Friday, June 13, 2014

The Bubble Egg

The Bubble
If we can all agree that governments do not exist as true republics, but rather corporations masquerading as such, then it should be clear that politicians are employees under that corporate umbrella.
It would also mean the entire political system is there by name only, but not in and of itself. The entire construct is a bubble template of manmade construction that exists within an exoskeleton of manmade codes, statutes, legislation etc., masquerading as ‘law’. Even our given NAMES have been co-opted as mini corporations that our flesh and bone bodies are responsible for.
But, to live within this ‘bubble’ and abide by its dictates takes a certain quantity of belief. That belief is born right along side us as we grow and learn within schools of the system/bubble construct. The media is a persistent second mother to us and naturally (it seems) we bloom as people/personalities within our own choice (it seems) still inside the bubble.
Also, just as an egg cannot be hatched from the ‘outside’ in, neither can true change occur within the construct of the ‘bubble’. It’s only a series of ‘shifts’ masquerading as change as our collective needs or behavioral demands are met. The system demands we be assigned a label or a box so we can be ‘identified’ and explained, especially recently, as our collective consciousness begins ‘hatching’ from the inside out.
It’s irritating to me to keep having to ride this ‘fence edge’ of the bubble and even talk/write about my perceptions, because that’s all it really is. It’s only a construct of my own belief system and when I describe it I feel I’m forcing it upon your own consideration of it. But, overall there are certain identifications/borders/restraints of the system that we collectively can agree on.
Choosing sides, any sides (politically/spiritually/legally/medically) within their system is the assigning of yourself, or what you believe to be your ‘choice’, and whether you know it or not you’re wearing a ‘badge’ so you can be identified as such and dealt with.
The ‘infighting’ is just, that. The evolution, ‘evolving’ from the inside out, fighting, inside our own minds, trying to identify itself by poking through their matrix bubble. We’re beginning to see just how powerful we are as the bubble stretches beyond its predestined limits. They know its line of demarcation because it’s of their design. It will burst just as soon as our beliefs make it so and not a second sooner. Until the ‘egg’ hatches, it’s still an egg, but when the inside wants out there’s no stopping it.
Again, this is my take, my observation, I ‘believe’ we’re leaving this ‘negative’ age so I’m not ‘telling/suggesting’ anyone abandon that which gives them comfort, you may not be quite ready for the ‘hatch’. And in contrast, to find remedy (comfort) you might want to make the choice of leaving whatever/whomever’s causing restraint/pain in your life.
I can’t remember when it was time for me to leave the womb, but I can thank the stars that nature knew.

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