Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekly geo-political news and analysis

Asian or Roman pope next? Also, North Korea seeks political union with South

This week the papal conclave starts and two well-connected insiders each have a different version of who will be pope. A senior member of the Italian P2 Freemason Lodge and of the Teutonic Knights says that, in a move to court Asia, the next pope will be Cardinal Louis Antonio Tagle of the Philippines. However, a European based CIA source says it will be a Venetian nobleman by the name of “Anthony Scola [the Cardinal of Milan], count on it.”
While this is going on, North Korea is making public nuclear threats to South Korea while secretly proposing a union between North and South Korea with Northern political leadership and Southern economic control, according to Japanese military intelligence and North Korean yakuza sources.
The Sabbatean Mafiosi, who were pushing for a unified Muslim/Christian one world religion secretly controlled by Satanists are, for their part, still desperately trying to start World War 3 in the Middle East, this time by using a false flag chemical weapons attack in Syria, according to Mossad sources.
There is also a squad of cabalist assassins stationed in Rome now trying to make sure certain large drug money laundering institutions like Bank of America,
Baine Capital, Mellon Bank and some other major Chicago mob (Obama) interests are not bankrupted by reforms to the BIS and the Vatican Bank, according to a P2 Lodge source. With the criminal persecution of former Prime Minister Berlusconni and the fall of the Bush family and their ally Ted Turner (of CNN), among others, these “Khazarian Mafiosi” are like cornered, dangerous animals, the source adds.
If the reformist faction of the Vatican succeeds in selecting Cardinal Tagle, who is of mixed Castilian, Chinese and Philippino descent, then there could be trouble. Tagle is one of only two candidates for Pope who has not been implicated in sexual scandals, according to a group representing victims of sexual abuse by priests.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

As Of About 3 Weeks Ago, OPPT Has Legally Foreclosed ALL Corporations

As Of About 3 Weeks Ago, OPPT Has Legally Foreclosed ALL Corporations…Yep, The PTB Are Now The Powers That Used To Be
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 6-Mar-2013 22:12:11
One People’s Public Trust Lawfully Forecloses Corporations, Banks and Governments for Operating Slavery and Private Money Systems.
By Andy Whiteley
Co-Founder of Wake Up World and Being of the Creator
Many of you have heard… many have not. Announced publicly on 25 December 2012, the system of Corporate-Governmental rule has been foreclosed. Legally foreclosed… via one of its own mechanisms. The “Powers That Be” are now the “Powers That Were”. All debt has been erased and corporations – including but not limited to Corporate Governments and Banks – have been foreclosed.
Sure, they may continue to play along in hopes we will play along with them. But thanks to a series of UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) filings made by the One People’s Public Trust (known as OPPT) the choice is now yours to make. A new framework for social governance is now in effect; a fact that has been ratified by the ‘legal’ framework of its corporate-controlled predecessor.
Systemically speaking… WE ARE FREE!!
(Get comfortable folks – this is a long article but it’s one you can’t afford to miss!!) 
One People’s Public Trust
The conclusion of legal actions taken by the OPPT have generated a lot of excitement. And rightly so!The potential for positive change it creates is MOMENTUS!
But before we get into the implications I’d like to present to you the “what happened” and “how” of the situation.
Corporate-controlled Government and corporate-controlled Media refuse to announce their own demise – for obvious reason. So as informed global citizens, I believe our role is to understand what happened and how, so that we can inform others… and finally start the process of worldwide change we’ve all been waiting for. 
But First, A Reality Check
Before I go on, allow me to state a few facts up front.
1) Governments are were Corporations. The Corporate Government phenomenon is not only demonstrated by the way “governments” behave as Beneficiaries (not as Trustees) of the government Trust, but the paper-trail also proves it! The United States, Canada, Australia, The United Kingdom, France, Italy, Brazil, Japan, South Africa…. and the list goes on…. all are US-based corporate entities, registered as such with the United States Security & Exchanges Commission… and operating as such at our expense. “The system” is oligarchical in nature, in that it is geared only to profit “the few” while the rest of us work to support it.
2) Persons are were corporations: At birth, a birth certificate application is signed by your parents which is used by Corporate Government to commence a Trust in your name. This Trust is used as collateral, and a collateral account is created and funded in your name. You are the Beneficiary of this Trust… but no-one tells you it exists. If you do not complete a Will by the age of 7, Corporate Government declares you deceased – under admiralty law of all things! – and you are officially considered by the system to be “lost at sea”. Seriously. Corporate Government then assumes financial control of your estate, and they – aware that most of us do in fact live beyond 7 – continue to treat us as living slaves. The funds generated by monetizing your life – using you as collateral – are loaned to you when you apply for bank finance, mortgages etc. You are then forced to work to repay those funds – plus interest – back to the system. Legally, you have no rights because you’re considered “dead” by the age of 7. You lose.
(Click here for more information on the Government Trust relationship).
3) Mass media is the tool used by Corporate Governments to deliver propaganda directly to your home. It is used to manipulate public perceptions of Corporate Government actions and inactions, to reinforce social norms, limits and behaviours, and to sell you crap by creating a “need” and then providing you with a product to fulfill it. And it isn’t limited just to Media; the psychology of the “old” paradigm is reinforced through educational and religious institutions as well.
Corporations, Governments and Media all tell the same lies. They are all part of the same beast.
4) As a result, the world’s economic structure is was a mechanism of mass slavery. Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property, and are forced to work. Slaves are held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, or to refuse to work.
Sound familiar?
You were born into “the system” without any say in how it works…
The Rest Of A Long Read: