Thursday, May 10, 2012

Are You Taking a Stand?

Are You Taking a Stand?
Do you remember what it felt like the last time you received a speeding ticket, or a parking fine? Did it feel unfair? Did you feel angry and stifled all at once? Did you feel like lashing out at the cop who pulled you over, or maybe the entire system that employs him?
What did it feel like when you tore open another letter from the I.R.S.? Did you feel uneasy reading those three letters I just typed? Well, that’s just a little “fear” programming.
Have you paid fines, penalties and back taxes to the I.R.S, Internal Revenue Service? How’s that make you feel?
I’ve just asked you a number of uncomfortable questions haven’t I? 
But, even if you’ve answered “yes” to all the above (I have, and more) and even if you’ve answered “no” (that’s actually worse, I’ll explain in a bit) one thing’s for certain.
We all live within an “open air prison”. Now many will groan and reject this notion/commentary immediately because of their belief systems afforded them, compliments of their parents/formal education/indoctrination.
There, okay...we’ve trimmed the herd so to speak, there may be some lurkers but that’s okay too. There’s always time to learn some truth, not that I have all the answers, not even close, but then I never have.
I’ve never fit into the system. Since I first entered the realm of formal edu/indoctrination (sounds paranoid doesn’t it?) I’ve fallen on my proverbial face, thinking all the time I was born a misfit, loser, failure, ADHD (modern terminology) and any of the other diagnosis to describe non-conformists.
Before I forget, let me address those of you who’d answered “no” to the above I.R.S./traffic ticket scenarios. All this means is that you are a “model” prisoner. You have really good credit, pay all your “statements” on time, work very hard and pay all your taxes dutifully, feeling very good when you hear of a neighbor or fellow citizen arrested for failure to pay proper income tax.
You stay well below the posted speed limits and always carry extra change in your car to feed the omnipresent parking meters lining the pot-holed boulevards.
Well, guess what? You’re not a bad person, you’re simply being extraordinarily human. I tried to be, I aspired to be, honest. But they’ve designed and honed a system through multiple generations that fit the masses, not the exceptions like me. Those of us that popped up by the wayside were easily “weeded” from the farm system of edu/indoctrination. Held back from any “progress” within the combine, we were squeezed/culled by test scores and set aside as damaged corporate fodder.
But, I guess I was too much a narcissist to commit suicide. I just developed coping mechanisms in order to survive on the “fringe”. I started a few businesses, because within them, I felt I had some control of my destiny. Even though I felt all the while that state, local, and Federal Government really did not want me or my business around. Regulation seemed to be in your pocket every step of the way under the guise of “consumer protection”, “fraud prevention”, “competition fairness” etc...
So, if you’ve escaped the trials and tribulations and the sticky net of governance, then you’re in the top percentile of the system and that’s just the way they like it.
But, that still doesn’t mean that you think there isn’t a large aspect of “unfairness” built into the system. It doesn’t mean you feel a twinge of “patriotism” every time you notice a large chunk of your hard earned living goes to the faceless entities called: State, Local and Federal Government. You wonder most the time why enough is never enough, the monster always needs more from us to feed the ever increasing budgets that manifest themselves on whims that are never forthcoming.
I’m wasting time clobbering a “dead horse”, preaching to the choir by now I’m sure. All of the indoctrinates have since left this post at the very beginning. They’ve rejected this tirade as just such a tirade. But for those of you who’ve stayed and perhaps feel angry at the thieves that keep you treading proverbial water, do you feel like taking a stand?
All it will take is just a little research, most of which has been gathered dutifully by other angry “prisoners” who’ve grown weary of providing the bankers and their friends with an endless “gravy train”.
Truth is your friend and liberator, use it as a bright light to scare all the “rats” from your life and more importantly, from your children’s future.
Things are not always as they seem, “if you see something, say something”, take their fear mongering and adopt it into your own life as a positive. 
If you’ve gotten this far, maybe you’re wondering how things got to be so bad in the world today. Because contrary to what most people think, if they even think about it at all, it’s a world issue/problem. All our systems/societies are easily managed “cookie cutter” microcosms of one another. Television shows are packaged in different wrappers and aired around the world selling the same drivel to the masses. “News” is pasteurized/homogenized the same way around the world. it’s not news, it’s scripted theater according to a pre-determined agenda at which we are all players acquiescing to our own demise.
Their media machine is their “trump card” going hand in hand, a perfect “dovetail” in the grand scheme of global brain rinsing/washing. And by media, you need to understand their control is total. Books, newspapers, magazines, movies, advertising, all tools of social engineering and the pirating of free will and self determination.
Hey listen, I’m not here to garner a paycheck. I need one.
I’m here to deliver a fraction of a message to all my sisters and brothers, a splinter of reasoning that might serve you better than the status quo.
After all, what has “the system” ever really done for you that you could not have done, and probably done a better job at yourself?
“Hope, and change you can believe in”, are residing within your own will and determination.
At least you owe it to yourself to prove I’m wrong on all counts and points I’ve made. Show me that the political system is really a creative entity that has all our collective best interests at heart, and always puts truth before corruption and dishonesty.
Prove it to me and I’ll join your team and fight alongside you. We’re fast approaching a time in our lives that will determine our future as a global population. Information is a key factor in deciding which direction you’ll pursue. It will mean taking responsibility for your own life and not trusting it to thieves and liars. We’ve already been that route, and how’s that been working out for us?
You are on the cusp of great change, embrace it, open your eyes and start really living.

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