Eagle Donaldson

My Awakening
For years, I was under the ‘spell’ of the slavery system going about life doing what we were taught to do. Working hard for that all mighty dollar to buy crap we mostly don’t need and paying taxes and bills. I’ve been disgusted at the value placed on land and homes. WHO set these rates and WHY do people pay them? Why are there homeless, starving and sick people in this world? These are problems I’ve had with the slavery system and I couldn’t understand why people played the game. Insanity.
I’ve slowly woken up following conspiracy theorists, research on my own and finally finding answers as to WHO rules and WHY. My progress has been quite an education going down many rabbit holes. Understanding the system – who runs it and why – is the first step to true freedom from the ‘slavery system’. It’s an eye opener. I no longer fear the system.
I lost my corporate job a year ago and live on unemployment and food stamps, like so many other people in these troubling times. By using my existing skills and developing new skills, I’m communicating with people around the world, assisting with Fix The World Project, volunteering with GG Trust, being the key blogger on Free At Last and uniting with many beautiful souls in this Freedom movement. I’ve helped co-create with campaigns to OPPT-in with pictures, petitions, craigslist announcements and anyway I can DO in the NOW to just BE.  It’s quite invigorating!!
I am awake today; I am Free, coming out of my slumber into awareness has been very liberating for my soul.  I still live in a duality with an enlightened heart and mind while residing in a slave based environment. This freedom allows me to BE and DO for the first time in my life. I love who I am and my skills learned along the way allow me to do the things I love; now to put them to practical use to be myself. True hearts are uniting and our collective energy is manifesting on GAIA bringing the change many awakened souls have been longing for.
I look at my world with my heart instead of my mind and see a totally different beautiful place.
For more of Eagle’s writing go to http://shiftshaper.org/freeatlast/category/eagles-blog-2/
This writing for OPPT-IN first appeared here http://shiftshaper.org/freeatlast/2013/02/04/my-awakening/
Eagle also has a facebook group about OPPT http://www.facebook.com/groups/FreeAtLastDiscussion/