Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Spell

Hello friends and fellow travelers,

Who's not been confused by the money controllers? No one should feel bad about it, or guilty over being in debt, or behind in car payments, or household bills. It's part of the a dirty, deceitful game, engineered by those spineless wizards hiding behind their frocks. You're meant to feel this way and I'm about to tell you why.

There is a ’spell’ cast upon us from the day we’re born. Words (spell-ing) can and do illicit emotional responses in us, good or bad, the system knows this. Collection agencies hire debtor psychologists (yes, they do) to come up with specific word ’spells’ that cast guilt upon us for our ‘failure’ to ‘pay’.
We are living beneath/under this ’spell’ around the world as this template is used successfully to enslave entire populations. It becomes (sadly) a comfort and a master at the same time and TV keeps us under/beneath the spell with pulses of light emission and ‘programming’ ever more magnified and effective HD style.
Debt/interest is an invention, currency is an exchange of energy, a credit card is ‘charged’ just as a battery is, using our signature. How do we ‘pay back’ (debt) that which has already been completed in the transaction? If you want to further that, how do we use debt notes, money/currency/promissory to pay for anything? How do you pay a debt with a debt? A battery with two negative terminals is not a battery, it’s a paper weight.
We are under the spell of lies, big lies, instilled from birth with programming handed down by our innocent parents and electronically from our earliest babysitter, TV.
The legal/lie system with its own language/legalese is the invention of the controllers to insulate us from them and also as a way to ‘fund’ the control system through a network of corporate/legal/fiction codes/statutes/rules/regulations, fining us with their flimsy program that runs right alongside the simple common law of the land.
If you have caused no harm to another person, their property, or swindled them, then you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. Everything else is an invention by them, for them and the man in a ‘black robe’ casts a spell of ‘fear’ upon you in his court room, a franchise that some judges own. So yes, this is just what I’m speaking of and the ones most entrenched in this negative, crippling belief, are the employees of the court system and the banks.
These are the things we can plant in our own gardens and work together right here from the control room. Use the system against itself, turn the snake toward its own tail and see what happens, it only knows one way to behave.
Things are changing rapidly and very soon we'll be part of an entirely different world and spirit nature. Stay tuned and try to stay in touch with your inner you, don't take things too seriously, just go along with the current and observe. Contact me if you care to and I'll always return your effort. 
Peace, brothers and sisters, we're almost there!

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