindly request that the Du Pont family remove all carcinogens and infertility causing chemicals from their product lines in Japan and elsewhere.
Sources in the Japanese underworld are also now reporting that the Inagawa Kai and Yamaguchi Gumi yakuza gangs are split between those who are still working for the committee of 300 and those who want to restore Japanese independence. The talk is that top committee of 300 traitor slaves Yasuhiro Nakasone and Junichiro Koizumi are headed for punishment from heaven.
Question for Nakasone: “What was in all those blue boxes your people loaded into a submarine and sent to your North Korean homeland?” Was it documentary evidence of your crimes or were you sending Japanese plutonium to North Korea?
The other people on the crime list in Japan are Hisashi Owada from the International Court of Justice and Eiji Katsu from the Ministry of Finance. Owada’s daughter, Princess Masako, recently tried to poison the Japanese Emperor, according to families inside the Royal Household Agency.
The Emperor recently returned from England where he discussed the White Dragon Society, among other subjects, with the Queen. A representative of the emperor asked for a meeting with a representative of the White Dragon Society on May 26th, but the between was abruptly postponed by the Emperor’s side. We do not know why.
We trust the Emperor and the Queen agreed to purge the Satanists from the committee of 300 and support a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. Hand written letters will be delivered to both parties requesting support for such a campaign and requesting their voluntary appearance before a truth and reconciliation committee.
Returning to the situation in Europe, we notice most of the reporting about the “financial crisis,” there leaves out the elephant in the living room, i.e. the 140 nation BRICS alliance.
The link to the following map explains the real reason for the crisis:
Basically, Europe has maxed out its credit card with the rest of the world. The region as a whole needs to negotiate a restructuring of its debt to the rest of the world. The rest of the world is asking for an end to ceaseless warmongering in return. The only European country other than Germany that has enough money to solve the crisis without reference of the rest of the world is Russia. Give Putin a call.
Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, the longest serving Finance Minister in the G8 and a direct participant in the financial negotiations of the past few years, explains the situation very clearly in this op-ed:
Basically, he is saying the Europeans need to take their medicine just like all other countries that went to the IMF for money in the past had to.
The firing of the head of the Vatican bank last week and the turmoil in the Vatican are more signs of the end of an era in Europe.
The situation in the US is also coming to a head. A very senior US agency source asked that the following information be spread far and wide:
President Obama’s social security number 042-68-4425 belonged to a John Paul Ludwig born in 1890. Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham, worked in a probate office in Hawaii where she had access to social security numbers of deceased individuals. Because Ludwig never received Social Security Benefits, there were no benefits to stop, therefore no questions were ever raised.
Dunham, knowing her grandson was not a US citizen, because he was born in Kenya and became a citizen of Indonesia upon his adoption, she scoured the probate records until she found someone who died who was not getting benefits and selected Mr. Ludwig’s for Obama, the agency official explained.
Detailed, indictable criminal evidence against Henry Kissinger was also provided by sources in Indonesia. Basically, Kissinger was involved in the murder of 14,000 Indonesians in Papua New Guinea to facilitate gold mining by Freeport, a company Kissinger advises. Kissinger gets $500,000 a year from them as a board member and gets another $500,000 in consulting fees.
In any case once the corporate government of the US is put out of business, the Renminbi will become the currency of the world. The date given by two insiders for this event is September 16th. We again remind readers that many dates have come and gone without predictions turning true so please remain skeptical and only believe 100% when you actually see it happen.
However, it is true that China has been systematically buying up all natural products like trees, copper, farmland or anything tangible to back a reality based currency.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Child Protection?

This is a horror story.

We present this story to you because, though it is an individual
case, it is a very articulated example of what goes on in great

In Houston, Child Protective Services tried for years to get their
hands on a particular little girl and when they finally did they
put the 3 year old on excessive doses of multiple psychotropic
'medications', which caused the girl unimaginable harm.

NOTE: They call the agency Child Protective Services, but in many
cases that is not an accurate name for it. As I said, this happens
in 'great numbers', so you can expect a follow-up post on this
point very soon.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Never Call Them Archons

Never Call Them Archons – How You Can Help Bust Up the Matrix

This article has been 15 years in the making, as it took that long for me to be able to distill this information into an accessible format.  This is going to represent a few very important pieces of the overall puzzle of how we are going to shift this planet and everyone upon it into an ascended frequency of being.  One key aspect of this shift is going to be the “cleaning up of consciousness” of all of humanity, which is no small task, to be sure.  This article will cover in detail the major obstacle to this consciousness clean-up, as well as a solution that needs your help to succeed.
I briefly wrote last year about a “living cloud of shadows” surrounding this planet, populated by energy parasites.  These parasitic beings have chosen to experiment with the illusions of separation, fear, darkness, isolation, conquering, enslavement, pain, suffering, torture, etc. to the strongest degree possible.  In doing so, they have completely cut themselves off from the nourishing Light of Being that supports life in the universe.  The result is that they must energetically nourish themselves by feeding on low-frequency energies that resonate with their chosen mode of expression.
These beings call themselves “Archons” which means “Rulers” or “Lords” because they see themselves as the rulers and enslavers of humanity.  (The ancient Gnostics first gave them this title in their writings based on direct psychic experiences with these beings.)   While these unseen being’s clever enslavement and manipulation of humanity has been quite successful up until now, I will NEVER address them as my ruler or superior in any way, just like I wouldn’t consider physical, intestinal parasites as my superior even though they might cause me physical discomfort until I remove them from my body. 
Our thoughts have power – much more than we often realize.  Words and titles have power because they frame our thoughts into a certain set of beliefs without us even realizing it.  Calling a “royal” human “Your Highness” automatically places them above you in your mind.  Calling a judge “Your Honor” achieves the same thing.  Therefore it very is important that when you think about these energy parasites, that you NEVER call them “Archon” because you will be literally handing them your power and energy by doing so.
I prefer to call them Ankle Biters.  This lets them know exactly what I think of them, which is that they are lowly parasites, an infection of consciousness that will be purged from my system through proper use of my will via energetic clearing and transmutation.  This also serves to really make them angry which exposes them and makes them easier to deal with.  In spite of their self-proclaimed status as “Rulers” of humanity, they hide like little worms in the shadows of our minds, sending impulses of low-frequency emotion and thought to our ego and emotional bodies in order to elicit a low-frequency emotional energy that they can consume.  Because they love to hide, they need to be “flushed out” into the open in order to be dealt with, so a healthy dose of disrespect and a little arrogance are necessary ingredients when confronting these parasites. 

A Little Back Story

Once upon a time, on this very planet in the far distant past, human beings were infinitely more impressive than we are today.  We were fully telepathic, multi-dimensional beings that could simultaneously perceive and navigate many dimensions at once.  We built vast cities with technology that worked in harmony with Earth’s energetic fields.  We were in full alignment with our Divine Inner Self while expressing ourselves in physicality in a wide variety of life-affirming ways.  This unlimited expression of Divine Selfhood was viewed by the ankle biters as a threat to their very existence, because the 3rd density has been dominated by them for a very long time on other worlds.  To have a 3rd density world be completely free from their manipulations and feeding was something that they could not allow without a fight.  The problem for them was that Earth humans were so powerful we could literally brush them off with a thought.  These beings only have power over others who they have manipulated and put into fear.  A fully aware human who knows their Inner Divine Self cannot be dominated by these parasitic beings in any way.  The ankle biters will simply be metaphorically spanked for misbehaving and sent away.
However, these ankle biters are possibly the most clever manipulators in the universe, simply because ALL they know is manipulation and deceit.  Practice makes perfect, after all.  They studied these immensely powerful humans, lusting after the power and energy that they could drain from them if only they could figure out a way to manipulate, conquer and enslave them.  They devised a plan to very carefully manipulate a few humans in positions of power into making an innocent mistake with terrible, cataclysmic repercussions.  These humans were experimenting with new methods of harnessing and transmitting energy in vast quantities.  The experiments were unprecedented and very ambitious — too ambitious because the ankle biters were secretly influencing some of these humans through their ego mind to push the envelope of what was thought to be possible.
When an advanced phase of testing at the north pole of the planet went disastrously wrong, this large, extremely powerful device exploded with such force that it caused tremendous cataclysms on the planet, rapidly melting huge swaths of ice and creating a flood that destroyed nearly every coastal area on the planet within a day.  The vast amount of death and destruction was unimaginable, and only a remnant of the many billions of humans survived.  Heavily traumatized, grief stricken at the loss of their loved ones and focused only on physical survival, they fled to safe locations to try and rebuild their once great civilization.  This story sounds much like what we know of as the “Fall of Atlantis” but it actually occurred long prior to the civilization of Atlantis, even though it too perished in a similar manner many centuries later.
The incredible trauma of this experience caused a loss of perception in the survivors, making them less aware of the other dimensions that are always mingling with 3rd density.  They simply couldn’t take the time to focus on any other density but this one, because their physical survival depended on being fully focused on the physical realm.  At the same time, the human’s deep emotional pain, grief and wounding gave the ankle biters a tremendous amount of low-frequency energy that they could consume, allowing them to feast on the suffering of the surviving humans and grow more powerful.
The ankle biters found that as long as they stayed carefully hidden that they could send a small thought-form into the minds of the traumatized humans reminding them of all that they had lost.  This would create a cascade of painful thoughts and emotions in the person that would generate more energetic food for the ankle biters.  As each subsequent generation of humanity was born, the ankle biters became more bold and instituted a program of direct interference into human consciousness.  They subliminally programmed humans to be blind to their presence, allowing them to more directly influence a person’s thoughts.  They also programmed human consciousness to recoil away from any mention of the ankle biters or their dark influence over humans, so that when confronted with such information, a person’s immediate response will be disbelief, ridicule and mockery.
Finally, in their most brilliantly sinister move, they reprogrammed the human ego to resemble their own ego, and encouraged the ego consciousness to dominate all other levels of our being.  They essentially reprogrammed humans to be like them:  fearful, jealous, petty, dishonest, brutal, enslaving, murderous, unforgiving, punishing, etc.  This insured that humans would be easy to manage as an energetic food source for thousands and thousands of years.  These layers of programming have been in place in the human thought system ever since, perpetuating the discordant misadventures that we know as human history.

The Dark Control Grid

Over time, the ankle biters built an energy-feeding structure surrounding the entire planet which allows them to automatically gather human-generated low-frequency energy and send fearful or other low-frequency messages into human consciousness to keep people generating energetic food for the ankle biters.  This structure exists in a “higher” density than this one, so it can only be perceived psychically or when out of body.  I first discovered it in 1997 during an out of body journey, but I had no idea what it was.  I was very promptly intercepted by two beings who disguised themselves as “guides” but their energy felt more like prison guards than any kind of benevolent guide. 
Over the years I have gathered information about this control grid, but I still don’t know as much about it as I would like.  Here is what I do know.  This structure is like a dark web of energy surrounding the planet that is heavy and oppressive.  It serves to block energies coming to the Earth from the galactic core and other parts of the galaxy, but it cannot stop them completely.   The grid is programmed with “negative feedback” that sends subtle signals into the sub-conscious and ego mind to keep people focused on low-frequency beliefs and thought patterns. 
This “dark control grid” is programmed with an artificial intelligence to self-repair and notify ankle biters when it is damaged.  The grid supports the ankle biter “collectors”, which are living amoeba-like beings that connect to nearly every person on the planet, soaking up all of the low-frequency energies that we give off in our daily lives.  Ankle biters travel through this grid to attend to problems or directly oppress a person who’s energy frequency is getting too lofty for the dark agenda.  The “bosses” in the ankle-biter hierarchy usually appear with a “reptilian” humanoid appearance, although they can disguise themselves with many different appearances.
The ankle biters have leveraged their advantages over humans to completely corrupt what we think of as “human nature.”  You may be wondering what “human nature” would be without these ankle biters and their dark control grid.  What has been thought of as “human nature” to lie, cheat, steal, rape, enslave and murder is a false program installed into the human mind, and is NOT truly human nature at all.  True human nature is compassionate, caring, sensitive, loving, forgiving, cooperative, empathic, creative, energetic, joyful, inquisitive, irrepressible, non-conformist, uplifting and DIVINE.  In order to reestablish our TRUE human nature, we need to jettison the false programming of the ankle biters.

Restoring Your Divine Nature

The restoration of your awareness that you are Divine is the primary exists.  The energy clearing tools are designed to allow you to gently dissolve the false layers of illusions that have been placed into your consciousness over many lifetimes so that you can re-discover your “Higher Self” which is actually your Inner Divine Self.  We start off each incarnation with our Divine Self fully seated within the heart center of our physical bodies, which is why children are so energetic and wonderful.  Then as authority figures, media, peers, the dark control grid, and the world at large convince a child that they are NOT divine, this inner divine energy leaves the body and sits above a person, waiting patiently to be reintegrated back into the heart center once again.  Because our divine energy is seemingly “above” us, it gets termed the Higher Self.
So from this point forward, whenever you hear “Higher Self” in any of the AscensionHelp recordings or anywhere else, please substitute “Inner Divine Self” and notice the subtle but powerful shift in your awareness that arises from this change.  Instead of seeing your Divine Self’s light above you, see it emanating from your heart center.  Instead of bringing an aspect of your divine nature into you, you are going to be expanding it from deep within you.  It may seem like a small thing, but this difference is very powerful, I assure you.
Once your Divine Inner Light is expanded from your heart and surrounding your entire body, you can send a beam of loving energy to the core of the planet interact with it energetically.  All of this can be done without drawing too much ankle biter attention to yourself, so stick to this when you need a smooth, easy, uplifting energy experience with minimal “push back” from the control grid.

Dissolving the Dark Control Grid

As I mentioned before, one of the dark control grid’s functions is to block energy coming to Earth from the galactic core.  Fortunately, this grid has been weakened, and it has “holes” in it allowing the galactic energy to come through in ever increasing amounts.  The ankle biters know that their time is almost up, and they are desperately doing everything that they can to keep human consciousness in a low-frequency state.  One result of their increasing desperation is that they are aggressively interfering with anyone who is raising their consciousness and frequency rate.  That means you, and that means me.  This is war to them, and they will do whatever they can to keep you, me and everyone feeling sad, fearful, depressed, disempowered, etc.  One look at the news will confirm this. 
So what can you do to help this situation?  A lot!  The “basic training” in energy-clearing is given freely in the Self-Clearing System.  You will need to apply the minor changes in focus I wrote about above so that you are fully aware that you are tapping into your own Inner Divine Power and unleashing it.  Always remember that YOU are the Power that these ankle biters covet and feed from.  They pretend to be strong, but their strength comes from YOU.  Ankle biters have NOTHING within them that is anywhere NEAR as powerful as a single human being with full awareness of their True Divine Nature.
Once your Inner Divine Light is expanded and you are connected to the Earth’s core, imagine that you are projecting a beam of light from your Divine Inner Core straight up and into the core of the galaxy.  Your light beam will pierce the Dark Control Grid and arrive at the galactic core almost instantly.  Then say to the Galactic Core, “I am ready to be a Galactic Conduit” at which point you will receive a “Cosmic Flush” of galactic energy.  This is a minor change from the way of doing the cosmic flush in the original Self-Clearing System recordings, because YOU are initiating the energetic connection to the Galactic Core, then acting as a Galactic Conduit for the Galaxy’s consciousness to transmit its energy directly through you and into the planet.  This is an important distinction because it reinforces the notion that YOU are the Power that is initiating the cosmic flush.  You’re not a weak little person asking for help from the galactic core, but rather you are a powerful, incredibly important player in this cosmic game of chess that is nearing the endgame. Without YOU volunteering to be a Galactic Conduit, it would be much more difficult to dissolve the dark control grid when the time is right.
Imagine hundreds and thousands of people all over the planet piercing the dark control grid and conducting a Cosmic Flush directly into the planet’s core, and that light spreading to everyone who can receive it.  Imagine the ankle biters dashing around frantically trying to repair the holes in the control grid while the people stand strong as Galactic Conduits in spite of the ankle biter’s attempts to get them to stop and think fearful or sad thoughts instead. 

Kicking the Ant Hill

I know that the idea of attracting ankle biter attention isn’t very appealing, and I would certainly prefer to relax on a beach in Hawaii, but the fact remains that they will interfere with anyone who is actively raising their frequency of consciousness, and they have done so throughout human history.  Their favorite technique is to send in a reminder about things that are “wrong” in your life, especially if they can distract you into blaming someone else for that “problem” that is suddenly on your mind.  Other dirty tricks they use are distractions to do something fun or something you “need” to do, as long it gets you to STOP embodying a high frequency energy state.  Sometimes they will launch an all out psychic attack.  Often, they will attempt to get at you while you are asleep or doing something unrelated to energy work.  All of these tricks can be countered. 
When you notice ankle biters trying to interfere with your thoughts, emotions or energy, immediately start expanding your Divine Inner Light from your heart until it surrounds your body.  This pure, intense light of your Divine Being is painful for these low-frequency ankle biters to be near, and they will withdraw.  (I think this may be where the myth of the “blood sucking” vampire who can’t stand sunlight comes from…)  However, even when withdrawn, the ankle biters will have a thin “energy tube” connected to you somewhere in your consciousness that they will use to send harmful energy or siphon off your emotional energy.
Command from your Divine Core that the ankle biters present be captured in “containment orbs,” which are energetic spheres of light that keep them from running away and hiding.  Then do an energy refund to send their “tubes” and any other connections they have formed in your consciousness back to them.  Now, for just a few moments, it’s ok to get a little angry as a temporary way to rise above feeling helpless.  Not blinding rage, but a little righteous indignation that these parasites have been messing with you is OK to entertain for a moment.  This is a step up from feeling like a helpless victim to these parasites, which is how they WANT you to feel.  Just don’t stay angry for long, and instead work to move your frequency higher.  Staying totally calm and forgiving should be your ultimate goal, but if a little anger helps get you out of feeling like a victim to the parasites, go for it.  I tell you this so that you don’t “feel bad” if you get mad at these parasites for a moment.  However, it is important not to engage them in a constant state of anger, as that anger energy will actually FEED them, which we obviously don’t want.
Once they are contained, imagine that you are grabbing them and “squeezing” them to get them to let go of YOUR energy that they have been draining from you.  See that low-frequency energy pooling in front of you, then hit it with a blast of light from your heart to purify and transmute it back to a state of pure energy, and reclaim that energy back into your being. 
At this point, the ankle biters will be upset and trying to make you feel bad about yourself in any way that they can.  I suggest that you laugh at them and remind them that they were NEVER given permission to take your energy or enslave humanity.  Then ask the Galaxy Being to “arrest” them and offer them the choice of returning to the light or being incarcerated somewhere that they can’t harm or drain anyone, ever again.  In the past, I used to do a “catch and release” with the ankle biters, but things have changed.  We are nearing the point where it is time to fully remove the ankle biters’ influence from Earth, and to dismantle their dark control grid.  This means that it is ok to ask the Galaxy Being to incarcerate these ankle biters, and to offer them the option to begin healing and gradually coming back to the light. 
Offering them the chance to heal and return to the light is an important point to focus on.  Ultimately, everything in the universe comes from a single Divine Consciousness, even the darkest of the ankle biters.  This means they will eventually re-align themselves with the light and begin their journey of returning to Source, so we are simply acting as Divine Conduits to assist this process to unfold more rapidly.  Ankle biters won’t see this as a good thing due to their lack of empathy, and they may even try to make you feel like you are violating their free will.  However, humanity’s free will has been repeatedly violated by these parasitic beings, so they are no longer allowed total free will.  The only choices remaining to them are to heal and return to the light, or to remain as they are while being “incarcerated” and prevented from harming anyone else.

The Beginning of the End of the Darkness

The ankle biters are not going to give up easily, and they are already fighting back with everything they have.  Their increased frequency and intensity of attacks on lightworkers and casual meditators alike reveals their desperation.  They have been weakened by the generally rising consciousness on the planet and they are very dangerous, like an animal backed into a corner. 
In order for the plan to remove their influence from human consciousness to work, we need an army of lightworkers expanding their Inner Divine Light and acting as Galactic Conduits, piercing the dark control grid full of holes that allow tremendous light to stream into the earth.  If we can do our part here on the ground, the non-incarnated members of the Forces of Light will be able to make the final move and strip away the dark control grid from this planet, resulting in an instant uplifting of all life on Earth.
I can’t emphasize strongly enough how important this step is in our planetary ascension.  This dark control grid has been corrupting and stifling human consciousness for many, many millennia.  When it is removed along with the ankle biters, it will be like an instant consciousness expansion for every person on the planet.  Imagine everyone suddenly being free of the “dark side of human nature” so that the true glory of loving human consciousness can expand within the hearts and minds of everyone on Earth.  I wrote about this in my December message as if it was just a thought exercise.  It’s much more than that, it is part of our journey of awakening that must occur.  Most people won’t even know what happened, just that they feel MUCH better, more relaxed, happier and ready to help others.

No Obligation!

It is up to you if you want to participate at this level, and it is fine if you don’t want to or you aren’t able due to circumstances in your life.  If things are energetically smooth in your life and you are not drawn to the idea of helping with the clean-up of the ankle biters, I fully respect that decision.  This path is truly NOT for everyone, so you must check with your Inner Divine Self to see if this is for you.  However, if you want to “seize the moment” and use this opportunity to become more powerful, compassionate and ultimately more forgiving, this might be for you.  Also, if you find that you are experiencing psychic attacks from the ankle biters, you are already part of the final showdown.  If this is the case for you, I strongly urge you to incorporate the techniques laid out in this article to more effectively deal with the ankle biters.
 If you like the idea of being part of the group that is directly working to strip the dark control grid away from planet earth, then I welcome you to the Galactic Conduit Team!  To participate, at least once a day, simply do the focus/meditation described above, expanding your Inner Divine Light, connecting to the Earth’s core and the Galactic Core, state your intention to serve as a Galactic Conduit and let the energy flow, piercing a nice big hole in the dark control grid.  When the ankle biters show up, contain them, gently laugh at them, defy them, reclaim your energy from them, refund their machinations back to them, and have the Galaxy Being “arrest” them. 

Your Subconscious Environment

It is important to be aware that the ankle biters use our own sub-conscious beliefs as “portals” into our psyche.  Every unhealed wound in our sub-conscious is like a “pressure point” that they can squeeze to elicit an emotional response from us.  This is one reason why self-clearing is so important.  Whenever you deal with ankle biters, after you have had them “arrested,” be sure to take some time to work on peeling the deeper layers of sub-conscious issues that they used to hook into you in the first place.  See the Self-Clearing System for more details on how to do this level of energy work on yourself.
Ankle biters will very often manipulate people in their dream state to reinstall or strengthen limiting sub-conscious programming.  Fear is their primary tool, so they will embed fearful scenarios in the dream state in order to make a person susceptible to their programming.  It is very much like a form of hypnotic suggestion, and it requires tremendous self-awareness to break free from this programmed mind system.  Each night before you go to sleep, invoke your Divine Inner Self from your heart and declare that you will dream safely within your Divine Inner Light.  State that you intend to remember ALL of your dreams, so that you can dissolve any limiting sub-conscious beliefs that are revealed in your dreams.
In the morning, take 10 minutes to reclaim energy from any limitations or fears that were exposed in your dreams.  Even if you can’t remember them, take those few minutes to expand your Inner Divine Light, clear your energy field and start your day from your inner divine inspiration.
The more clear you get, the less the ankle biters will be able to manipulate you into low-frequency emotional patterns.  Always remind yourself, “I am the Power they want” and then stand strong in the power of your Divine Inner Self.  Blaze your light like a million suns, for you are so much more than you realize, and soon you willknow without any doubt how powerful you truly are.
Much Love,
Cameron Day

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Fulford Report

Time for China to stop supporting fascist US regime

We would like to start this week’s report with a special message to Chinese President Hu Jintao: The Chinese people asked the creator to grant the peaceful rise of China to the center of the world stage. You were told this would happen but that you had to promise to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. You have now presided over one of the greatest periods in China’s long and glorious history. However, you were not able to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. We ask you to please not stand in the way of people who wish to accomplish these goals. Specifically, we would like you to stop subsidizing the illegal fascist Obama corporate government with Chinese money. In 2011 alone you supplied them with $295 billion in Chinese subsidies. Please stop doing this. Thank you.
And now for the news:
satanic Sabbatean cult that illegally seized power in Western Europe and the US is now a dangerous, injured beast threatening to once again unleash nuclear terror. A British Intelligence source said that a bomb that was intended to go off in London was a Ukranian SS19 that had been “dialed down” from a maximum blast of 500 kilotons to 100 kilotons. This weapon was then traced from England to Germany and may now be in Japan, he said. He said the weapon would be brought into Japan (if it has not already been) via submarine from cabal bases in Sao Tome and New Guinea.
The likely offloading point would be the Miura peninsula, according to this source. Japanese AWACS planes should be able to detect the bomb during transportation because it will be unshielded. The bomb in London was brought in at a time when for mysterious reasons someone senior at the British Ministry of Defense ordered all British AWACS to be grounded, he said.
These nuclear missiles were part of a batch sold by Russian arms dealer Victor Bout, the source said. Iran also bought some of these weapons, he said.
This new, detailed intelligence dovetails with what other sources, including an FSB agent going by the name Richard Sorge and a close relative of the Shah of Iran, said.
This satanic group will also make another push to start World War 3 in Iran, he and other sources said.
So that, it seems, was the real secret agenda of the meeting of NATO terrorist states this past weekend in Chicago.
There also reports that a large shipment of stolen gold was displayed to NATO leaders in Chicago.
Somehow this group of criminals thinks that more mass murder and stolen gold will allow them to continue their regime of murder, bribery, lies and terror but they can rest assured their days are numbered even if they do manage a bit more horror.
It is also now clear that we are dealing with a sub-group within and outside of the committee of 300 and not the entire committee.
Last week the ailing Emperor Akihito of Japan made a rare overseas trip to visit Queen Elizabeth in England. This visit coincides with an offer by the committee of 300 to the White Dragon Society to make 7000 trillion yen available for ending poverty and stopping environmental destruction. That would be enough to provide over $120,000 for every man woman and child on earth.
In early April, a person claiming to represent the “Dragon Family Royal Society,” came to Japan to meet with White Dragon representatives. He claimed his group represented ancient Asian as well as European royal families. He said a man by the name of Hiroshi Nakano worked for them and was “above” Emperor Akihito. He was asked at the time to prove this by getting a hand written letter from Emperor Akihito to Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa asking for the above-mentioned funds to be made available.
At the time, he was only able to offer a letter from Princess Masako. Masako is the daughter of Hisashi Owada, a World Court Judge and a Rockefeller Trilateral stooge.
Nonetheless, for now the funds are still being frozen by people connected to the P2 freemason lodge. The public obstacle seems to be the Washington D.C. corporate government using President Obama as his figurehead and senior Chinese government officials friendly to the P2 fascists. The secret obstacle is a new P2 leader whose identity we are now closing in on.
In a move that may be related to that, a young woman in Europe contacted this writer saying a Mafia friend of her family told her she was to be made a human sacrifice by people working for Lord Nicholas Windsor, a direct descendant of King George V and a senior P2 lodge member. Her testimony was detailed, coherent and consistent with other reports of human sacrifice at the P2 Lodge. Well Lord Windsor, do you publicly advocate your opposition to abortion so that you can have more sacrifice victims for your rituals or are you unaware your employees are accusing you of participating in murderous Satanic rituals? We have contacted Lord Windsor’s public relations manager and asked for comment as well.
In any case, recently new major power groups offered to support the goals of the White Dragon Society: the Turkish government, the ancient Middle-Eastern order of assassins and the spiritual war leader of Turtle Island (North America).
The Turkish government invited a White Dragon Society member to Turkey last week where they offered official support in the campaign against the Sabbatean cabal. This is significant because the cabal traces its origins to Turkey and it has many ancient and powerful enemies in that land. The Turks were advised to put pressure on the Gulf slave states run by Sabbatean satanic pseudo-muslims.
The survivors of the original assassin cult from the Middle East, who fled to India and elsewhere after the Mongols destroyed their main fortress, have also pledged their services towards removing the Satanic cabal from power.
Also, the White Dragon Society was offered support by William Twofeather, an Apache war-chief and spiritual war leader of the original native inhabitants of Turtle Island (they call North America Turtle Island because it is shaped like a turtle).
Twofeather told the story of how a group of 30 Apache warriors defeated a US army of 3000 in one of their most famous exploits. Their warriors buried themselves in the ground and breathed through straws. A few carefully camouflaged look-outs waited until the commanding general and his staff were near the warriors before giving the signal to attack. The US force was thus decapitated and demoralized before it even knew what hit them. This is the exact sort of tactic needed to defeat the cabal. Concentrate on the leaders.
Twofeather was told by tribal elders to visit Japan, Korea, China and the rest of the world to disseminate secret teachings of the Apache and other first nations of Turtle Island. These are mostly spiritual teachings but also involve some very dangerous secret knowledge that can only be passed on to trusted and morally upright people.
Twofeather is also a veteran of the US marine special forces and a proud American who is appalled at what has happened to the country he fought for.
Humanity must be set free

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Watch Pot

The Watch Pot
My Grandmother always told me: “The watch pot never boils” and it wasn’t until years later that I even knew what that meant. It strikes me now more than ever as entirely prophetic.
On so many fronts we’re waiting for the fruition of, truth, events unfolding, ancient prophecy playing out, radiation pollution, the revaluation of world currency etc...I know I’m missing many personal ‘watch pots’ as well.
The gurus and watch pot experts clamor to the fore front of the “worthy” podium, each one desperate to catch truth/prophecy on the cusp of release and go down as “the one”.
Frustration runs on high as each day squeezes from an uneventful stage of waiting. Even when I was a child and knew of the exact arrival of Santa Claus, I was frustrated because I always drifted to sleep before he got there. I woke on Christmas morning to find he’d come and gone, but the gifts he’d left supplanted my disappointment, and the half eaten cookies and empty milk glass were evidence enough.
And then, one day I found out there was no such thing as Santa Claus, nor Easter Bunny, and my fantasy world came crashing down. The first metallic taste of cynicism began to emerge and grow from that point on. Doubt began to manifest when words left the mouths of the “adult truth tellers”, adults weren’t part of any credibility in my kid world for a good long time.
I began to stir the pot of my own truth and seriously began to wonder why I’d been released into this world of false prophecy. Things were never as they were advertised, bright pictures and clever packaging always turned to mundane lackluster plastic replicas.
I began to imagine that anything coming into my life via the future would always disappoint me, and to a great extent I was never let down.
Until I understood that it just wasn’t a good idea to “hope” good things into my life. I knew early on I would “fail” according to the system, I proved it over and again just by showing up.
Survival depended on simply knowing I could at least clear my own happy path of existence without having to be let down by empty promises.
This coping mechanism lead me to where I am today minus the cynicism because I’ve always known there was no room for me within the status quo. I was average at best in my own estimation, a rudder looking for a ship.
Again, here I am today, the ‘watch pot’ sits on top of the future, we’re all aware of that. Vultures lurk above as they were born to do, it’s all they know, so how can they be at fault?
We are here behind our collective goggles, the wind is in our faces because this  ride has been in progress since we were born to it, no?
There is no riding in “front” for the lucky ones that may see the first of many twists and near crashes. We were all born riding in the front, that’s why we are here, maybe the “pretend riders” think they are in front, and they profess to know our collective direction, but then we all know this ride has never had a definitive direction. How could it?
I’m here because I put myself here. No one told me it would be in my best interest to fail most of my life, to always be searching and uncovering, to hurt emotionally on purpose, to cast aside apparent happiness as though it wasn’t deserved. I know now that it’s all part of this ride and I have to remember the watch pot can’t be hurried, or its portent pretended.
When nothing matches but it fits the perfect symphony of all that is and ever will be according to a certain something we are all feeling, that’s apparently when the watch pot may boil.
But I don’t know for sure, does anyone? I only know why I’m here, because I happened to be replete with all the amazing faults of an imperfect/perfect world.
I’m ready to keep riding.