Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Actual encounters with female spies and agents
Actual encounters with female spies and agents
Posted by benjamin
July 29, 2013
Notice to readers. This month I will be on sabbatical away from the internet and so have prepared the next few newsletters based on topics that are not time sensitive.
Female agents have long been a key source of power. The Jews celebrate Purim based on the tale of the wife of a king who saved her people by persuading him not to persecute them. The ruling bloodlines of Europe claim descent from Kind David of Judea. According to their legend, when Judea fell to the Babylonians all of David’s male descendants were killed. To protect the bloodline of David, his elite guards began to protect his female descendants. Their modus operandi was simple, marry on of the female descendants to a king and have her educate his children and heirs. In this manner, female agents secretly usurped power in the West from traditional kingly bloodlines. This tale, told to me in person by representatives of the current ruling bloodlines of the West illustrates, just how important female operatives can be.
In Asia as well female agents can have a decisive impact. In Japan, for example, it was recently discovered that a very large percentage of graduates from Japan’s elite military academies had married Chinese agents. Then of course there is the well-known story about former Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto and his Chinese spy girlfriend. I actually met her once and can say she seemed charming and attractive. Of course Hashimoto died from a poison that was inserted into his anus, although it is not believed his Chinese girlfriend was the one who administered it.
That is not the case, however, with Kim Jong Il, who was killed, according to several different sources, by a stroke inducing poison administered to him anally by a Swedish female agent. In any case, all I can say is that when dealing in bed with such agents, is to watch your ass.
My personal encounters with female agents have been very educational, to say the least.
First of all, I must admit that for much of my reporting career, the thought of female agents never really crossed my mind as something that really existed. However, now that I think about it, when I was working with Forbes one of my scoops was to report that North Korea had an atomic bomb. Shortly after writing about this, a former Miss North Korea began approaching me and tried to become my lover. It never occurred to me at the time that our encounter may not have been a coincidence.
By now, though, I have learned to be thoroughly suspicious of rare beauties who throw themselves upon me.
By now, though, I have learned to be thoroughly suspicious of rare beauties who throw themselves upon me.
Once my colleagues started being murdered and I became involved in secret societies who offered me protection, I started to wise up about female agents too.
In one case, after making a lecture in Japan, a man with a beautiful woman at his side approached me telling me he was friends with Adnan Khashoggi, the arms dealer. He gave me a book in French called “The Egyptian Origin of the Jews.”
In any case, his gorgeous female companion started making moves on me. Once she lured me into an apartment where she got totally naked in front of me. Now, I am not so naïve as to believe a beautiful woman associated with a major arms dealer suddenly fell in love with me and got her dressed again by telling her that I had herpes and do not use condoms. In any case, she told me an unusual tale that I will pass on here without judgement. She claims to have been kidnapped by giants who carried out experiments on her womb. Her descriptions of these giants were very close to descriptions of the Annunaki reported on occult web sites.
In another case, the daughter of Masaru Takumi, the former number 2 boss and head of financial affairs for the Yamaguchi Gumi yakuza syndicate approached me, also after a public speaking engagement. She had knowledge of my sexual preferences that could only have been gleaned by somebody eavesdropping on my most intimate moments. I declined her offers of intimacy but, curious, I spent time with her socially. What stands out the most about my meeting with her is the fact that she insisted on meeting with me on the evening of March 10th, 2011. She said she wanted to take me to a special Japanese style chiropractor. The man we went to see was not the one she expected. He introduced himself as a ninja and wrapped a long piece of cloth covered in black powder around my lower back, telling me it was a herbal preparation and that I was to leave it on all night. It felt bad and I took it off as soon as I got home. Also that evening, Takumi’s daughter told me that she had to set the alarm on my mobile phone to ring at 11 AM on March 11. That was the day of the nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan. I am pretty sure she was hired by J. Rockefeller.
The most memorable of all the female agents, however, has to be the North Korean woman I will refer to as T. She also showed up at my speaking engagements on multiple occasions and we became friends after I sat beside her on a train on my way home from such an engagement (it turns out she was sent to live at the next stop from mine to make such a train ride possible).
T was a remarkable but troubled young woman. She had been beaten so badly by an uncle during her childhood that she required reconstructive plastic surgery on her face twice. Her former lover was a professional killer who had killed over 80 people and she told me enough inside detail (which I passed on to the police) about famous unsolved murders for me to believe this was true. She ended up telling me a lot about the people who were operating against me. She says she had been shown a file about me that was as thick as a phone book that tried to portray me as a drug addled, insane pervert (if only my private life were so interesting). According to her, after the cabal failed to murder me, they had planned to bankrupt me and drive me into suicide. Her job had been to chase away all my close associates and then abandon me, leaving me friendless.
She also introduced me to a supposed family of hers that turns out to have been a bunch of actors playing the role of her family.
One time I got her pregnant and we were planning to marry and have the child. She was 5 months pregnant when she was called suddenly to Nepal to stay at the house of a close associate of the Dalai Lama. There she was drugged, started bleeding intensely from her womb and woke up in a hospital after being unconscious for 24 hours. She was no longer pregnant. There is a whole book to be written about this young lady but suffice it to say I realized we would both remain in danger if we kept seeing each other. When this is all over, I will find her again. I will also personally seek out the Dalai Lama and seek a full explanation for why his thugs in Nepal did what they did. The man is a criminal pretending to be a great religious figure. He will get his justice.
All I can say is that love and international intrigue do not mix well.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
Hello everyone, please review the information in this article and try to participate in this global meditation today, Friday, July 26th. It's for our brothers and sisters in Egypt. They're fighting one of the last battles of the failing cabal and their mercenaries.
Thank you.
Hello everyone, please review the information in this article and try to participate in this global meditation today, Friday, July 26th. It's for our brothers and sisters in Egypt. They're fighting one of the last battles of the failing cabal and their mercenaries.
Thank you.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
I UV | Mary Elizabeth: Croft: How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-confiscatory Agency Known to Man
Hello, this is a free e-book I highly recommend. There is more packed into this little book than you can imagine and I guarantee it'll open your eyes!
I UV | Mary Elizabeth: Croft: How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-confiscatory Agency Known to Man
I UV | Mary Elizabeth: Croft: How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-confiscatory Agency Known to Man
Monday, July 22, 2013
Weekly geo-political news and analysis
Long hot summer a prelude to more action in the fall
Posted by benjamin
July 22, 2013
To understand what is going on now, look back at the fall of the Soviet Union. While in retrospect it seems like it happened overnight, at the time it seemed to take forever. First there were strikes at a Polish shipyard and other troubles that went on for months before suddenly the Polish Communist government fell. Then there was similar strife in Germany for what seemed like forever until, overnight, the Berlin wall fell. So it went in spurts and stops until the Soviet Union itself collapsed. The situation in the West is now similar; governments have fallen in Italy, Spain, Greece, Australia, Japan and elsewhere but the big Kahuna, the corporate government of the United States, is still standing. However, under the surface tension is building and something fundamental is about to give way, possibly in the autumn.
Take a look at the photograph below:
From left to right are Benjamin Fulford, spokesperson for the White Dragon Society, Chodoin Daikaku, liaison for the world’s martial art’s societies and “Alexander Romanov,” gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster. They posed for this picture last week after agreeing on a plan of action to save the world.
First of all, all the people studying martial arts around the world can be reached by analogue means via Chodoin’s network. His often controversial personal political views are irrelevant to this. What matters is the principle of martial arts to never strike the first blow but to defend yourself vigorously if you have been struck. That blow has been struck. It can now be proven beyond any doubt that a faction within the Western elite has been planning to murder 90% of humanity. This attack is still going on in the form of forced sterilization through vaccines, the release of bio-weapons, attempts to create mass starvation and multiple attempts to start a full scale nuclear war. In order to stop this, if it comes to that point where no other choice is possible, then the martial arts network can use non-digital communications to mobilize a 200 million person army.
Then there is the gnostic illuminati, represented here by Romanov. This group is opposed to rule by bloodlines and claims to have started the French, American and Russian revolutions. Each of these revolutions was characterized by the removal of bloodline rulers. They claim to have been behind the recent riots in places like Turkey and Brazil and also say they were behind the regime change that just took place in Egypt. They wish to end the control of the creation of dollars and euros, and thus the control of world power, by an in-bred, unelected family mafia.
Finally, there is the White Dragon Society. The WDS can only be used for the greater good and not for personal benefit. The WDS recognizes that a fascist coup d’etat in the West has turned Western civilization from something overall benevolent into something parasitical and murderous. It wishes to restore all that was good about Western civilization including democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights, protection of nature, freedom of information and unhindered scientific progress.
The WDS works in partnership with Asian secret societies in a relationship based on equality, mutual respect and work towards win-win solutions.
All of these groups support the idea of a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and set humanity on a path to exponential expansion into the future.
To this end, these groups will politely but firmly ask the people currently in power in the West to offer their full cooperation or else stand aside and let us do the job.
In order to attain world peace, the planet still faces a few housekeeping problems. In Asia, a return to independence for Okinawa and a reunification of the Korean peninsula is expected to be a condition for lasting regional peace. In the Middle East, the rogue nation of Israel will have to cease its criminal and anti-social behavior. The ancient family feud that split Islam into Sunni and Shia sects will also have to be dealt with. These issues can all be dealt with without a need for war so long as the rest of the planet insists.
Then there is the problem of the rogue outfit, founded in 1871, known as the corporate government of the United States. Right now it is under a collective leadership arrangement using Barak Obama was its spokesperson. This group is also finally making the truth about Obama’s past public.
Also, something sent about Obama by an unknown author has been posted here:
The reason this criminal is still in power is that the military industrial complex uses him to symbolize the dictatorial powers that they have conveyed on their presidency. There is also the lack of a suitable alternative within the existing Washington D.C. power structure. The military industrial complex is nonetheless promising to work with the WDS as soon as it and its allies get control of the money printing presses. When this happens, all that was good about the Republic of the United States of America (as opposed to the fascist United States of America Corporation now in power) will be restored.
So, the Comittee of 300, the families that own the Federal Reserve Board, the unelected management of the United Nations and other leaders of the current governing structures have been put on notice.
They must hand over the process of creating and distributing dollars and Euros in a transparent and public manner to the people of the planet. They must also agree to mobilize existing government and corporate structures for a massive campaign to end poverty, end war and stop environmental destruction. In theory, they have already agreed to help attain these goals. In practice they are doing almost nothing. If negotiations fail over the summer, the autumn will be colored in red.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Weekly geo-political news and analysis
Chaos and panic spreading amongst cabalists, more heads to roll soon
The cabal that illegally and surreptitiously seized power in the West knows it has lost the war for planetary control. The result is spreading chaos and panic amongst the cabal elite. The signs of this are everywhere now both in the public realm and in the still secret world of military, spy and gangster agencies.
On the public side, the head of Homeland Security and 15 top Sabbatean agents within that department were fired last week, joining the 26 generals, CIA head David Petraeus, Senate Intelligence Committee Chief J. Rockefeller, Pope Maledict, Queen Beatrix of Holland, Prime Minister Julia Gillard of Australia, King Albert II of Belgium and many others in a purge of cabalist operators. Only Eric Holder now stands, and probably not for long, between President Obama and the legal moves to remove him from office.
On the yet to be made public side of things, Italian P2 freemason lodge members say former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy is planning to seek political refugee status, maybe in Russia. In Japan, public security police sources say that cancer-stricken Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has only a few months left to live and that a replacement has already been chosen from within the current ruling clique.
There are also ongoing secret negotiations between representatives of the Gnostic Illuminati, the heads of the world’s martial arts societies, the White Dragon Society, the government of Russia, the dragon family and the Green and Blue among others. According to several key negotiators
there is a broad agreement on the need to replace the current ruling structure of the planet with something more benevolent. There is disagreement however between hardliners, mostly in the Western military intelligence apparatus, who want to completely eliminate the 13 Sabbatean bloodlines and the moderates, including the White Dragon Society and various Asian groups, who favour a truth and reconciliation committee, a jubilee and a general amnesty.
In any case, discussions about what comes next are still taking a back seat to the ongoing efforts to remove the cabal from power in the G7 countries.
The cabal has been fighting tooth and nail to keep that power. In the US, the firing of DHS head Napolitano helped derail a plot to use the highly propagandized Zimmerman trial to trigger race riots as an excuse to declare martial law in the US. The involvement of US Attorney General Eric Holder in attempts to stir up race turmoil is now being investigated.
In other cabal moves, a bombing attack on a Russian naval base in Syria is being reported as having involved Israeli planes flying out of Turkey. This is a clear attempt to provoke a Russian military reprisal against NATO member Turkey, triggering World War 3 and thus the Sabbateans’ long awaited “Armageddon.” Of course nobody is being fooled any more by such false flag operations.
Russia responded by holding emergency military drills in the Far East, on the opposite side of Russia from Turkey, sending the signal that “we will retaliate but not when and where you think.” Instead of being fooled into war, Russian and Gnostic Illuminati agents say they will be targeting Sabbatean mafia leaders and top family members in Europe.
Russia responded by holding emergency military drills in the Far East, on the opposite side of Russia from Turkey, sending the signal that “we will retaliate but not when and where you think.” Instead of being fooled into war, Russian and Gnostic Illuminati agents say they will be targeting Sabbatean mafia leaders and top family members in Europe.
Credible threats were also received from MI6 sources of another nuclear terror attack against Japan. In the latest plot, a nuclear device is supposed to be smuggled into Tokyo through a network of secret underground canals via the US airbase in Yokota in Western Tokyo. The source for this warning is the same one that told the Japanese before March 11, 2011 that Japan was about to be hit with a nuclear attack.
The cabal is also trying desperately to stave off bankruptcy in the face of a growing global boycott of cabal income sources. In Japan, they have bribed Shunichi Tanaka, the head of the Nuclear Regulation Authority, to prevent the re-opening of Japan’s nuclear power plants, according to Japanese military intelligence sources. Reopening the plants would mean Japan would import $35 billion less oil per month from cabal controlled oil exporting countries.
As a part of this campaign, various gangsters and agents have been spreading radioactive cesium around Fukushima, according to Japanese police sources. The cesium is mostly industrial waste from the oil and medical industries. The public relations office of the Nuclear Regulation Authority refused to comment on these allegations when called by this reporter.
Despite such moves, cabal control of the oil industry is ending. For example, Australia has announced it has discovered more oil than in Iran, Iraq and Venezuala combined.
Combined with Canada and Russia, it means the world will no longer have to go to the volatile Middle East for oil.
Meanwhile, a boycott aimed at bankrupting the cabal government in the United States is gathering momentum. Purchases of US wheat, rice, beef and other commodities are being curtailed by multiple countries including China, Russia, South Korea and Japan. In addition, the ongoing fires and crashes of Boeing jetliners is apparently part of a successful campaign to shut down the exports of largest US exporter.
The death of US financial criminal Mark Rich has also exposed him as the head of an operation started in the 1990’s during the Clinton administration that has been replacing US gold supplies with tungsten coated bars, according to MI5 sources. Most US gold supplies have already left the country meaning the US dollar has no gold backing inside the US. The gold was apparently stolen by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board in order to stave off bankruptcy.
The Chinese communist government, meanwhile, has bailed out Goldman Sachs in South Korea, according to an executive of a Japanese securities company. In return for continued bail outs of this sort, US corporate government spokesperson Obama informally offered the Sandwich Islands to China, according to a source close to the US/China economic negotiations that took place last week. The Sandwich Islands were renamed Hawaii shortly after the US invaded and took them over in 1900. Russia has also been offered the Aleutian Islands, according to FSB sources.
Needless to say, once the criminal corporate government in the US is bankrupted and removed, the restored Republic of the United States of America will declare all such agreements null and void.
Meanwhile Russia’s move to control the Middle East and thus European energy supplies, combined with the pentagon’s refusal to intervene, has sent shock-waves through European corridors of power.
President Obama called Russian President Putin about this issue last week but all Obama can do is wring his hands. The Germans have taken a more robust response to Russian oil power politics by vastly increasing solar power generation and allowing the sale of 200 mile per gallon vehicles.
In any case, expect pressure on the cabal to increase steadily until humanity is finally freed.
In any case, expect pressure on the cabal to increase steadily until humanity is finally freed.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Thursday, July 4, 2013
H O M E has always been where my truth is, the place I can return to, some kind of 'center' where I can process all the sensory in this world.
As I began to find that certain supposed 'truths' where actually more like constructs, or directives, I realized there was an unseen harvest our minds.
When I was very young I could never imagine putting into words my struggle within this type of system/world, I just developed a series of coping mechanisms. That's what we're best at, survival in any given circumstance. I just never realized the conspiracy was against us all, I thought it was only me, I thought I was a broken 'satellite' that would just have to find my own way.
It was never so bad either, I felt strongly that there was a reason for me to have been born, and that when the time came for it to make itself known to me, then I knew it would have all been worthwhile. Everyone has the embodiment of that essence, it's what makes us, us, and we're all starting to turn toward that common knowledge, the H O M E we all have.
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