Thursday, July 4, 2013


H O M E has always been where my truth is, the place I can return to, some kind of 'center' where I can process all the sensory in this world.
As I began to find that certain supposed 'truths' where actually more like constructs, or directives, I realized there was an unseen harvest our minds.

When I was very young I could never imagine putting into words my struggle within this type of system/world, I just developed a series of coping mechanisms. That's what we're best at, survival in any given circumstance. I just never realized the conspiracy was against us all, I thought it was only me, I thought I was a broken 'satellite' that would just have to find my own way.

It was never so bad either, I felt strongly that there was a reason for me to have been born, and that when the time came for it to make itself known to me, then I knew it would have all been worthwhile. Everyone has the embodiment of that essence, it's what makes us, us, and we're all starting to turn toward that common knowledge, the H O M E we all have.

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