Imagine a different world than we now have, a world where there is no scarcity, strife, and war. There are cures for illness, not treatments for symptoms, and sickness becomes an exception to the norm because food becomes whole again.
Imagine the value of the money you carry in your pocket becomes twenty times as powerful. You wake one morning to find gasoline selling at .32 cents a gallon. You turn on the television and a news report tells of new technologies that had been suppressed for over one-hundred years, now being released. Energy would begin to be delivered wirelessly and free, overhead electric wires and support poles would begin to be removed.
Also in the news was a new style of reporting, it seems more human and less robotic, more truthful. You notice familiar faces being led from various buildings and locations from around the world. Men and women you’d seen for years on television speaking to the masses about ‘hope‘ and ‘change’. Now they were being crowded into vans and busses, it was announced they were being taken to FEMA camps. You had no idea these people were criminals, you’d thought the bankers and politicians were struggling to fix the mess that people had gotten themselves into.
You yourself were drowning in credit card debt, wondering how you ever let it get so out of control. Working two jobs never seemed to get you any closer to solving financial problems. You had friends going through divorce because of these very difficulties and the weight of this stress seemed to be a permanent chain and collar around the collective public, not just in your town, or state, but the world.
Perpetual wars raged and men and women were always being praised for their sacrifices in all the armed services. TV was your one oasis, an escape from all the terrible reality of the outside world. You’d sometimes fall asleep in front of it, an electronic pacifier of sorts, it lured you with its very presence. Advertisers beckoned you to buy things you’d find you had never needed, and you asked your doctor for medications that might tend sickness in the back of your mind, the side effects of which never mattered.
The school system tended and cared for your children, you’d not had time for that years ago, and TV was their faithful babysitter and educator in the home.
Now, TV showed you these shocking scenes of familiar friendly faces, some of them covered by bound hands and suit jackets being led by armed police and military personnel. You hear that the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) camps where these famous politicians, bankers, and corporate criminals are being taken to had originally been built for the citizens of the United States. You found out there were over six-hundred of these ‘camps‘ throughout the country.
You began to hear about this country being ‘broke‘ and in debt, by design, and it seemed so difficult to understand why and how humans would treat their own kind in this terrible manner. But, after a while the picture puzzle began to form and you saw that it was always about controlling the people of the world using one formula that had worked through the last millennium. It was the very debt system and control of the world’s currencies that collectively imprisoned entire populations. It wasn’t just about your home and family, or you neighbors, or town, or state. It was about the entire world.
As though awakening from a dream/nightmare, you began to see for the first time in your life that things never needed to be this difficult. The answers to all your troubles were buried within your own mind. You didn’t need TV, or the politicians, or anyone else for that matter to guide you or your family in a beneficial direction.
You began to hear that the criminal, ‘fractional‘ banking system was being eliminated, and all debt, public and private was being reset and zeroed out. Your mortgage was forgiven, credit cards were to be thrown in the trash, your car was suddenly yours.
Neighbors began massing in the streets, people you lived just a few doors down from came up to you and embraced you as a lost soul/friend. These good people whom you’d never knew existed because you’d been mired down in the misery of a matrix of manufactured lies and debt prison without walls. The burden of years was lifted in a moment of clarity and suddenly, instead of TV, the entire planet became your oasis, and its people, your family.
Think this is fantasy? Stay tuned, there’s a lot more where this came from. Get outside and go for a walk, turn off the TV and go breath some fresh air, say ‘hello‘ to a stranger today. Most importantly, believe.
Peace and love,
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