Sunday, June 30, 2013

Amazing Facts: Stonehenge Construction in 1954 (108 pics)

Amazing Facts: Stonehenge Construction in 1954 (108 pics)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Peace Officers by Graham Hayward

Peace Officers by Graham Hayward

A conversation with myself about police officers.

*What is it that makes them seem so unapproachable?
*The uniform?
*Well, that’s obvious, but if you were in need of assistance, that identification would help a lot.
*Right, so a combination of the uniform, a kind of contradictory mix of, thinking I’ve already done something wrong, or they just can’t wait for me to do so.
  • Yes, that’s it, but at the same time, I get a nagging feeling that it’s not their fault, it’s as though they’re caught between being a compassionate human being just doing their job, and being some type of robotic enforcer.

This is where the conversation with myself ends because of the overwhelming ‘empathy’ that has crept in.
Empathy, for not being allowed to forget that they’re human beings, people that have chosen a profession to pursue for all kinds of personal reasons.
Because they are in an important position, a liaison between the public and the enforcement of laws/codes/statutes (faceless edicts) handed down from others in different places for reasons of revenue derivation, they’re caught in an unfortunate position.

I wouldn’t want to be enforcing frivolous, revenue producing, codes/statutes sandwiched between what seem like fundamental, sensible laws. But that’s only a fraction of the detail here and I don’t have all the facts to do this piece justice. I’m not a cop. I did think about it as a viable career choice at one point in time, but ultimately decided to go into business for myself, for some of the reasons stated above.

I have questions for cops though, more importantly, for the people that made that career choice. I remember cops, police officers, in my neighborhood outside Philadelphia, they were friendly, occasionally they’d give us rides home from the bus stop if it were raining. They talked to us about things we were interested in, they seemed to know what was going on in the heads of little boys and probably stopped us from doing stupid things, by having those conversations.

As I became older (not so much wiser) I noticed great ripples of change taking place in society. I moved up and down the East Coast and all that time through the years, I kept an eye on the changes taking place within the realm of ‘law enforcement’. When I was a kid, I wondered about the reasons behind all the ‘cop’ shows on TV, as I became older I wondered if there was some type of motivation behind the production of so many of these police/detective series. They seemed to be a combination of recruitment (that’s what nearly hooked me) and letting the public know they (the police) were your friends and protectors, up until a certain point.

That seemed to be a rather increasing grey area as time went by. There was an evolution taking place surrounding the police and law enforcement. Some may have looked at it as a devolution, but then that would depend on your perspective.
There seemed to be an increasing chasm of separation between the public and police and as time went by. I’ve come to understand this as a completely engineered occurrence.

I began to wonder where and why so many of these rules/regulations/codes/statutes were endlessly handed down through town councils, mayor’s offices etc..., all of them under a corporate umbrella masquerading as governments.
So, we go back to this stream of revenue, always following the money, because the currency is surrounded by the laws and everything in between. All roads lead to someone (a group) somewhere that’s decided who pays and how much, and when you’re the guy(s) that are in charge of making up all those revenue gathering rules and regulations, it’s nice to be able to wrap them all up in paper called ‘law’, even if everything inside the box isn’t quite right, or ‘lawful’.

All this information is not to be left to the public to discern between being ‘right or wrong’, not even the enforcers (cops) need to know, they’re there to do a job, not ask questions. So again, I get hung up on the ‘empathy’ feeling, because what choice do they have? They’re part of a compartmentalized chain of command that’s sequestered the human element by carefully engineered design.
Which leads us back to the derivation of revenue and the engineering of this web. I’ll refer to it as a web because it’s comprised of extremely confusing components to purposely obfuscate the reasonable detection of their intended propose.

There, is that confusing enough? The fact of this entire matter is very simple, it’s all about the control of many, by very few. 

No one is above the law, no one. 


This is a question to police officers. No one person is above the law. Is this correct?
We all know this is subject to so many variables (one sided) that the statement is an oxymoron in and of itself. It should read: ‘We decide who is, or is not above the law.’ Which again brings us back to the flow of currency/revenue, derived from ‘the web’ and all it encompasses. Where exactly does the flow, the currency in that revenue/river go? I’m asking the members of all law enforcement. If I were you, I’d wonder about this with a lot of concern because if you can’t answer it with complete faith and understanding to yourself, then who can?

Do you assume the many politicians (most of them attorneys) have your best interests at heart? Would you expect them to be concerned with the best interests of the public? Have the ones manufacturing these components of ‘the web’ gotten us (engineered us) to a quality social status thus far?

Do you ever wonder who’s handling your pensions? Are you secure in knowing those pensions would never be raided in some kind of emergency cash grab? Do banks or bankers have access?

It would appear we’re in the same boat, although you seem to be in a tougher position from an employment stand point. We share the same issues with credit card debt, mortgage payments/car loans/student loans etc...Do you ever wonder about the social engineers? The ones that have constructed this seemingly impenetrable ‘web’. They’ve built an entire support system around it called, ‘justice’. This is kind of corny, but sometimes it sounds more like, ‘just us’.
Do you really think the lawyers and judges would come rushing to your aid if you found yourselves in financial dire straits? Do you think you’d be above the law?
If you can’t answer the question of where the revenue flows, remember, someone, somewhere, can, and it’s not there for you to know about. It’s by design.

You have these questions, I know you do because I do. Believe me, I have no motivation past wanting you to be able to answer these simple questions for yourselves. There is an entity, and I’m not trying to be cryptic here, but there’s no other way to put this. These people, this group at the pinnacle, does not concern themselves with you, your families, or your financial stability. You are their enforcement arm, their protection, their paid mercenary force, the tenders of their revenue stream.
Even if you’re working in a small town, or municipality, you can’t escape this fact, or their reach.
You have to ask yourselves if drug enforcement is actually working, or is it actually there to support the system of incarceration and its privatized prison complex/structure?
Why has the prison system been privatized? Who profits from it? Someone, somewhere does, and just like any private corporation, inventory must be maintained in order to see a return on investment. Empty cells do not generate a return.

Our government, and those around the world,  are massive corporations run by another corporation, a private offshore banking cartel. There’s no doubt in my mind that most of those within the system would love to escape the scam they’ve found themselves in. This goes for lawyers, judges, sheriffs, police chiefs, mayors etc.. But like you, they’re caught inside ‘the web’. You’ve heard about this at some point in your lives and so I’ll not dwell on it. I’m simply interested in understanding your collective position on all of this. How do you feel about it and what will it mean to you and your families' futures? 

If we all don’t answer these fundamental questions and make the decision to no longer acquiesce to a selfish, maniacal entity,  then we’ve all agreed to whatever end we come to.

You all must realize though, in the end, we’re all on the same side.


My name’s, Graham Hayward and I disapprove of all the false messages/information we’re receiving.

We Get It

Try and lose all sense of your fears. F.E.A.R., false, evidence, appearing, real.


Hello all, tough times out there for everyone I'm sure.
I've been through some difficult times before but this just about beats them all. I've sold everything of value I've owned, it's been a strain on my relationship and postponed my marriage.

I do know for sure that things will get better, it's just a matter of bouncing along in the river and waiting for something else to hold on to.
I hope everyone else out there having a difficult time coping, just remember you are never alone. Feel free to write to me here and if there's anything I can do to help you in any way possible, I will.
That's why we're here and that's what it means to love all as one. If you're hurting, than I am too, so I'll want to know about it in order to address it.

Thanks to you all for your contributions. See you all in a beautiful future.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Seize The Day - YouTube

Seize The Day - YouTube
Carpe Diem
During the course of a typical day we hear many things as we listen to the radio, or television. Sometimes we even read the newspaper and read articles in magazines that interest us.
We know that in between information or entertainment there are advertisements. Most of the time they annoy us, but they seem to be an acceptable ripple in the flow of information.
We watch the news to get a feel for what’s going on in the world around us. It’s a pacification of sorts, to allow us a feeling of being in control and on top of this information.
We trust this system of news delivery because, well, we just do. We have no reason to doubt news gatherers, because that’s what they do and if they weren’t any good then no one would watch it. If no one watched the news/shows on that particular channel, then the advertisers would take their ad dollars somewhere else, possibly to a competitor’s channel.
Things happen in the world. Things happen in our lives as well, important things that no one else knows about. Things like death, divorce, suicide and murder. There are marriages and birthdays, children being born and houses being bought and built. There are jobs being lost and people being fired from jobs they never cared for in the first place. All this and much more goes on in our own lives.
But we look at the news and we wonder what it must be like to die in a street in a city in a strange land or country that we can’t pronounce, or have never even heard of.
We occasionally feel lucky to have been born into such a free and open society where we can walk outside our homes and cross the street without being shot at or ordered from our house deep in the middle of the night because some soldiers from a foreign country have decided we might be hiding something or someone from them.
We don’t have to watch our neighborhoods be destroyed by those same soldiers. We are the lucky ones that other countries are jealous of. They’re angry at us for simply being free, and what gives them the right to assume we haven’t worked hard for that freedom? That we haven’t sacrificed just as much as they have? We’ve sent our sons and daughters thousands of miles away to fight in wars we never started. Wars that were provoked by other countries that just could not enjoy peace and prosperity behind their own borders. We listened to every piece of information delivered and vetted by the people in charge of that stuff, before ever making the decision within our own minds that it was okay. Didn’t we? We certainly pay our leaders to do their jobs while we’re busy with our own.
I’ve listened many times to both sides of all arguments and I’ve been satisfied that someone somewhere is making sure that someone else somewhere is doing the right thing. Because in the end, it’s all about doing the right thing, whatever that is. I know I should be more on top of these things but they all seem so remote and untouchable. For a moment I can examine them on television from different perspectives, delivered by someone, a person, I feel I can trust because I see them most every night. I don’t know them personally, obviously, and if they came to my home and told me I had to evacuate it, or they told me what to eat, or how to vote, or told me anything, I’d tell them to go f*** themselves. But, somehow, and I know this is strange, if they’re on TV and make those suggestions, I’ll probably still..., well, they seem more real and authoritative on the TV don’t they?
The United States has paid dearly to preserve an assortment of freedoms that even the people in this country take for granted most of the time. Our politicians, while not perfect, certainly take a lot of undue criticism from the news press, both sides, Republican and Democrat alike, and I doubt they’d argue with that assessment. They spend their careers fighting for our lives here at home in America. 
Don’t they? 
The news circulates both the good and the bad. The press keeps us all informed according to our political affiliations and beliefs. We all have our favorite modes of delivery of that news, just as we have our favorite television shows/channels for entertainment and education of the sciences and our country's history.
But somehow, and most of the time, we wonder if all that’s really true. I mean, we know what’s going on in our own lives. It can be amazing, thrilling even, and sad and sometimes so filled with drama that it really is the truth that is stranger than fiction.
Somehow, we just feel lost in the crush of what may be truth. But we know that truth and reality is the people in our families and in our towns and cities. Maybe there’s enough going on right where we are now, right in our own homes where there is real peace and love and prosperity. 
Possibly, we don’t need to chase information that we don’t really know about, or isn’t really all that important. We might understand that we can do something right where we live. We may comprehend too after a short time that everything spewing from our TVs and radios may not have our best interests at heart.
There may be reasons corporations we can’t see, are having us leave our own minds for too many hours out of each day. We may be buying a lot of things we don’t need and neglecting the things we do.
We might see and think things we never noticed before like understanding we are all living together on a planet hurling through space amongst other universes and planets.
We’ll begin to have strong feelings for one another and not someone on TV, but someone in the other room, or next door. Understanding that we’re all creators and social beings, we’ll start to  care more about people and we’ll want to discourage our politicians from destroying other countries and the innocent people within them.
We’ll see behind the motivations of faceless corporations and their catering to the banks and the illegal ponzi scheme they’ve been playing on all of us for generations.
Because when we see that it hasn’t been a good idea to allow TV to tell us what we should believe in, that’s when we’ll take back the control of our own lives. We will decide it’s probably a good idea to run our own towns, cities and states. People will decide that talk/rhetoric is just used air and they’ll choose to really be free. Governments will be timid, productive, transparent entities, at the service of the people that employ them. See how soon change can happen when we start it within our own lives.
You are the future of your world, you’ll either drive it to where you really want it, or be taken somewhere on TV.
 Put aside all differences, all fears, all worries, and just go for it. make the most out of that part of time. 
Carpe Diem