What is conspiracy theory and why does it exist? Is it just there because certain types of people would like to discredit and question government motivation? is it there because a faction of the public has decided to abuse authority and make life difficult for everyone?
And if the government wanted it to go away, wouldn’t it be easy to just turn the tables and discredit its detractors by simply being open and transparent. It would probably be as easy as taking a list of all claims made against it and simply proving them wrong by answering questions with answers and solid proof of evidence.
But instead, those running the entity called government have chosen a different tact, one that’s necessary to obfuscate and cover up all traces of truth and replace it with an “official” construct that fits their story. And anyone that questions the official story is branded a conspiracy theorist or fringe lunatic. Government turned into a belief, or a religion a long time ago, it morphed from what it used to be into a large corporate monolith used for the purpose of insulating the criminals that own and operate it, from those it imposes its rules and regulations upon.