The Hegelian Illusion
The Hegelian Illusion
Have you ever been involved in a ‘circular’ argument, one in which both sides seem to have valid stances and the chances of a reasonable outcome are as stable as sand?
It begins in childhood during our first disagreements with parents. We decide to stand our ground and rebel against strict ‘house rules’, but our parents stand firm and remind us that we’re living under the roof they own. A stand off emerges and simmers, always there in the background, appearing to both sides unsolvable, until it’s either discarded, or replaced by emerging, more complicated arguments.
We live within a homogenization of this right now and it’s all a creation, a purposeful maze comprised of dead-ends and supposed solutions leading us in circles.
It’s referred to as the ‘Hegelian Dialectic’. Albert Einstein said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.”
Media and government, their agencies, legal system, etc., are all a design of the controlling faction, or the ‘umbrella corporation’, comprised of the monetary system, or banking/currency, the life blood of economies around the world.
The Hegelian Dialectic was drawn up as an almost impenetrable form of web-like control through compartmentalization of any type of concept that might move in the direction of simple, pure freedom. It’s a hybrid form of the Roman’s ‘divide and conquer’ concept that worked so well for centuries and still does to this day. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a German philosopher 1770 -1831. His purposeful formula of twisted logic is why cons are so successful. I’m not going into the biography of Hegel but it’s out there for anyone to uncover if they care to.
Today, the dialectic is found wherever/whenever anyone takes ‘sides’. We can see it in environmentalists instigating conflicts against private property owners, in democrats against republicans, in greens against libertarians, in communists against socialists, in neo-cons against traditional conservatives, in community activists against individuals, in pro-choice versus pro-life, in Christians against Muslims, in isolationists versus interventionists, in peace activists against war hawks. No matter what the issue, the invisible dialectic aims to control both the conflict and the resolution of differences, and leads everyone involved into a new cycle of conflicts.
And meanwhile, there is peace and velvet quiet, high up inside the penthouse where the controllers/manipulators calculate the distance of all the arguments and confrontations. Their system is similar to Russian dolls, a smaller likeness of the same within the larger and so on until we’ve uncovered the tiniest within the whole. They calculate losses, or what may appear as such, within wars and courtrooms all under their control. All the agencies of apparent assistance to the human conflict, the Salvation Army, the Red Cross, FEMA and many others, all part of their sticky web. Constant conflict is the goal, fear, and anything fear based is heaped upon us in a daily barrage to keep any type of unification of consciousness, splintered and helpless.
We know this, in our heart of hearts, we know this is a circular ‘twilight’ on the cusp of explosion into a new dawn. It no longer makes sense for young birds to remain in a cramped nest, they are goaded into a ‘fall’, or a ‘flight’ by their parents, each in their own evolution of life.
One hundred years within the macrocosm of earth’s existence cannot even be measured and yet, we seem constrained under a syrup of disbelief, caught up in the insignificance of ‘argument’ and distraction, while real freedom, in its most distilled brilliance is on the doorstep.
It’s there, waiting for us, as patient as any cornucopia, but it must be realized by a sufficient number of us to effect that landslide of truth. The stone that slew Goliath came from our collective minds the instant we saw through the weakness of ourselves. We are holding up our own progress, evolution is gently crowding us with ways of measuring the shallow moat of the dialectic. It’s struggling now, every day in front of us, more and more blinding, meaningless distraction, vomited through the television, pleading with us to walk away and really be kings on top of ‘our’ world.
Peace, Graham
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