Friday, January 31, 2014



I tried to remember the day I was born. According to my certificate of birth, it was on a Monday at 2 pm in the afternoon. I imagine, to me, it was a traumatic experience, life or death still in the balance, no guarantees at that age, susceptible and barely able to breath on my own.
I don’t remember it. I really don’t recall anything until around the age of five. knowing what I know now, I can see it’s been a series of instructions on how to survive properly after you’ve left the womb. I say, ‘survive properly’ because that means according to the rules laid down ahead of your ‘circle’ of life.
I’m not going into the ‘rules’ because we all know what they are and they differ somewhat according to our parent’s rules and upbringing. They’re imprinted by our parents, extending their own wealth of knowledge, or not, combined with the rules of ‘survival’ within society.
We make mistakes as all living things do, suffer corresponding punishments/adjustments in varying intensities, and life continues on.
We graduate from our training/school platforms with our degrees of study and matriculate out there in the main stream of life. But along with those accomplishments, have come more questions that almost always seem to lead back to that day in the hospital.
That day when I forced, or something forced me out into the shocking atmosphere of earth. You see, up until that time, all was provided for, nature was handling everything. I’m not taking anything away from my Mom, but let’s face it, she was hardwired to do what she did, and she played her part right until the ‘egg timer’ kicked me out on my own.
There is a circle, I thought. I lived within that circle, the circle of family, friends, school, daily occurrences etc…
That circle grew, but it always remained a circle because that’s what circles do, at least that’s what mine seemed to do. I knew my circle well and all that existed within it. I pushed it as far as I needed to in order to give myself enough room to feel comfortable. There were many days when I’d feel it close up around me, or at least I ‘felt’ that way. Those were the times when I felt the need to ‘push’ further out and increase my ‘familiar’ area.
My circle, was my world on top of the much larger, ‘earth circle’ or world. Out there, outside of my circle of familiarity, was where all the crazy things occurred. The scary things that other people in different countries had to live or die through.
My parents told me some stories about their own experiences within their circles and I listened to friends tell me their own, until one day, I realized that all our circles intersected each others’ and you wouldn’t really be able to tell the beginning or end of anyone else’s circle. For some reason this gave me some kind of personal license to just enjoy the luxuries of multiple circles. It reminded me of waves in the ocean. I could single out one wave/circle, but it was part of the whole of the ocean and it mirrored the entire picture. I began to drive myself crazy because all this information was ‘contradicted’ within the world/circle in which I lived.
School taught me all about separation and borders, people and their differences. I was ‘graded’ on things I never cared to even think about and then reprimanded for ‘failing’ to comply with the correct regurgitation of that information.
I was confused within my circle and sometimes because of this I’d feel my circle begin to get smaller and close in around me. It made me too aware that I was only a tiny circle within the universe and all I gave my attention to was of no significance within the dictates of those that controlled the bigger circle/earth we all lived upon.
The only thing that kept me hopeful was that no matter how bad things got within my circle, no one could stop the bigger, more important circle/earth and remove me, or tell me to get off. I began prove to myself the only thing that could cause me any pain or discomfort was, me. The earth kept spinning around and I kept breathing regardless of how bad I was told things would get for me.
I know, as we all do, that one day my body will cease to operate just as a tree loses its ‘green’ essence and remains in its place but at the same time gone. Where? Back to the same place/ocean from where it came. As the sun’s light reflects back to its source and back again, so goes that circle from the inside out. We came from that source to fill/activate a human existence/life upon this cell/circle/earth and will eventually return back and again. So knowing this, I began to understand that all the ‘drama/news’ and supposed consequence of life is only an experience of the individual amongst the whole of the ocean/wave and back again within the mirror. It’s yours and yours alone.
If that sounds confusing than think of something as simple as rain. It falls, it evaporates back to where it came from, and falls again, to infinity. The drops, our essence/soul, comprises the whole/universe/ocean/hologram, It is, we are, infinite, and all as important to the whole, as the individual to their own circle containing their experience.
The moral of the overall story then, would simply have to be just as Bill Hicks said: “Life is just a ride”. We can’t accept/deny anything within our own circles that we don’t invest our attention to. You do not have to invest/waste your time with anything you don’t care to. The controllers try to control your experience for that very reason.
They want our attention and energy separated from the whole of the ocean/power of the sun/light from where we came, and where we’ll return, regardless of any of the drama they try to inject within our individual circles. If one knows and believes all of this, then how can you fail within your own life? It’s impossible, because all that is connected to nature is in fact ‘possible,’ it brought you here didn’t it?
Peace. Graham

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Illusion of Government

The illusion of government catalyses the enslavement of humanity.
Larken Rose gives us a profound, beautifully demonstrative metaphor of the immoral, inherently-flawed, outdated, and intrinsically broken social structure known to many as ‘Government’.
It further explores the mechanistic, implicit nature of structural classism and the role it plays in society at large, coupled with the cunning deception and the wholesale exploitation of the public’s docility by the ruling ownership class.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

War, What War?

War, What War?
Homeland Security Act of 2002

Long Title: 
An Act to establish the Department of Homeland Security, and for other purposes.

What other purposes? 

We haven’t fought a war since the second World War, although even those were premeditated as all of them are, by the inbred banking cartel that hides behind its biggest, most aggressive guard dog, MIC. The Military Industrial Complex, since it’s grown so hungry and top heavy, there’s really been no need to provoke other countries into taking a ‘poke’ at us first.

Oh sure, there was 9/11, but that was more of a multi pronged dance step, choreographed by PNAC, project for the New American Century and Israel.
Here’s where we need to stop and take a deep breath, this is where you have to ponder a few facts and ask some ‘inside’ questions of yourselves.

When these large scale reports are written, who’s idea is it initially to put all these thoughts down on paper and see it through to their personal reality? Why? To whom does it benefit? The majority of the population? Or, the mouth that hangs open below the minds that create it?
Here’s an excerpt from that same report, taken from wikipedia if you care to follow up on it.

Section V of Rebuilding America's Defenses, entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force", includes the sentence: 
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor" (51).[15]
Maybe it doesn’t really matter who's mind it’s come from, as responsibility for carrying out the plan falls upon the combined leadership of a country, and that’s where it all begins to ‘gel’. This is a short essay on a huge cancerous tumor that changes faces every four years and goes from red to blue and any other combination that satisfies the handlers/bankrollers. All the while, the engine of their hidden agenda chugs above our unsuspecting population, drugged by prescription/consumerism/propaganda/distraction, and above all, apathy. But, in our defense, the spell/die/lie has been cast upon us and our predecessors for a mellenia minimum. Any historian would argue that it’s been much longer, but then, a rainy is a rainy day. 

It takes the convincing pitch of an ever hungry criminal mind, a maniacal weaving of reports and reporting, while sitting behind the uniforms and offices of politics. That is their job. To sell constriction of your rights (ever shrinking) and destruction of other countries along with collateral fallout in the form of innocent lives, foreign and domestic.

Even within these reports, there is a veneer, a sheen of protective innocence about them. They almost ‘snow’ the reader under with the importance of observing the ‘rights’ of the public and protecting the religious beliefs of our ‘Muslim American Citizens’ and you cannot deny the importance of those claims. It’s almost enough to make you a believer. 

But their march never stops does it? Even if you take the attacks at face value and swallow the entire/official story, hook line and sinker, when is enough, enough?
How many invasions and ‘reasons’ for those invasions can be manufactured/recycled through these think tanks and reports? Remember this:
The USA PATRIOT Act is an Act of Congress that was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. The title of the act is a ten-letter acronym (USA PATRIOT) that stands for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001.[1]

On May 26, 2011, President Barack Obama signed the PATRIOT Sunsets Extension Act of 2011,[2] a four-year extension of three key provisions in the USA PATRIOT Act:[3] roving wiretaps, searches of business records (the "library records provision"), and conducting surveillance of "lone wolves"—individuals suspected of terrorist-related activities not linked to terrorist groups.
It’s not difficult see that these ‘acts’ are nothing but a broad removal of your rights. The title, ‘Homeland Security’ is borrowed from Hitler’s Germany.
When Adolf Hitler made his rise to power, he established the Secret State Police in 1934, headed by Heinrich Himmler. The German name for them is Geheime Staatspolizei. Taking the bolded and underlined letters from the newly formed entity you get the more familiar term, Gestapo.

The role of the Gestapo was to spy (NSA) on the German people and identify any and all opposition to Hitler’s Third Reich. They were given full authority to investigate and report or suspect cases of criminal attacks against the Nazi Party along with cases of sabotage, espionage and treason. 

What made them so deadly and sinister was that they were also given authority to act without any judicial oversight. They became the prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner of anyone that stood in Hitler’s way.

The Gestapo was given a sizable budget and access to all the weapons, ammunitions and spying devices they wanted. Once they established their dark reputation, they used all of those devices and weapons far too frequently. Within a few years, no one dared to say or do anything that might be considered critical of the Nazi Party and its leaders. If they did, the Gestapo or its sister agency, the SS (Security Service) moved in and took care of the alleged problem. Silence and compliance was deadly to the people in that country during those years.

“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.”
Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)

"der Fatherland". Der Fatherland was used by Hitler to impassion Germans with patriotism, diverting their attention from laws, legislation and programs authorizing genocide and ethnic cleansing. 

So, 75 years later, 200 years? When is enough? Do we hear the oxymoronic statement: “America’s fighting for peace?” Kind of like drinking poison to attain health.

The ‘silver lining’ to all of this is when the maniacs are pulled from the driver’s seat of this amazing world, because in the end, it’s not just about the United States. We’ve been duped into believing all that crap about ourselves, about how other countries are jealous of all our freedoms. Take a look around you. We have too many failures to mention in this brief essay. On a personal basis, at the end of the day, we do know where we’re hurting, individually and within the collective.

All we have to do, and it really doesn’t get much easier, is to understand the ‘sickness’ and the ‘lies,’ both literally and figuratively. Knowledge really is power. We do see the train heading this way and it will be stopped, because just getting out of the way isn't the answer, the train has to be stopped and scrapped.

“As long as a population can be induced to believe in a supernatural hereafter, it can be oppressed and controlled. People will put up with all sorts of tyranny, poverty, and painful treatment if they're convinced that they'll eventually escape to some resort in the sky where lifeguards are superfluous and the pool never closes. Moreover, the faithful are usually willing to risk their skins in whatever military adventure their government may currently be promoting.” 
― Tom Robbins, Skinny Legs and All

“This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of herd life, the military system, which I abhor... This plague-spot of civilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed. Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism -- how passionately I hate them!” 
― Albert Einstein

“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one facing us across the frontier of the battle lines, which is not so much our enemy or our brothers' enemy, but the one that calls itself our protector and makes us its slaves. No matter what the circumstances, the worst betrayal will always be to subordinate ourselves to this apparatus and to trample underfoot, in its service, all human values in ourselves and in others.” 
― Simone Weil

“I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.” 
― Douglas MacArthur


And so, you get it don’t you? We are the drops that comprise the ocean, the microcosm of the macrocosm, the be all to end all. We are the movers and the shakers, not the ones acting like it on our behalf. They are the problem to our solution, they have done enough damage and we have acquiesced to all their demands for hundreds of years. That concept, that dogma, drill, command, scream, seems to be old and over. The shout for change in all of its silence has found the conscious minds of the world’s populations.

The natural order just is. Just as beauty in nature does not need to be ‘seen,’ it’s just there by decree. The evolution of a cell comes from within, out of the natural consensus to change on a grand scale, it is unstoppable by any means in the universe, because it is the universe that in fact commands it. You asked for this life and now comes the time to assume that responsibility.


Graham Hayward

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Hidden Legacy of Public Electric Transportation

Taken For A Ride

Most people don’t know that just past the turn of the last century, all the major cities in the United States had a complex system of electric trolley cars that provided clean, safe and efficient transportation to those cities populations.

Over time, it was no secret that gas powered cars provided the same freedom for more people as an affordable alternative. The suburbs began to be developed as people saw a way out of the congested cities, but still had the ability to commute between the two on a daily basis.

But, the question you have to ask yourself is, why couldn’t electric trolleys coexist with gasoline powered transportation? Keep that thought.

This is an excerpt from the Orange Empire railway site:

“By 1914, more than 1,600 PE (Pacific Electric) trains entered or left Los Angeles daily over the system’s four operating districts. The system reached its peak in the mid-Twenties, after which it began a slow decline, halted temporarily by the traffic boom brought on by World War II, and then declining precipitously in the postwar years. In 1953, PE’s remaining passenger operations were sold to transit operator Metropolitan Coach Lines, who in turn sold the remaining lines to the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority in 1958.

The last remnant of PE’s vast passenger operation, the line to Long Beach, was replaced with busses in 1961.”

This of course is a microcosm of the macrocosm, because all the major cities had horse drawn carriage and trolley systems in place to assist in public transportation. The most efficient routes were in place, they were just expounded upon by the more practical and faster electric lines.

Okay then, what happened to all those hundreds of thousands of perfectly efficient trolleys and the entire system?
These are some excerpts from the Culture Change site, from the article: “Taken For a Ride”

The Pacific Electric Railway served the Los Angeles basin with trolley service through World War II. In 1950, it abandoned most of its lines. The "Red Cars" were junked, stacked and left to rot. Similarly, General Motors targeted over 100 other U.S. cities through its front company, National City Lines. As was beginning to be the new trend, the real money and ‘motive’ needed to be hidden from the, then, perceptive public.

This is a story about how things got the way they are. Why sitting in traffic seems natural. Why our public transportation is the worst in the industrialized world. And why superhighways cut right through the hearts of our cities.

When you're talking about public transportation in America, for the first part of this century, you're talking about streetcars. Trolleys ran on most major avenues every few minutes. Steel track and quiet electric motors made the ride smooth and clean and comfortable. The center of the road was reserved for streetcars, and the new automobiles had to move out of the way.

Bradford Snell, who has made a career researching the auto industry for 16 years: In 1922, only one American in ten owned an automobile. (Everyone else used rail.) At that time Alfred P. Sloan (President, General Motors) said, 'Wait a minute, this is a great opportunity. We've got 90 percent of the market out there that we can somehow turn into automobile users. If we can eliminate the rail alternatives, we will create a new market for our cars. And if we don't, then General Motors' sales are just going to remain level.

'When they finally motorized New York, General Motors issued ads throughout the country. And this is important, because they are trying to show that motorization is the wave of the future.

They issued these ads and they said, `The motorization of 4th and Madison is the most important event in the history of community transportation.'
In the mid-1930s, GM worked hard to create the impression of a nationwide trend away from rail.

But there was no trend.

Buses were a tough sell. They jolted. They smelled. They inched through traffic. City by city, it took the hidden hand of General Motors to replace streetcars with Yellow Coach buses.

In 1936, a company was founded that would grow to dominate American city transportation. National City Lines had no visible connection to General Motors. In fact, the director of operations came from a GM subsidiary, Yellow Coach, and members of the Board of Directors came from Greyhound, which was founded and controlled by General Motors.

The money to start this new company also came from Greyhound and Yellow Coach. To hide these connections the company needed a front man.
Roy Fitzgerald got his start in Northern Minnesota where he hauled miners and school children in a couple of buses. General Motors would groom him to become president of National City Lines.

Over the next few years, Standard Oil of California, Mack Truck, Phillips Petroleum and Firestone Tire would join GM in backing this venture.
The Plot Thickens…
The appearance was always that this was only a company that was owned by the Fitzgeralds. You know, these people had come from Minnesota with no money at all, and all of a sudden they were in control of this multi-million-dollar enterprise.
But, in fact, the money was coming from the corporate sponsors.
“To the Mayor, to the City Manager, to the City Transit Engineer, and to the taxpayers and the riding citizens of your city. You are entitled to this warning: There is a carefully, deliberately planned campaign to swindle you out of your electric railway system…”This message was prepared and delivered by Edwin Quinby.

Edwin Quinby was a rail buff with a talent for financial sleuthing. In 1946, he mailed a warning to influential people in hundreds of cities across the country. His 33-page broadside was filled with surprisingly detailed research. It brought to light what GM had worked hard to hide.
Edwin Quinby: “The plan is to destroy public utilities, which you'll find impractical to replace after you discover your mistake. Who are the corporations behind this? Why are they permitted to destroy valuable electric railways?”

Of course the corporate shill came out and loud, using it’s own publication mouthpiece:

Mass Transportation Magazine: Queer Case of Quinby, by Ross Schram. Edwin J. Quinby took full advantage of the great American privilege of the free press to feed the lunatic fringe of radicals and crackpots springing up like weeds in the United States today. The document, printed on cheap paper, is natural fertilizer for suspicions, for disunity. What is the Quinby pattern? Was he used by some strange political influence?

Edwin Quinby's efforts did not stop National City Lines, but the cat was out of the bag. In 1946, the Justice Department began an antitrust investigation into National City Lines, General Motors and the other investors.

Justice Memo: Memorandum to the United States Attorney General: It appears that National City Lines and its manufacturing associates have entered into a plan to secure control over local transportation in important cities throughout the United States. If these companies are permitted to continue their program, they will soon have a stranglehold over the industry.

Snell: The key lawyers involved in the case told me there was not a scintilla of doubt that these defendants, General Motors and the others, had set out to destroy the streetcar system.

But since there was no antitrust law on the books at that point saying, `Thou shalt not destroy streetcar systems,' the best way, the only way they could get them on a violation was to proceed along the criminal antitrust, conspiracy route. And that's what they did.

The government's case was straight forward. National City Lines, General Motors and the other defendants were found guilty of conspiracy to monopolize the local transportation field.
Snell: These companies, that had probably eliminated systems that in order to reconstitute today would require maybe $300 billion, these companies were individually fined $5,000.

And the individuals involved like the treasurer of General Motors who had actively run Pacific City Lines, one of the subsidiaries, and was a major moving factor in all of National City Lines' operations, he was fined the magnanimous sum of $1 at the conclusion of the trial.

The Justice Department would spend the next 25 years trying to limit GM's influence on transportation. It would begin three major investigations into monopoly practices: two were settled out of court; one was eventually dropped. An effective way to rein in GM was never found.

And that was, and is, the purpose of corporate government, to set up harmless ‘paper laws’ to ‘officially’ pursue/prosecute and break up the strangulation, appease the distracted public, and just move along.

Oil, and every derivative that comes from it controls the world in its entirety by controlling what is by nature entirely ‘free.’ And that is called: Energy.

The Secret of the Seven Sisters

This is an excellent documentary depicting the real plans behind the Government's ongoing battle to suppress the medicinal qualities of Cannabis/Marijuana under the guise of 'protecting' the public.

The Scam of Prohibition

What was really the cause/purpose behind alcohol prohibition in the United States? Did you also know that it dovetailed with the prohibition on Cannabis, also?
I think by now, most people know that what we’re told by the news media is so removed from any kind of truth/fact, that it’s probably not worth the time it takes to watch it.
Not so long ago, technology exploded into the mainstream with such velocity that it seemed almost purposeful, like it couldn’t be held back anymore.

At the turn of the century, the media was just as controlled, and the controllers knew how important it was to their success in all aspects of our lives. You only have to put yourselves within the imaginary shoes of those that hid in the shadows of the shadows. That may sound overly, or overtly melodramatic but just imagine for a moment that you controlled the very essence/energy of all human endeavor. Imagine you fabricated, invented the bridge, the lifeblood of industry, and controlled every step of its existence.


But this isn’t about money, because to these people, it was an abstract of control, it was/is a tool of ‘spells’ and manipulation. So, using money/debt as a system to meet their ends became a valuable tool of manipulation. It was never a concern as to ‘how much’ anything would cost, but more a question of ‘how soon’ the ends could be completed. I’m trying to make as succinct a point as brief as possible without boring to many with dates and names. As always, if you’re so inclined to pursue the truth, it’s never been more open and available to prove or disprove any and everything you read or care about. So don’t take my word for a word of this, only remember this: I have no agenda other than uncovering the lies and deceit that have been heaped upon us for the last few hundred years or more. 

When this technology first appeared nearing the turn of the century, it was picked over by wealthy industrialists with their own interests at heart. There were secret societies, there were ulterior motives, there were those men in the shadows that have avoided any recording of their existence in the books of history. Those books were of their design, they owned the printing presses, they owned the editors of all the major newspapers, they owned the owners.

This was world wide control by the hidden few. They formed the US patent and trademark offices to use as a personal clearing houses procuring or suppressing anything they could not control. 
The excerpt below is from the article ‘Serendipity’ by Merge Divide.

"The most fascinating aspect of the connection between alcohol and fuel use concerns a little known (or discussed) aspect of American history. To understand this relationship, one must examine some contextual information of the early Twentieth Century. Most people are not aware that Henry Ford's Model T came in a variation that allowed the driver to switch the carburetor to run the engine on farm-made ethyl alcohol. 

This allowed the operator to stop at local farms (equipped with stills) to refuel his/her car during long trips through the backcountry. After all- the gas station wasn't exactly as ubiquitous in those days, as it is now. The Standard Oil Company and its industrialist-founder John D. Rockefeller wasn't too happy with this arrangement. After all, Rockefeller's company had a virtual monopoly on gasoline at this time in our nation's development.

It should be evident to any serious student of history that John D. Rockefeller was no political progressive. His fights with muckraker Ida Tarbell are legendary. She was ultimately responsible for the dissolution of the Standard Oil Trust in 1911. Not that this actually hurt Rockefeller- his wealth actually increased after Standard Oil broke up. Rockefeller held significant interests in the resulting companies, which included the precursors of today's Seven Sisters oil companies. 

The break-up of Standard Oil actually made him the wealthiest man in the world, as the share values of most of these companies doubled. Yet Rockefeller would find benefit once again within the reform movement that he considered his enemy. Since the late 1800's there had been a growing Alcohol Temperance Movement developing among reformers. Rockefeller saw an opportunity in this. It is well-documented that local efforts to curb alcohol consumption were expanded to the national level when high-profile figures like Rockefeller joined in the anti-alcohol efforts. Was he so concerned with the social problems that abuse of alcohol was said to cause?

No... John D. Rockefeller was not concerned with family dynamics in the working classes. But he was influential in changing the goals of the movement from temperance to prohibition. As we know, his contribution to the outlawing of the production and sale of alcohol was successful. Of course, Rockefeller and the oil companies reaped tremendous profits as a result. 

Remember that the period covered by the 18th Amendment (1919-1933) coincided with the huge rise in the sale and operation of automobiles. America was on the move, and all of these cars were now operated solely on gasoline. By the time that the 21st Amendment was passed, ending the prohibition of alcohol, the standard was already set and worked completely in the favor of the Rockefeller family."


If we take into consideration exactly what was here at the time in support of this new technology, it’s utterly apparent that decisions for long term corporate interests were being made. Those decisions did not include the generations that preceded us, or their futures.
This period of time was for building the infrastructures to direct and socially engineer populations of the world. Think that’s knee-jerk melodrama? Remember these guys worshiped different gods than our ancestors, they honestly believed, and still do, that the general populations of the world were/are in place to serve them, just as we believe cattle are there for our benefit, although, to be fair, we’re a lot more compassionate toward cattle. I’m not speaking of the chicken and cattle processing operations either, those are owned/operated by their servants.

Okay, so where does Cannabis/Marijuana fit into all of this? Well, again that’s a long and torturous story unto itself that involves as usual, most of the same players and controllers.

Remember again, part of all that new technology involved the delivery of media via the airwaves. Radio was playing a huge part and of course fell under control of the controllers. It was used much the same as it is today, for the delivery of distractions and carefully formulated advertising and propaganda. Look up the the name, Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud. That will give you a great introduction into this aspect of the engineering of consent.

Below is another excerpt from a fantastic, in depth historical accounting of how we REALLY got to be where we are today. It’s written by, Jean Carter, and it’s called: Ill-Gotten Gains, The Rockefeller War on Drugs. As usual, the truth is always more simple and logical, it doesn’t have to be ‘believed’ it just is.

"Before I begin to unravel the mystery and deception which surrounds cannabis prohibition, it is important to understand the truth about the benefits of medical marijuana.  The Reefer Madness propaganda campaign that was launched by Rockefeller Junior and his associates, beginning around 1930, was truly a shameful chapter in history. The brainwashing strategies used by Junior and his associates to get cannabis/marijuana prohibited was so corrupt and deceitful that it defies belief that they were even able to get away with telling such colossal lies, but they did get away with it.  It is important to know what is true and what is not true, or people with hidden and crooked agendas will lie to you and you will never know it. Rockefeller Junior did exploit people with his lies, so it is crucial to know the truth about medical marijuana before proceeding. 
The prohibition of marijuana is based on the fact that medical cannabis is about the most perfect natural medicine known to man.  It is one of the safest medicines available. Cannabis has an excellent safety record going back thousands of years and has never killed anyone. That is certainly more than one can say about the chemically produced pharmaceutical drugs, which kill many tens of thousands of people every year. Prior to 1937, before marijuana was prohibited you could find cannabis mixed with various different brand name medicines in liquid form for a variety of ailments. Medicines designed to treat migraine headaches, menstrual cramps, backaches, painful muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal, seizures and nervous conditions to name just a few of the many medical uses of cannabis.  It was a very commonplace and widely accepted medicine that people could just buy off of the drugstore shelf when needed.  No one had to smoke cannabis to benefit from its beneficial properties; they just bought the liquid medicine from the drugstore and took a spoonful when needed."