Friday, October 23, 2015

I Never Wanted To Be An Island

Whether we understand it fully or not, all the supposed wealth on and within the Earth pales when a single human being is considered along side it. The mountain of all that wealth, no matter its content, size, or value can ever be considered equal or of greater value than the life and potential of a single human being. Most will discount me as well as this essay, but I learned long ago to accept what I can’t change.
In my life so far, I have been witness to all that has been the antithesis of the above statement. We all know countless lives have been expended as collateral against the attainment of what someone else has deemed an acceptable trade. There are and always have been murky dark clouds that serve to obfuscate and dilute all truths.
Those clouds are comprised of unique systems containing a common denominator. That element is used to control us, to steer our motivation in a way that serves a malevolent agenda, not our own. From as early an age as we can comprehend we are taught about division and separation. Our parents share with us to the best of their ability, their own programming, as they have been products of this same system. Schooling/programming picks up and continues grooming us.
Because after all, how can ‘education’ do anything but to serve that from which it originates? I’m not trying to demonize the teachers within, they themselves are products of the same programming and instruction, they are acting on behalf of a policy that is drawn up somewhere else and handed down to them, not for their edification and approval, but for implementation.
Much like a bank officer, a doctor, police officer, politician, armed forces commander etc…
Many people that have found ways to extricate themselves from the dilemma of the ‘system’, to stand on the outside and free themselves of the invisible codes, statutes, rules and regulations. I understood the process from which they drew. But for me, the looming issue was turning myself into an island out there ‘alone’, amongst all those I was close to. Not just family and friends, but as I’ve found in the last few years, people, all people, the ocean from which we’re all drawn. I began to understand the importance of a single person, the jewel that is the all and the real truth of that value.
We began to see that real wealth was not the paper of money or the weight of gold and precious stones, but rather the energy emitted from the creative minds of people. Without this, all that supposed wealth sat as a useless lump of product. That technology came not from a faceless corporation, but from the mind of a creator. The corporation/banks simply, coopted, harvested this synergy/creation in exchange for something they have invented (money) and gotten us to somehow accept that it has more value than our ability to create.
When standing back from this entire process it’s not difficult to see these dots connect in an overall scheme. I decided for myself that it would make me far more happier and complete to see everyone in the world decide for themselves what or where they’d like to ‘spend’ their value. I wanted no part of standing outside looking in, I’d been doing that my entire life. I’d tried their system and it always left a hole inside the picture I had in my mind. There was something missing from what was portrayed as ‘happiness’ in this world, this supposed ‘reality’ we all existed within.
It was something we all ‘bumped’ into periodically by mistake, something we caught a ‘glimpse’ of in a history book or a movie now and then. That ‘hole’, that missing piece of this puzzle that eluded me was, ‘truth’. The hole was the lack in the ‘whole’, that mountain of a tiny bit of what would make this entire picture complete. It loomed as what the magician hides during a performance, sleight of hand (also known as prestidigitation or legerdemain), the practiced precision they have perfected in their ‘magic’.
The real human being you are, the authentic power you posses is the antithesis of their control mechanism. They know all about our collective and individual creative abilities which is why they keep us in a constant state of fear, scarcity, and that nagging feeling of ‘insignificance’. Those negatives keep us pliable and dependent on them and their puppet government mechanisms which are in and of themselves, nothing more than corporations disguised as government. All countries are corporations operating within a ‘sea’ of paper fiction. But, I digress, prove to yourselves I’m incorrect if you don’t believe it. 
At one point in my life, I knew that my true ‘spiritual’ guide was money and the attainment of it. I tried to argue it away, but in my heart of hearts, I knew that it represented much more than its fundamental physical paper. It’s accumulation meant ‘freedom’, freedom from ‘work’, freedom from the chains of ‘debt’, freedom to buy anything I might want. Most importantly though, it created a delusion, an illusion that I was someone more, someone that had found the ‘key’ to all the motivation behind ‘education’, I had reeled in the rope and now possessed the carrot at its end.
But all I had created again, was an island for myself and as long as I ‘paid’ into the system that which was required of me, I’d be allowed to walk the narrow tightrope of a diluted freedom. It was the mantra of the system itself: I’d worked hard to get mine and others just had to figure it out for themselves. They had to strike out on their own and take a few punches in order to give a few of their own, blood for blood and to the victor go the spoils. “Greed is good”, said the character, Gordon Gekko in the movie, Wall Street. Live and let die. 
The truth had and always will be quietly present, waiting for egos to untangle themselves, to admit they’ve been lied to in practiced precision by magicians hidden away by their own need to obfuscate that same imposing truth. We are part of multiple generations of souls that have poured their lives out into a destructive hive of control and parasitical vampirism. These old families have taken it upon themselves to drain our creativity through manipulation of our collective minds in a process not unlike any farm that has ever been created.
They have drawn up a fictional ‘belief’ bond comprised of paper and lies. Their tentacles have reached through generations of ours throughout the very world we’re born from. They’ve taken it upon themselves through their own false decrees that they have the right to rule your hearts and souls from cradle to grave to serve them as they see fit.
They have created armies of lawyers/police/soldiers in a cyst-stem of insulation (legal) which is nothing more than a protective insulator between them and the masses. It’s a farm-like milking/revenue stream connected to an umbilical bond of a paper trail that ‘stems’ from your certificate of birth. Do not discount the power of programming throughout our formative years, it has only increased in its intensity and invasive nature.
They’ve created armies around the world, financed both sides of wars, rewritten history for the masses to consume within their corresponding countries, all the while leashing the human spirit and gutting all our true potential. 
Most have rejected this as ‘conspiracy’ jabber and lunacy, because surely if it had the most remote essence of truth to it, then someone else would have sniffed it out years ago and put an end to it. Right?
Keep on using that logic as it’s dictated to you through all the avenues of their control, principally all media that is owned and operated by their six corporations. Keep in mind also, that those six corporations own every other corporation that you probably work for, after all, we’re considered ‘human resources’ and all corporations have that department to prove it.
Which again brings us back to the bane of all our collective existence, money. I won’t go into this topic here as it’s up to the reader to prove physical/digital money has any real value past what we’re told it has. That’s a real magic trick in and of itself. The plain fundamental fact is that someone else (not you) owns this system and its creation, so, given this essential fact, they can ‘shut off’ its declared value whenever they wish. Then we’ll find all the proprietary trading software the ‘stock market’ uses is also owned and operated by these same controllers for their own use and manipulation, again, much like any ‘milking’ farm you’ve ever known.
The beauty though, just like any magic show, is once you understand how the trick/magic is performed, you can’t un-see it, you can’t be fooled by it any longer and you begin to see just exactly where the real value exists. You begin to see why and how this grand deception has been played upon us for such a long time. You can see how important it’s been for them to keep all this truth as far away from any ‘real’ education as possible. We begin to see how the system has created islands out of us all, using borders, race, religion, politics, food, media, medicine, finance, law etc…
I have nothing and everything at stake here, but I have nothing to hide. I just don’t want to be an island anymore because I love people too much. I love my family, my friends and all their friends. I want all of what this beautiful planet has to offer for everyone, not just a few self appointed families of inbred lunatics that are devoid of love. The Earth herself is a vital living, loving organism from which we’re all born. It was never meant to be a prison planet owned by anyone. 
We are the custodians charged with her care and maintenance, and in exchange, all our collective needs are provided for. We are free to develop technology that will serve everyone, we are free to pursue that which makes us happiest and if you can prove to me or anyone else that this is too much a destructive contrast to what we’re currently experiencing then by all means please show me the way.
Truth is breaking through all levels of this control matrix, it’s apparent to many more people with each passing hour. You’re here because you chose to be here for what’s to be unveiled and you have to be mindful and respect yourselves enough to love this truth.
This does not mean the transition will be an easy one. There will be problems to solve, some of which will ‘appear’ to loom large in your minds, but that’s what your friends and family are here for. That’s what I’m here for, I’m your friend and part of your family, and the best part of all of this is that it won’t cost you a penny. Your thoughts, just your understanding of this multi-generational Ponzi scheme send powerful waves of energetic change out into the aether of the collective. The controllers do not have this capability, only we do, and anything you can imagine is yours to create.

So, start imagining. 

Love, Graham

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