a link to a 7 year old podcast, not a lot has changed, lol!
Graham Hayward
Graham Hayward
Bonfire of the Egos
We’re creating what we are experiencing, we’re getting exactly what we are expecting, even those of us who’re still ‘spelled’ are designing their personal worlds.
We all do it under our own direction, just as a movie director positions the camera and elicits emotion from his ‘actors’, manipulates lighting and dictates the entire atmosphere to fit the ‘story’ within the movie.
We do it on a daily basis whether we know it or not.
There are those in control of your world as you know, they use the media to benefit both long and short term goals of theirs. Their script is prepared years in advance of its execution, it’s composed of many layers and subplots, each designed to elicit certain ‘expected’ reactions from the receivers (us) of this sensory. This occurs across the world and has been the ‘norm’ for centuries. History has been rewritten many times to serve the current storyline.
The stories are designed according to what they know to be both fact and fiction. Using our own minds, because of our unique ability to shape our collective personal realities, they write scripts disguised as information (news), getting the masses to manipulate a predicted scenario based on ‘their’ storyline.
This is similar to the ‘problem, reaction, solution’ meme, but this is more the 24/7 design that takes place from cradle to grave.
We are taught (trained) by our parents, products of the same environment, schooling, and brainwashing by the ‘directors’ in the shadows. This has been multi-generational and it has been going on since recorded history (rewriting by the movie-makers).
All of our early lives are spent training to serve the system that feeds and clothes us, it’s a farm system designed to promote those of us most ‘service oriented’ within it.
Those of us most observant of the rules, regulations, restraints, laws, licenses, taxes, fences, etc. Our egos drive our lives, run and dictate our decisions all based on directives handed down by the construct.
Our egos also anger at ‘all’ outside threats, all of them, even if we consider ourselves ‘awake and aware’, probably even more so.
The system rewards and strokes the ego (left brain) for superb performance within it. Corporations were compartmentalized and built with this in ‘mind’ as was the legal, medical, banking, religion, military, etc. They all exist as the matrix within the farm. Degrees (more paper), rank, titles, position are worked for and jealously guarded.
Media, all of it, consists of manure spreaders, digital technology that serves the controllers by feeding our collective ‘creative ability’ on all levels. All media is tailored specifically to our likes/dislikes just as the channels on your televisions.
There’s a ‘flavor’ for all of us, a distraction, an emotion gathering satisfaction that connects us to the ‘farm’. We ‘produce’ by providing our energy in exchange for digital/paper currency. All goods and services are prepaid for our entire lifetimes, our legacies have been predetermined and pre-priced according to our certificates of birth. The system is broken for a reason, another dupe will not fix it, only prolong its demise.
It’s all backwards and filled with fantasy storylines of better tomorrows, and hope and change you can believe in.
From the time we learn to speak and before, our egos are manipulated, they’re what keeps us in check, keeps the lies coming along with all the supplementation of self medication/addiction. Our egos have been petulant nags, anchors of the left brain, chaining us to matrix/farm, keeping us from shedding the ineptness of the control cyst-stem and taking back our own lives.
Our collective souls scream from the source at this disconnect, pleading with us in dreams and stupors.
This has been a slow agonizing process but such is the thoroughness of evolution/real change. The cusp of this wave is being manipulated by them, they’re losing the ‘remote control’ they once enjoyed. How else could this have gone? It’s nature and they knew this age, year, time, day would manifest, they believed they could thwart it.
Five hundred years ago might have been last night in the grand scheme of all that is, and this is when they began the final push toward avoiding this change in consciousness.
We are emerging from the farm, this holographic prison for our minds, and it’s a painful, nearly suicidal process. Some of us have questioned our purpose for as long as we can remember. The farm has provided soothsayers and all types of religions (dogma) to satisfy our innate requests for answers. They’ve used technology to refine our distraction and forecast our needs before they even surface, the manipulation has been relatively effortless, until now.
This has been a fantastic lie. All of it. We can in fact prove (define) anything to ourselves including, but not limited to, this magnificent being (earth) we were all born from.
We are on the cusp, in the depth and breadth of that slap, that awakening to the greatest test of our collective lifetimes.
This is so much more than the manipulation of the ‘markets’ and money/currencies of their invention/manipulation, the politicians also within a box of their design, this is about escaping the entire farm. This is about showing the ego, our own ‘slave voice’, who the real boss is.
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line and that includes the story-line. This dysfunction is coming to an end if we allow it to leave, it doesn’t belong here anymore, it’s served its purpose.
We now have the choice of ‘creating’ what we want.
This is what Christ returning and being ‘born again’ is all about.
But I digress and defer to you, the true kings and queens of all creation.
But I digress and defer to you, the true kings and queens of all creation.