Monday, June 11, 2012

Our Future Mind?

You know, for some odd reason I was struck today out of all the other days to post something so benign that it didn’t really seem like it was worth the post.
I see so many still caught in the political paradigm/fantasy/theater, this alphabet soup of their design. Even when TPTB are on their collective heels and falling from their pedestals of control, they leave us standing in the streets wearing our leashes of control/beliefs.
When the dust settles I’ll be left to my own devices. Those devices will consist of the electronic type of which we all have an abundance of, but more importantly, the “belief devices” will still be intact. I’ll have to be careful of myself and where I lead me in the coming days/weeks/months. My head will be swimming within the barrage of prevalent residual control, falling away in great chunks inside my own mind.
The arguments/disagreements just inside this blog are a microcosm of what will be the prevailing wind in the outside world once the TV flickers.
The threat to the collective psyche will be more powerful than any physical type of damage and it will be much more difficult for the collective to self diagnose.
I see the residual control exist in myself almost every day and I don’t even watch TV. I have the “tug of war” going on within the turf of my mind at a rate that sometimes makes me have to stop and separate the factions within.
I realized this morning through a possible “self diagnosis” that this interior wrestling match is my mind attempting to free itself from this grid that has been attached to it since I first arrived outside the womb.
Our minds are the seeds of their sowing and this is only my perception, I’m not trying to diagnose the population, I’m just trying to make some “stepping stones” materialize in the path I think I might see.
Their control has ultimately always been through the prize of our minds, and through disinformation/deceit they will continue to passively/aggressively manipulate this tender trap even on their way out.
The more obvious the visual information: freedom/finance, freedom/nesara, freedom/elections, freedom/RV etc…etc…
The more powerful their manipulation can and will exist. I know I’ll probably receive a lot of disagreement over this post but keep in mind it is only the diagnosis of my own perception of reality/haze at this point in time.
I’m trying, though it’s really difficult most of the time because of the many leashes still attached, to stay away from the sticky glue of argument/confrontation of which I’ve always been guilty. I’m trying to realize for myself that it will only serve something/someone else (real, or imagined) but definitely not a way out of the matrix.
They, TPTB, don’t care what we argue and disagree over, but only that we continue to do so, and as long as we do, their illusion of control/theater will continue until the bitter end.
I have no answers and there are none out there for me because I came here naked, but only physically. Hopefully, in the end/beginning, our minds will be our own.

Graham Hayward June 2012

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