Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Caravan To Midnight - The Wolf of Sandy Hook

Monday, June 15, 2015

The Rainbow Connection

Big changes are on the way, arm your mind to the amazing possibilities and shed any fear/propaganda as a duck sheds water. This is your planet, you were born from it, to enjoy it, respect it, travel upon it, create within it, and support your families in harmony with all beings. Which feels more ‘natural’ to you?
“The two most important days in your life are the day
you were born and the day you find out why.”
-Mark Twain-

Friday, June 12, 2015

Morals, Dogma, The Devil Made Me Do It.

"Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it," 

- Henry David Thoreau -

Good and Bad

When I was a child one of the first concepts I was to grasp was the contrast between good and bad. I imagine it started out as proper morals, or as close to them as possible, I mean, we’re only as moral as our parents are, but it’s a start at least as far as avoiding punishment in the household. 

As I got older I began to see the lessons in morality play out everyday in school, not so much first hand, but in examples provided through all types of media.
My friends and I knew each other well enough so that we rarely had any issues that effected our day to day kid stuff. And on the rare occasion we did come to a disagreement, we’d usually fudge the known parameters of good and bad just for the afternoon. The point is, we came to an agreement between us before we did whatever it is we were going to do. We didn’t need any official arbitration or mediation to make our kid decisions, looking back on it, we were more than capable most of the time.

Having said this, you would imagine as time went by that we’d only get better at this form of moral self guidance, but as time went by I found that exactly the opposite was true.
Morals were kind of subliminally dictated to us on a daily basis. Not only in school, but on TV and in the newspaper and the police were around to bring notice of breaking laws and sometimes people had to go before a judge so that he could make a moral choice for you based on those same laws. But, morals based on whom? What kind of people made it their job to write rules and regulations that other people should abide by?

I’d sit in church on Sunday and listen to the proper way in which to live my life. I looked around me sometimes in disbelief that one man at the front of the church was apparently the only one in that cavernous room with the key to a certain divine morality. It all seemed to go hand in hand, these instructions on how to live my life by someone else’s rules. No one seemed to question all the different ‘laws’ and I couldn’t help but wonder where one of the first rules I ever learned fit in:

The golden rule: Do unto others as you’d have done to you. That seemed the easiest rule to abide by and it made the most sense, but out in the real world I began to see that it didn’t really apply.
Later, natural law was talked about under the cover of science class in school, gravity, weather, temperature change, seismic activity etc…, and this ‘natural law’ seemed so much more tangible, touchable, applicable, than codes and statutes masquerading as ‘law’. More on this later. 

I did my share of rule breaking as a kid and sometimes I even broke the rules knowing I’d be punished. But the punishment always seemed to fit the broken rule, it almost seemed as an equitable trade.

The Law

“People are more afraid of the laws of Man than of God, because their punishment seems to be nearest.”

-William Penn-

Even as a child it seemed to me that the only job the government seemed to have was making all the rules for the rest of us to follow. I remember asking my Mother who made the rules for them to follow? Funny, I can’t really remember her answer, but even now, I can’t answer that question myself. As I got older I understood that almost 90 percent of the politicians were lawyers before they decided to run for some type of public office. I began to understand that they went on to become the arbiters of all the public’s morals which were squeezed into all types of codes and statutes that only they understood because everything was written in a language called ‘legalese’ and you needed a special license to practice that special language because it kept changing all the time based on how cases appeared in a courtroom.

I thought it strange that although the rules applied to all the people in the country, they were of a special language that only a few could understand. All of a sudden this sounded like more of a conspiracy against regular people than anything that was fair and equitable.

It seemed to me that if you had gained the rights to be inside this special club than you really didn’t have to worry about all the silly rules because you understood why they were really there. It reminded me of cows on a farm, they move in the direction they’re herded, everything’s provided for them by the farmer and they can live out their lives in peace as long as they provide milk. The rest never notice when a few disappear to the slaughterhouse and all the cows for the most part have never known a life outside of their fenced in world. So they remain docile and content to live out their lives as all the generations of cows, and all the other farm animals for that matter that have come before them. Now I have nothing against farms and farm animals, but you must admit there is somewhat of a parallel. As long as we serve the system according to its edicts and rules we’ll be fine, there isn’t really any room for disagreements, because someone somewhere has made up the rules for the rest of us to follow.

The law, whatever it’s comprised of, all its various meanings and case history serves those that have built it one word at a time to the very letter. It acts as an invisible fence that surrounds us and all our actions. It really doesn’t matter if we observe the most obvious golden rule. We find as we progress through our lives that there are many rules and regulations, codes, statutes, that all get lumped into what they call law, and breaking those laws can lead to arrests, fines, and even jail time, so the difference between us and the farm animals is really just a fence. They can see theirs, but most of us don’t even realize we’re born onto the farm.

At this point I could go into detail as to how and why, but it really wouldn’t make any difference, the fact is once we truly understand it for what it is, we’d never allow ourselves to ‘stand under’ it again.

“No man-made law ever, no matter whether derived from the past or projected onto a distant, unforeseeable future, can or should ever be empowered to claim that it is greater than the Natural Law from which it stems and to which it must inevitably return in the eternal rhythm of creation and decline of all things natural.”

-Wilhelm Reich-, response to FDA complaint, Feb. 22, 1954

Just as a quick example, here are just a few of some laws that are still on the books today.

1 In alabama it’s illegal to be blindfolded while operating a vehicle.

2  In Connecticut you’re not allowed to walk across the street on your hands.

3  It’s illegal to sing while wearing a swimsuit in Florida.

4 You may not kiss anyone for any more than five minutes in Iowa.

5  In Massachusetts you may not wear a goatee unless you’ve paid a license fee for doing so in public.

6 In New York a 25$ fine may be levied for openly flirting in public, upon recording a second violation the offender will be required to wear horse blinders whenever out in public.

7 No children may attend school with their breath smelling of wild onions in west Virginia.

These are only a few of these ridiculous laws still viable and alive to this day. There are many more added on a daily basis and we probably break a few almost every day sometimes multiple times. But the point is, when did we start allowing ourselves to acquiesce to rules drawn up on paper by a group of other people simply so they could derive an income source? Even speeding violations seem legitimate to some, but most of us break that law each day we’re out.

I’m not going to get into the semantics of endangering the lives of others because that point could be argued forever. If there are no injured parties/properties, then there is no crime. How many have paid ‘electronic red light’ fines sent to them in the mail? Trying to protect everyone under the guise of rules and regulations is like trying to keep the ground dry during a rainstorm. They’re maintaining an illusion with a lot of revenue being generated according to that illusion.

Watching the Watchers

I’m not advocating that there should be ‘no law’, but you’ll have to admit that what we’ve allowed to be put in place at this point in time is bordering on insanity and always in place for ‘our protection’, protection from whom, or what? Possibilities? The bogeyman?

All throughout history there has been a group of families, a bloodline of aristocracy that have taken it upon themselves to rule over the masses of the planet. Now I realize this may be an over simplification, but it’s pretty much the way things are.
The problem with this arrangement is that it has been unfair from its inception. Many of these people have been little more than psychopathic inbreeds that have simply been born into their positions. They surrounded themselves with more of the same mentality as they expanded their power and control around the world.

The trouble with all of this outside of the aforementioned is the complete lack of oversight. They’ve always seen fit to make the laws and the rule of the land with no obligation to follow their own edicts and it’s only gotten worse as time has gone by. There has been a conscious premeditated attempt to formulate massive, multiple lies of such depth that most of us would never consider the plausibility of their being false. It all has to do with control of the populations of the world and the manipulation of our collective belief systems. 

Remember, six (6) corporations own all the media outlets in the world. Do you really think they’re maintaining and dispensing truthful information for our consumption and discernment? Or do you think they may be spinning everything to serve the corporate agenda/bottom line, with little or no regard/consideration for any living being on the planet, or even the planet her self?

 “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

- Joseph Goebbels -

It begins from the time we’re born and it starts with our parents, also products of the same environment. The difference between us and ‘the controllers’ is our innate ability to create and cut a path through what would appear as a constant barrage of oppression in the form of taxation, a crooked legal system, and politicians that have found a really comfortable home in riding our collective backs. Now, you may be thinking, well what can I do about it, I’m just one person, believe it or not, just thinking about a fair and equitable system that benefits all of us, as opposed to only a few, permeates the ethos and begins to put that change in motion, more on that later.

“Do you know we are being led to
slaughter by placid Admirals
and fat slow Generals are getting
obscene on young blood.

Do you know we are ruled by TV?”

Jim Morrison- 

The world is changing at a massive pace and the controllers a rapidly losing ground. Their one tried and true signature weapon has been, and always will be the media. The news in particular has been tailored to your specific political affiliation, and if you haven’t realized it yet, the political parties, are just that, parties. They’re one and the same operating as a unified agenda guiding everyone, republican, democrat, libertarian, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry any box they’ve assigned you to. We’re all going along for the ride regardless of who’s driving, all the talking heads are owned by people most of us will never know or meet.

Your beliefs are coveted and manipulated more than you’ll ever know and believe it or not, this is a worldwide issue, it’s not just about the united states. This template of control is used in exactly the same manner around the globe, and conversely, the populations are coming into their true nature of self determination. They’re understanding just as you are that we are the power that controls our collective destinies, not a group of inbred families that have simply been born into their positions of power. They exist only through our sweat equity, and they can be soundly defeated by our peaceful non compliance.

“Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.”
-Edmund Burke-

This is where your ability to truly believe in the power of one will make all the difference. Simply understanding how things have gotten to be the way they are, explodes into the ethos and combines with the thoughts of others in the same sea of change. 

Hundreds of books have been written attesting to the power of the mind and the will of large groups of people, you certainly don’t need me to tell you about it. All you need to do is believe it, you are powerful far beyond what you’re aware of, simply seeing yourself in a different place will affect major waves of change. We all do this without even thinking about it. whenever you’ve imagined yourself in a new job, or position, a new car, a new house, or a vacation, etc.., you’re transmitting your
desire and creating a new reality.

Big changes are on the way, arm your mind to the amazing possibilities and shed any fear/propaganda as a duck sheds water. This is your planet, you were born from it, to enjoy it, respect it, travel upon it, create within it, and support your families in harmony with all beings. Which feels more ‘natural’ to you?

“The two most important days in your life are the day
you were born and the day you find out why.”

-Mark Twain-