“Billion-Aires ”
It’s in the stars, it’s been written into our blood ions ago.
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
In this theater, it’s all planned years in advance, only now, they’re running ‘off their’ script. Their ‘official’ timeline has officially ended because in the universe there’s something occurring that ‘they’ have known about all along. It’s a combination of evolution/revolution and an extreme awakening amongst a worldwide population, a ‘prison break’ from the inside out. The universal law is riding into town through your mind...again.
Have you ever sat down to play a game you’ve never played before, with a group of people that are extremely knowledgeable as to all the rules and mechanics behind this game? Also, keep in mind, this game is very flexible according to the rules, they can be changed and rewritten to always benefit the group of people that invented this game. You’d never consider playing in this game would you? No one would. That’s a choice we’d never even consider, that’s a gamble worse than gambling.
You see, here’s the deal. It’s not a concept, it’s an evolution. There’s a lot of ‘finger pointing’ going on right now behind doors and walls that have eyes and ears. The rats/leaders taking orders handed down from on high, have suddenly awakened to the fact that they are liable/accountable for any and all activity, not only from here on out, but from here, and before.
All the covert agencies with the official looking logos and badges designed to instill fear and angst, or conversely, the ‘illusion’ of security/comfort for the masses, has always been in place as more of a way to keep all the ‘official’ ponies in their respective ‘order’.
The agencies are more a part of covert, corporate espionage, a watchful ‘handler/punisher’ always at the ready and in perfect symphony with their trusty media lap dogs. Did you ever notice how sudden a politician/corporate officer/military general can have such a ‘tragic’ fall from grace?
Now, before you run off because you saw the word below, or you saw the word below and decided to stick around, or maybe you aren’t even here still, just humor yourself for a few seconds more, the TV isn’t leaving the wall.
The Bible
The Bible (from Koine Greek τὰ βιβλία, tà biblía, "the books") is a canonical collection of texts considered sacred in Judaism as well as in Christianity. The term Bible is shared between the two religions, although the contents of each of their collections of canonical texts is not the same. Different religious groups include different books within their canons, in different orders, and sometimes divide or combine books, or incorporate additional material into canonical books.
Picture from a 1550 edition of On the Sphere of the World, the most influential astronomy textbook of 13th-century Europe.
Canon: A regulation or dogma decreed by a church council.
Dogma: The origin of the word dogma acts as a reminder to English speakers that now-established principals and doctrines were once simply thoughts and opinions of ordinary people that gained popularity and eventually found their way into the universal consciousness of society. 20th century American academic and aphorist Mason Cooley concisely observed that “Under attack, sentiments harden into dogma,” suggesting that dogma is spawned as a defensive act. This idea implies that for every dogma that exists, there is a counter dogma. With so many “truths” out there, there is sure to be a dogma to conveniently fit every set of beliefs.
allegory |ˈaləˌgôrē| noun
a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one:
allegorist |-ist | noun
Allegory is a literary device in which characters or events in a literary, visual, or musical art form represent or symbolize ideas and concepts. Allegory has been used widely throughout the histories of all forms of art; a major reason for this is its immense power to illustrate complex ideas and concepts in ways that are easily digestible and tangible to its viewers, readers, or listeners. An allegory conveys its hidden message through symbolic figures, actions, imagery, and/or events. Allegory is generally treated as a figure of rhetoric; a rhetorical allegory is a demonstrative form of representation conveying meaning other than the words that are spoken.
The new 'goldfish' in the invisible bowl. |
Imagine waking from a dream, but questioning the very ‘reality’ to which you’ve just awakened to. Do you? Have you? Are you?
Have you ever wondered how you’d control the universe if you were an extremely wealthy/psychopathic/pedophile/inbred border line non-human being? No?
Well, guess what? There just happens to be billions of others who feel the same way and have absolutely no imagination of such a thing either. But do not place your very ‘human traits’ within this process of imagining. Congratulations, you’re a normal human being.
Because if you did...
Then the world as we now know it, would be a very different place, or would it? Maybe the world would be in such a dire mess, that a completely unsuspecting public, mired in the worst sorts of snaking distractions/dillusions, would for the most part, just accept it as ‘their’ reality. They’d just build their beliefs around what everyone else was told and ‘believed’ and excepted. There’d be people just like them, only they’d have special degrees and licenses to direct the lives of others and somehow that would just be ‘right’.
Maybe their lives would be much like a goldfish in a bowl, to him, that’s his universe/world. He’s got no clue his world is within a house, inside a town, near a city...well, you get the idea.
Here’s a portion of an old experiment, it’s the classic frog in the boiling water. This was taken from Wikipedia:
“Several experiments involving recording the reaction of frogs to slowly heated water took place in the 19th century. In 1869, while doing experiments searching for the location of the soul, German physiologist Friedrich Goltz demonstrated that a frog that has had its brain removed will remain in slowly heated water, but his intact frogs attempted to escape the water.[4][16]
Other experiments showed that frogs did not attempt to escape gradually heated water. An 1872 experiment by Heinzmann demonstrated that a normal frog would not attempt to escape if the water was heated slowly enough,[17] which was corroborated in 1875 by Fratscher.[18]
Goltz raised the temperature of the water from 17.5 °C to 56 °C in about ten minutes, or 3.8 °C per minute, in his experiment which prompted normal frogs to attempt to escape, whereas Heinzmann heated the frogs over the course of 90 minutes from about 21 °C to 37.5 °C, a rate of less than 0.2 °C per minute.[4] One source from 1897 says, "in one experiment the temperature was raised at a rate of 0.002°C per second, and the frog was found dead at the end of 2½ hours without having moved."
This experiment has been widely disputed on many levels and what’s most interesting to me is that I imagine it would probably be tough to get a frog to sit still long enough to be agreeable to his bath.
But, the glaring thing really striking me, is that a real live human being, just might. I don’t think it would be as confining as a nice hot bath/Jacuzzi. I do think it would be entirely easier and possible within a blizzard of all encompassing, pleasurable distractions.
In order to control the masses of people in this world, a certain 'hive mentality' needs to be established according to their specific social identifications. Concepts of 'invisible' control are established and decided upon by people you've never heard of, nor are you meant to. You are given specific targets in the media to 'hold' your focus of attention such as celebrities/politicians/media personalities. You're divided by religion, politics, career, education, and most importantly, useless distraction.
If I were one of those bad ‘psychos’ running the world, I’d definitely want to surround myself with guys like me, and Edward Bernays. A man that was expert at surrounding human beings with amazing ‘bath water’.
He wrote a fantastic essay called: “The Engineering of Consent” first published in 1947.
Here’s a little dip:
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society.”
This sounds very benign, straightforward and matter of fact, which is just the way Bernays operated. No one really heard much about him. He organized massive ad campaigns for huge corporations and was responsible for bringing women smokers out into the public with his famous sales slogan for their cigarettes: “Torches of Freedom” .
“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.”
Edward Bernays
Edward Louis Bernays (November 22, 1891 – March 9, 1995) is considered one of the fathers of the field of (propaganda) public relations along with Ivy Lee. |
Bernays was Austrian American and the nephew of Sigmund Freud. He’d decided to change the word, ‘propaganda’ to, ‘public relations’ after the negativity connected to Hitler’s propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. Much to Bernays’s surprise, he’d later find that Goebbels referred to a lot of what Bernays had written. He pioneered the use of third party authorities in pushing political and social agendas. Interestingly, he’s also quoted:
“It is sometimes possible to change the attitudes of millions but impossible to change the attitude of one man.”
This quote alone is probably the biggest reason for me writing this essay. I've probably already written too much. I could dig up hundreds of names and quotes to prove just as many points as to how we got from there to here, blah, blah. There are hundreds of writers too, who could do a far more comprehensive and engaging job of it as well. It should be, at this point in the ethos, most apparent that change is reaching into your mind, through your mind. If you've made it here, this far, you're looking to explore that 'splinter' in your mind, the seed that started millions of years ago.
My appeal though, is to the, ‘one’ . That single drop in this vast ocean of humanity that just may have rolled out of his or her bed today and wondered for the first time, ‘why’ bumblebees know just how many flowers to tend, and then find their way back home.
This is the mind/universe/man/change/evolution ‘one’ I’m looking to shine to. The one person teetering on the edge of the fence and a hard place. That's how the universe/nature works, on an individual basis, yet all part of the whole, no one part more, or less important.
There's no place to 'look' for the answers, no 'thing' to buy, or 'watch', or sign, or drive/join/learn/engineer, get a loan, or study for.
Because, a single seed does not need to be convinced/coaxed, in it’s natural mission. It’s simply part of the universe that is always at its disposal, and it begins to expand. It quietly synthesizes light that is issued to it from a star/sun, millions of miles away. It is a living, functioning entity, impossible to duplicate in the most technologically sophisticated laboratory anywhere on earth.
You, come from the union of an ovum, 100 microns in diameter, and a spermatozoon, about 55 microns long, and nearly microscopic. Your mind is an exact hologram of the universe and it contains vast stores of information, technology, beauty, and most of all, love. It's all there, inside you, born with you.
To use another metaphor, we are fields of flowers. Nature dictates these flowers will all bloom, not all at the same time, and none will experience entirely the same elements of growth. We are experiencing exponential change/evolution, from the inside out. Some of us have not gotten the message yet, but it’s impossible, that nature, at some point won’t get to you. The amazing part about it is that you don’t have to do anything but let it happen.
All that is, is what was, before we became a part of it. What is truly magnificent, is to be a part of it.