Wednesday, December 17, 2014

the i n v o l u t i o n of you

the i n v o l u t i o n of you

The point here is again, cutting to the chase, extracting the maximum amount of production from the minimal expenditure of energy, because in the end, it’s all about energy. We are energetic beings, zero point producers of all types of energy and light, whether you know this or not.
The ruling class knows it and has from the beginning, which has always been their way of keeping themselves in that position. Language was developed and cultivated as was all new technology, it was seen as a means to control and manipulate the masses. 
No one should ever be disappointed or feel negatively that the information is too overwhelming or preposterous to grasp, but allow it to 'present itself' as it has the entire universe. You are 'of' it, you can never fail or be left behind, you've already been chosen, you're here.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

It’s Time to Strike At the Root | Veterans Today

It’s Time to Strike At the Root | Veterans Today

Now for the first time in the last hundred years, the Worldwide Internet is creating a worldwide Consciousness and complete awareness of the Evil Power that the Rothschild private Zionist Banksters from the City of London and their main Cutout the Federal Reserve System have wrought against the World.
Johannes Gutenberg, Inventor of the Gutenberg Press in 1439 which brought previously hidden knowledge to the public-at-large for the very first time. The Worldwide Internet is the New Gutenberg Press and spreads information at the speed of light rather than the speed of paper and ink.
Thanks to the Worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg Press, the Banksters Evil World Agenda has now been completely uncovered and is now in the Public Domain for all to study and know for the first time ever.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Stimulis P r o g r a m

Oz was nothing once the curtain fell.

We forgot for a long while,

that we financed the show,

and all it took was a fresh coat of fire,

to bring the theater down.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

“The Assembly of My Consciousness”

“The Assembly of My Consciousness”

"In nature there are neither rewards nor punishment; there are consequences."
Robert Ingersoll 

Im working on something that I consider extremely important for reasons known only to me. Because that’s when something like this popped up—- when I was born.

Yes, I’m using the past tenses, ‘popped’ and ‘born’, because I’ve been putting this puzzle of ‘me’ together for that long, and, things are just beginning to come into view.

For instance, after all those years of struggling through school, I’ve finally understood that my life’s meaning is entirely up to me. By that I mean, understanding all the stuff, all the supposedly unimportant things like what goes on outside of all forms of education. Because one of the most amazing things I’ve learned on my own is that official education gets your mind in synch with everything that the people who’ve designed the system of education want it to be in synch with.

For instance, it allows us to progress through a series of ‘grades’ or programs if we’re able to remember information and regurgitate it a satisfactory manner to garner a passing score.

Of course, again, these opinions are being manufactured by the mind of a ‘failed organism’ according to the ‘controlling mechanism’ called, education. I fully grasp the importance and theory of education, without it I’d not be able to so loosely take a ‘stab’ at it.
I’ve always seen myself as not ‘dumb’, meaning I’ve considered myself intelligent enough to live comfortably on the outskirts of the masquerade.
Living on the outside looking in is all I’ve ever known, and sometimes during my life so far, I’d actually joined the ‘masquerade’ according to its rules. I shoehorned my way in out of necessity according to my own dictates—which were wrong.

I’ve always gone back to my zone of comfort. I have at times lived vicariously in my own life, imagining myself a ‘success’ by the defining margins of the masquerade.
And, I understand that most who’ve made it this far will not understand what it is I’m writing about, but at some point everyone, in their own way, will. Because, after all, the most precious jewel of eternity is our life within it.

I think after enough time has gone by, I realize my life (because it’s the only one I can realize) has not gone by in a linear fashion, not as a story with a beginning, middle, and end. But it’s been more of a ‘transpiration’, and here is the definition of that same word:

“Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as from leaves but also from stems and flowers. Leaf surfaces are dotted with pores which are called stomata, and in most plants they are more numerous on the undersides of the foliage. The stomata are bordered by guard cells and their stomatal accessory cells (together known as stomatal complex) that open and close the pore. Transpiration occurs through the stomatal apertures, and can be thought of as a necessary "cost" associated with the opening of the stomata to allow the diffusion of carbon dioxide gas from the air for photosynthesis. Transpiration also cools plants, changes osmotic pressure of cells, and enables mass flow of mineral nutrients and water from roots to shoots.”

Okay, now the reason I’ve come to this conclusion (for myself) is simple. I’m of the firm belief that we’re all part of the hologram of the ‘whole’. That being said, it would seem obvious that none of this would fall under any category of general education within the mainstream structure/culture.

The ‘masquerade’ I refer to is simply the illusion (I believe) and I’m not nearly alone within it (this belief) exists for the sole/soul purpose of a defined mechanism of control. The control mechanism also by loose definition operates as a hologram of manmade proportions called compartmentalization. Every spoke within the ‘wheel’ of this structure is controlled in this very manner. Religion, banking/finance, medicine, government, education, legal system, media etc..

We’re ‘acquired’ by this mechanism/apparatus/procedure far before we can remember anything of consequence. Our parents, also products of the mask (masquerade takes too long) begin our indoctrinations from the very first day we arrive.

Just as a plant will become accustomed to its place of ‘birth’, pot or field, its growth life can be manipulated, both mechanically and naturally. It can thrive in either environment, but what potential has that plant been robbed of if it falls under any type of manmade/mechanical manipulation, would we ever know if we didn’t see both environs? 

Definition: ORIGIN Middle English (formerly also as inviron): from Old French environer, from environ ‘surroundings.

I know this may spur internal argument among some, but it’s meant to be a purposeful generalization.

For generations (I believe) we humans have been among the potted variety. Those with ‘degrees’ I would expect look at this type of thinking as completely insane at best. Thank you.

I’m seeing now, for myself, feeling my roots of ‘new growth’ just by writing about it and I understand through this medium, or many others, we can ‘explode/explore’ our horizons in any positive direction of our choice. We can see the limits of education as a ‘fence’, a limit after the attaining of a title, or the attaining of ‘degree’, it becomes an inflationary device for the ego, a self imposed (expensive) defensive position. I understand as well, I’d appear as a disgruntled cast off by the same system, an angry ‘system’ assassin.

There’s nothing I can do about that, to the reader I’d seem to be fighting a losing battle. I’m only writing about my own perception of this experience, for me. How else can it be written by me? And ultimately, it’s the system in which we live that hands down the dictates of ‘higher education’ for the expressed motivation of ‘service’. Service to what/whom? It would appear to me that it’s service to the corporation/compartmentalization of control. Why else would we make that decision based upon the same education to that end, to continue our education (expensive commitment) to attain some type of license/degree?

Whom are we serving? Are we serving the important growth of personal spirit, helping the less fortunate, assisting technology to serve as opposed to ‘sell’? I can’t speak for any others and unfortunately we’ve seemed to have given our direction/growth/spirit to the takers, those that have been taking for generations, while surrounding their compartmentalization with the bodies of ‘potted masks’, living day by day in a root bound existence.

Melodramatic? Maybe, but rolling out my inner process, is by itself a process, and with it comes a divination. How else can I forge a means of growth if I always look outside of my own discernment? It would seem nearly impossible. Formal, continuation of education (to me) has always seemed a ‘direction’ or road built by others as a ‘one size’ fits all dispensary of the applied technique of manipulation. Maybe, we’re not seeing, collectively, that certain forms of education are not unlike applying a bridle to a wild horse. Whom begins serving whom?

The Attainment of Position

Live all you can - it's a mistake not to. It doesn't so much matter what you do in particular, so long as you have your life. If you haven't had that, what have you had?-Henry James- 1903

Without question, there is the concept of ‘reward’ upon accomplishment. From the time we’re children until we retire from formal service, whether corporate or military, we are rewarded, or not.
In the military we receive a commendation, and sometimes, most importantly a change of rank along with decoration and command/salary.
In the corporate world/environment, praise is lavished followed (hopefully) with a position change, corporate officer, salary increase.
In religion, a priest/ mediatory agent between humans and one or more deities, would hope to move along through more powerful appointments within the church structure.
Doctors, lawyers, police, politicians, store clerk, etc…all working for the anointment of attainment.

Aspirations of position within that department/ company/ town/ city/ corporation inside that construct for some one, some other, somewhere. For at the end of a single day in the middle of all that we’re really seeking more freedom. Freedom from perception of ourselves, or how others perceive us, freedom from the very work we do?

Again, these are questions I have had for myself as I’ve looked from the outside in and briefly dabbled within the ‘greenhouse’ of oblivion as I see it. And I’ve often thought to myself, that when the time comes for me to die, will I perceive that my time is about to end or will I just experience it? Will I feel confident that I’ve wrangled my way through the maze/maize of external control much as a human pinball might? Or, will I be ready for this ‘experience’ to end, having ‘learned’ for myself, the things that were important to me, regardless of my self imposed deviation from ‘proper’ service?

I won’t know till then I suppose. I can only keep recording the process and sharing as I go, despite the warnings from our appointed leaders of our impending doom.
And if we all saw in ourselves, the built— in guidance we possess, then we’d probably be looking over the heads of the self proclaimed leaders if we even noticed them at all.
If we were left with minimal education, but given free reign/rain over our individual growth, then how could the sky not be our only limit?

The ‘attainment of position’ would be left only to our imaginations as opposed to the parameters of a description of duty/service within a construct of some other direction/motivation.

So, wouldn’t the assembly of consciousness be more of a realization, than an assembly? I’m questioning myself because I’m really not sure. Every day I’m divesting more of my attention from the usurpers and in-vesting it within my own awareness. It’s my belief, because it can only be mine, if this becomes a constant, then eventually the need for money will leave the equation of control/corpse/corporation and individuals will become aware of what ‘feels’ good and ‘right’ like the ‘combination’ of a locked door. It will remain opened for all as opposed to a few. The bridge of perceived necessity/money will be replaced by the instant value of the most supreme of four letter word, love.

Love in our mirror is multi-dimensional, endless, bottomless, all encompassing fulfillment with no need for extraneous control mechanisms. The evolution toward this is realization that value/money, or any perceived representation of it, is simply a means to a beginning, not an end. The controllers clearly saw the opportunity to ‘take’ the spirit of true freedom and wrap it within compartments of attainment, or small pieces of the ‘all’ but never allowing the real freedom of the ‘whole’. This is my admiration of my transpiration before my expiration.

That is ours from beginning to beginning, the control of our personal universe, our contribution to each other. Pure. There is no need for ‘them’ in any of this equation, according to my calculations for me. You’re welcome to see if any of this might apply to your production, after all, it is completely free and open sourced.

Only the innate true meaning of the pursuit of happiness.

Graham Hayward 14

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Schooling the World (2010) | Watch the Full Documentary Online

Schooling the World (2010) | Watch the Full Documentary Online

Film summary:
If you wanted to change an ancient culture in a generation, how would you do it? You would change the way it educates its children.

The U.S. Government knew this in the 19th century when it forced Native American children into government boarding schools. Today, volunteers build schools in traditional societies around the world, convinced that school is the only way to a 'better' life for indigenous children. But is this true? What really happens when we replace a traditional culture's way of learning and understanding the world with our own? SCHOOLING THE WORLD takes a challenging, sometimes funny, ultimately deeply disturbing look at the effects of modern education on the world's last sustainable indigenous cultures.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

It's a Wonderful Reality on Vimeo

Right now, believe it, or not, we are smack in the middle of a rapture, a wrestling for the continued control of the human spirit and mind. Not everyone is aware of the specifics, I’m not, I’m simply trying to maintain a balance during the transition. But, I do know for sure, that we are much more than our own perception of ourselves, much more connected, not only to one another, but to the source of our true being.

It's a Wonderful Reality on Vimeo

Friday, July 25, 2014

Baby Steps

The lie that we’ve been living is huge, all encompassing and deep, but, there’s good news and there’s more good news.
You have a lot of help in understanding this very simple LIE, you have an amazing intercontinental, worldwide network of support help available to you, 24/7 and 100% free of charge. All you have to do is ask for assistance and like a really good neighbor, we’re ‘really’ there.
Just swallow the the pill and remember, how do you eat a really huge lie/elephant? One tiny piece at a time. 

Bon Appétit. I love you.


Thursday, July 24, 2014

An Israeli Soldier's Story - Eran Efrati

Ever wonder how and why the police have become so deadly in the last few years? Swallow that pill and watch this accounting of how and why we're next in line.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Kate of Gaia | In The Mirror

Kate of Gaia | In The Mirror

In a stranger than fiction truth, it would appear that some people who make bold claims as a result of their supposed “position of power” as a Social Worker, one young lady found out the hard way and ended up being arrested because of her threats to take a child away from her father during an “in-school” private meeting.
In an effort to maintain the “No LEGAL NAMES” theme that is boldly apparent in this strange turn of events, it would appear that the truths surrounding the much discussed topic of “No LEGAL NAME, No game” that has been popping up all over the internet lately and seems to be connected to  .  It appears that a legal name has more power than most people have ever imagined in that having identification seems to be just part of our every day lives. This reporter has been busy over the last week researching this culmination of an ongoing matter that began about 2 months ago when a young girl of seven refused to answer to her name for the morning roll call register in class.
Upon further investigation and talking with a former attendance taker at a school, the roll call has a far more sinister under current than any caring parent could imagine. It seems that a school will not get paid for any child in that school if they do not answer to this legal name register even if they’re in the school. How bizarre is that? What started out as an innocent question of “why do I need to come to school when everything I need to learn is all on the internet anyway?” much to the dismay of her teacher. This young child was then confronted by the teachers challenge of “if you think teaching is easy then why don’t you try it?” in an obvious jilted ego attack that was promptly answered with “sure, I’ll teach the class next week then” to which the teacher agreed thinking that this child would back down. Not on your life and it only gets better from here.

Friday, June 20, 2014

A n t h e m on Vimeo

A n t h e m on Vimeo

We have accepted our places of subservience within a system of someone else’s design, and we are on the precipice of a collision within our own places of belief. 

 There is no denying the real world that is playing out in your mind, no matter where you are, in your life, relationship, job, addiction, the plan for you is relentless.

On all fronts.

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Bubble Egg

The Bubble
If we can all agree that governments do not exist as true republics, but rather corporations masquerading as such, then it should be clear that politicians are employees under that corporate umbrella.
It would also mean the entire political system is there by name only, but not in and of itself. The entire construct is a bubble template of manmade construction that exists within an exoskeleton of manmade codes, statutes, legislation etc., masquerading as ‘law’. Even our given NAMES have been co-opted as mini corporations that our flesh and bone bodies are responsible for.
But, to live within this ‘bubble’ and abide by its dictates takes a certain quantity of belief. That belief is born right along side us as we grow and learn within schools of the system/bubble construct. The media is a persistent second mother to us and naturally (it seems) we bloom as people/personalities within our own choice (it seems) still inside the bubble.
Also, just as an egg cannot be hatched from the ‘outside’ in, neither can true change occur within the construct of the ‘bubble’. It’s only a series of ‘shifts’ masquerading as change as our collective needs or behavioral demands are met. The system demands we be assigned a label or a box so we can be ‘identified’ and explained, especially recently, as our collective consciousness begins ‘hatching’ from the inside out.
It’s irritating to me to keep having to ride this ‘fence edge’ of the bubble and even talk/write about my perceptions, because that’s all it really is. It’s only a construct of my own belief system and when I describe it I feel I’m forcing it upon your own consideration of it. But, overall there are certain identifications/borders/restraints of the system that we collectively can agree on.
Choosing sides, any sides (politically/spiritually/legally/medically) within their system is the assigning of yourself, or what you believe to be your ‘choice’, and whether you know it or not you’re wearing a ‘badge’ so you can be identified as such and dealt with.
The ‘infighting’ is just, that. The evolution, ‘evolving’ from the inside out, fighting, inside our own minds, trying to identify itself by poking through their matrix bubble. We’re beginning to see just how powerful we are as the bubble stretches beyond its predestined limits. They know its line of demarcation because it’s of their design. It will burst just as soon as our beliefs make it so and not a second sooner. Until the ‘egg’ hatches, it’s still an egg, but when the inside wants out there’s no stopping it.
Again, this is my take, my observation, I ‘believe’ we’re leaving this ‘negative’ age so I’m not ‘telling/suggesting’ anyone abandon that which gives them comfort, you may not be quite ready for the ‘hatch’. And in contrast, to find remedy (comfort) you might want to make the choice of leaving whatever/whomever’s causing restraint/pain in your life.
I can’t remember when it was time for me to leave the womb, but I can thank the stars that nature knew.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Medicine and the Business of People

There is very little difference between birth and death, this appointment of consciousness within a vein/chain of events called a lifetime, seems a compensation to each of us, to use as our own ‘will’ dictates.
There are no right/wrong decisions ever made, they simply occur accordingly as the release of rain from a sky, or the return of water to the same, but the inevitable is always returned to. There can never be an ‘end’, only a continuation of all that is, the vitality/vigor/liveliness, that light energy called life.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Evolution of Numbing

The vast majority of people out there have never even heard about the dangers posed by aspartame, fluoride, genetically-modified food, pesticides, high fructose corn syrup, pharmaceutical drugs, cell phones and toxic vaccines.
Most of them have no idea that our food is toxic, our water is toxic and our vaccines are toxic.
This is called a 'soft kill.'

On top of what we ingest and are exposed to on a daily basis, is one of the most insidious forms of physician-assisted suicide on the planet.

The evolution of Numbing

The Spell

Hello friends and fellow travelers,

Who's not been confused by the money controllers? No one should feel bad about it, or guilty over being in debt, or behind in car payments, or household bills. It's part of the a dirty, deceitful game, engineered by those spineless wizards hiding behind their frocks. You're meant to feel this way and I'm about to tell you why.

There is a ’spell’ cast upon us from the day we’re born. Words (spell-ing) can and do illicit emotional responses in us, good or bad, the system knows this. Collection agencies hire debtor psychologists (yes, they do) to come up with specific word ’spells’ that cast guilt upon us for our ‘failure’ to ‘pay’.
We are living beneath/under this ’spell’ around the world as this template is used successfully to enslave entire populations. It becomes (sadly) a comfort and a master at the same time and TV keeps us under/beneath the spell with pulses of light emission and ‘programming’ ever more magnified and effective HD style.
Debt/interest is an invention, currency is an exchange of energy, a credit card is ‘charged’ just as a battery is, using our signature. How do we ‘pay back’ (debt) that which has already been completed in the transaction? If you want to further that, how do we use debt notes, money/currency/promissory to pay for anything? How do you pay a debt with a debt? A battery with two negative terminals is not a battery, it’s a paper weight.
We are under the spell of lies, big lies, instilled from birth with programming handed down by our innocent parents and electronically from our earliest babysitter, TV.
The legal/lie system with its own language/legalese is the invention of the controllers to insulate us from them and also as a way to ‘fund’ the control system through a network of corporate/legal/fiction codes/statutes/rules/regulations, fining us with their flimsy program that runs right alongside the simple common law of the land.
If you have caused no harm to another person, their property, or swindled them, then you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. Everything else is an invention by them, for them and the man in a ‘black robe’ casts a spell of ‘fear’ upon you in his court room, a franchise that some judges own. So yes, this is just what I’m speaking of and the ones most entrenched in this negative, crippling belief, are the employees of the court system and the banks.
These are the things we can plant in our own gardens and work together right here from the control room. Use the system against itself, turn the snake toward its own tail and see what happens, it only knows one way to behave.
Things are changing rapidly and very soon we'll be part of an entirely different world and spirit nature. Stay tuned and try to stay in touch with your inner you, don't take things too seriously, just go along with the current and observe. Contact me if you care to and I'll always return your effort. 
Peace, brothers and sisters, we're almost there!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Message In a Bottle

Message in a Bottle

I’m holding a message/seed in my mind. I want to grow with it, what specifically I don’t know, but then again, it isn’t only up to me.
This seed of information represents a tiny piece of an amazing future that needs to be written/built by all those that will participate in it.

This means you. It will start here, now, it’ll be planted and we’ll call it the, ‘Message in a Bottle’. This message should grow organically just as a physical tree would out in the dirt of the real world. Information/truth is marginally different from person to person, state, to country, across oceans etc…, but it’s unique (organic) to that specific area/town/city etc…and needs to be addressed.

Change is a constant, particularly now in this current world climate and the controllers still cling to their last vestige of control. Media.
Social media seems organic and people powered, but it’s still very much under the thumb and scrutiny of those in control.

This tree/bottle/message will contain leaves that have specific truths that mean something to a person or groups of people. These leaves/information will contain powerful intentions delivered by a human for another human, regardless of their stage of perception or ‘consciousness’. I don’t know the level of truth/meaning/intentions/empathy/compassion it may take to stir another, they may not even know.

Until you intend change through action, it will only remain an intention/seed, but with digging/writing/communication/involvement, roots will form, and the indestructible bravado of truth will displace the ills of complacency.

Sometimes an idea can hit you like a surprise, it rouses emotions within us for reasons we can’t explain. All I have is the seed/message in the bottle containing the idea of something much bigger than me alone. The idea contains information to be supplied by human beings that are feeling change and want to contribute those feelings in a manner that will transcend, all borders, race, religion, gender etc…it comes as change always does, from the inside—out.

In your country, what is it that you wish to change first? Even the people that have not yet become fully aware can sense that something is wrong somewhere in their lives. It’s most important that they participate in contributing to this input of information. They are the ones that will be part of the final wave, the push into what we all know is right on the tip of our collective thoughts/minds. Good things are happening, that’s evident and the planting has to continue.

This information/bottle tree needs to travel the world rapidly and thoroughly. It must be well known and above all it must be nurtured by moving from place to place, growing more powerful by infiltrating and spreading truth that will make current media outlets dry up. The only way to do this is for it to be, in and of itself, an autonomous alarm clock. We can use the corporation to its own demise, allow it to feed upon itself until it dissolves.

This is the seed/message, it’s been planted and it needs to grow/go around the world. This isn’t mine, it’s all of ours, it’s here. Many may think this is too idealistic, but then someone describing the possibility of an acorn becoming a forest of oak trees might come off that way as well if the proof weren’t there in front of us. Oceans contain many 'single' drops of the source.

To start is simple, share something you’d like to see ‘fixed’ in your life right now. It can be a personal issue/vent, a communal problem with your local government, taxes/police/medicine/health/politics, but try to keep it specific to your immediate life or the area in which you live. Put it out there, unload it to the universe and turn it to fuel for a future.

The most important thing to remember is to forward/copy paste, send the bottle/information to at least three others, make sure one of those posts/mail goes to another country, someone you know, or anonymously. Send it to those friends you know that are wrestling with problems right now. Sign your message with your full name to give it power and intention, list the town/state and country in which you live. Also, this isn’t the final product by any stretch, if you feel you have a better, more effective ‘vehicle’ for getting information out in a manner that will penetrate the jello/mass media bubble, then by all means put it to use and streamline this growth message.

This change we seek will only come from us, and it should. You don’t even need to contribute to this particular effort, but find a way to make a way, make your own magic and somewhere there will be a blossom. All the answers are just on the tip of your mind, waiting to be pushed off into the form of action. We all know what ‘seeds’ will do when they’re planted, now’s the time to grow. Put your message in the bottle, tell the universe who you are and where you’re going, we’re all in this together. Grow—Love—

Graham Hayward, New Jersey-U.S.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Run From the Cure 2 TRAILER: By Christian Laurette (SEE MORE at cureyour...

"Run from the Cure: The Rick Simpson Story- A film by Christian Laurette" changed the world when it was released in 2008. The film shows how Rick Simpson revived the cannabis oil medicine to use as a cure for cancer. It was groundbreaking because there was nothing else like it. "Run from the Cure" has been viewed millions of times by people all over the world and translated into multiple languages. 

Fast forward 5 years and Christian feels it's finally time for 'Run from the Cure 2". His new documentary again will be available for FREE and will feature some great activists such as Rick Simpson (current figurehead of the global cannabis movement), Lincoln Horsley, Corrie Yelland, David Triplett, Shona Banda. This time around though, Christian has decided to feature medical professionals as well. This will bring to light the science behind cannabis and cancer. Some of the medical professionals will include Janet Sweeney PhD., Dr. Bob Melamede PhD. and Dennis Hill a bio chemist.

Friday, February 28, 2014


Remember how important you are. Never take for granted this voyage you've been offered. It was you that volunteered to bring heaven back to earth.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Gill Finn

Rainbow was in the waiting room reading a magazine. She was alone in the pine-paneled room. In one corner there was an old Grandfather clock. Gill had asked her once why they called it a 'Grandfather.’ He knew if his mother did not know the answer to a question she would tell him to stop asking questions. She knew that he knew this and it made her smile.
The clock kept a steady tock, tock, but no tick, and she thought it odd. There on an end table was a small picture in a pitted silver frame. Doctor Snook and his wife, Blue, stood with their arms around one another aboard a sailboat named "Mr. Limpet." They were both raising martini glasses.
Also on the table was a large green Chianti bottle with a sailboat inside and on the transom it read: “Forever in Time.”
The doctor handed Gill a dusty Tootsie Pop which he promptly shoved inside the pocket of his dirty blue jeans. Rainbow was embarrassed by the sight of Gill, he had not had time to change his clothes.

“Well Mrs. Finn, you haven’t a thing to worry about.”

Of course the doctor’s dismissal did nothing to belay Rainbow’s worry. Just before she could ask for a more complete diagnosis, Doctor Snook stopped and pulled the large glasses from his head.
“Gill received a mildly toxic venom from the fish. There may be a bit of swelling, but I’ve prescribed a small dose of antibiotics for the boy.”
And just as always, she settled herself if only for the moment.
Gill had already started on his candy as the doctor began on his own, and Rainbow smiled to cover her rebounding nerves.
With this late examination behind them, mother and son entered the car. They closed respective doors and sat for a moment in relative silence. Rainbow started the car and slowly eased it out on to the leaf strewn avenue. 
“How’s your hand?” his mother asked, keeping her eyes fixed to the road. 
“It’s fine,” said Gill, and he felt her eyes for just a moment. 
“You were very late today Gill.” She raised her voice and he knew she meant it.
“I’m sorry, Mom.” 
 Rainbow took her eyes from the road for just enough time to gauge him. 
“He was beautiful, Mom,” said Gill, staring out the window as the color of fall rushed by in a blur. Rainbow adjusted her grip and stole another glance. For whatever reason, she did not feel like pressing him.
“Who was he, Gill, the fish?” And, for a brief second, she wanted to hold him close. He turned from the window and looked down at his hands. Rainbow came to a stoplight and looked at him. 
“Is your hand okay?” she asked. Gill shifted in his seat and looked out the window again toward the sky. 
“Something changed, Mom. There was bright light and a smell, like flowers.” His voice seemed to run out of air. The light changed, and Rainbow felt uneasy. 
“Did you hit your head?” Her voice wavered and she bit her lip. Gill shook his head and smiled. He looked up at her.
“No, there was mirth, Mom,” he said, and returned to the window rubbing his hand. A strange wave fluttered within her belly, and she drew a short fast breath. He was getting older and there was nothing she could do. The sky began to darken and Rainbow knew things would never be the same. Today had happened and there were no journals or ‘life guide’ texts to explain, or put things into perspective. She couldn’t let Gill know of the feeling that was sweeping through her. Strangely, he seemed more at ease than she, and she had trouble cornering exactly what was troubling her. The road unfolded before her as a shining black ribbon still wet from the storm’s rain. There was only quiet between them and every fear she could imagine.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Brian Kelly's Blog

Brian Kelly's Blog

Give in to the thought that you are not taking a chance on losing your sanity by thinking that there is life elsewhere in the universe, and you might have to entertain another thought: Is there life from elsewhere that is here with us now? Many of you have explored such thoughts and come to the conclusion that it is neither sane nor reasonable to think otherwise than that there is such an abundance of life in the universe you inhabit. Those of you who have wrestled with such thinking, or those who have always known it to be thus, are the ones who are going to have some explaining to do in the short-term forecast when the reality of the situation bumps into those minds which have not yet fathomed the weirdness nexus on that particular point. We are practiced in the art of explaining ourselves, and we have shared quite a lot of our insights about our reality with you over the many years that we have been in communication with you over this channel. Now it’s going to be your turn to relay that information far and wide, when the time for telling the story to those who have not yet come to terms with the thinking you are familiar with have the thoughts come to mind.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Removing The Shackles

Removing The Shackles

A tragic failure of American education in this century has been a failure to teach children how to read and write and how to express themselves in a literary form.  For the educational system this may not be too distressing.  As we shall see later, their prime purpose is not to teach subject matter but to condition children to live as socially integrated citizen units in an organic society—a real life enactment of the Hegelian absolute State.  In this State the individual finds freedom only in obedience to the State, consequently the function of education is to prepare the individual citizen unit for smooth entry into the organic whole.
However, it is puzzling that the educational system allowed reading to deteriorate so markedly.  It could be that [they want] the citizen components of the organic State to be little more than automated order takers; after all a citizen who cannot read and write is not going to challenge The Order […].  This author spent five years teaching at a State University in the early 1960s and was appalled by the general inability to write coherent English, yet gratified that some students had not only evaded the system, acquired vocabulary and writing skills, but these exceptions had the most skepticism about The Establishment.

Much more on site, please click the link at the top.

Monday, February 17, 2014

The One

I took a trip today, inside myself. I began walking backwards into my brain, once inside I turned around, surrounded by over 100,000 miles of blood vessels and trillions of neurons firing at different intervals.
I began to see the chain of brain matter, identical to the cosmos, the universe, a holographic miniature of the whole, the circuit pathways were identical conveying signals point to point.
I slipped between the two hemispheres and made my way to the pineal gland, a magical gland, purposely avoided in the mainstream architecture of study. There, within the precise geometric center of the brain was the small, pine cone shaped, ‘seat of the soul’. Vast amounts of blood and energy rushed through it, more than any other gland in the body. I noticed the rods and cones found within the eyes, the same physiology. I understood the reason why many ancient cultures and religions featured the ‘pine cone’ in their symbolisms and iconography.
I stood near the temple, contemplating my location, listening to the blood rush by in torrents of timed precision. Pages of crystal memory splashed in front of me, the hologram of my own body witnessed by me from me.
Miles of blood vessels surrounded me, coursing with plasma and photons, I was there, witness to biology that had sprung from a single cell in a gestation of only nine months.
There are over 7 billion of these masterpiece/human/cells inhabiting a living planet, a planet that shares our symbiotic breath, our resonance, one ocean of a deafening evolution. Standing where we are now, within the hologram, the fractal of the whole combines as a single cell inside the bounds of the universe as part of the multiverse and back again. As part of the holism, the one, can you imagine even a single cell amongst the trillions in your body alone, becoming fearful of its survival amongst an organism that created its very being?
Time, evolution, embryo, these words have the same meaning within the entire circle of life, a simple, yet complex progression.
If I’m standing alone within the extent of this awareness, the negative becomes a part of the overall progression, a necessary sacrifice for survival of the whole. The cowards/negatives have always been the mirror, or opposing poles, the fuel for the nexus.
They have, we have, become part of the progression, the spiral of the infinity and without trying to sound too insane here, doesn’t this fit the sequence of the Fibonacci and the golden mean? Just as the sunflower’s design helps it draw more solar power, it would seem to be both conscious and unconscious at the same time. The mitosis (cell division) of cancer cells follows this sequence, this law, a contribution to the survival of the whole.
So, retracing my steps, walking back from the ‘closeup’ of the whole/fractal/hologram, I can see that our ‘experience’ here is none other than just that. Isn’t all of nature just an impossible possibility? From the moment you are conceived, you are part of a magnificent organism, primal god components or god fractals.
You are part of the story, the ocean, egg, cell, and in and of this cosmos, an ancient juggernaut of biblical proportions.
Welcome to your vehicle, your body, your world. You.
Peace, G.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Odds Are?

Odds Are?

How would I know if I’ve lived a thousand lives? Does that question have some type of akashic merit, or is it a stillborn loop that simply dissipates into the aether?
Is that the feeling behind déjà vu, the ‘already seen’ phenomena? I don’t really know, I’m just asking more questions?

So, if one can pose the question, then the question must have merit, otherwise there would be no reason to have that ability. But more importantly, being able to ‘reason’ with that question is what makes it a vital question, because there are hundreds of thousands of people that do not have these questions…yet. 
Is that because they haven’t reached some kind of quantum metamorphosis and haven’t been ’sparked’ or jump started yet?

I don’t know, but then again, I don’t even know what kind of questions I’m asking, I’m just rummaging around within the attic of my mind. I’m going through undigested bits of thought and pieces of puzzles that have haunted me since I quit breast milk or formula, I’m not sure which I was weaned on and that could be a key.

I know what I can describe as an ‘empathic’ connection to other human beings, I’ve felt this since I was very young and pushed it away for a long string of years because I was fearful of it. Fearful, because I didn’t understand it, which seems to be the base emotion or foundation of that type of confusion. I looked at it as more of an affliction. But I see it in varying degrees as a ‘facet’ in the human existence. It’s an augmentation to what I lack in other areas of my existence and I call it that because I don’t see it solely as a ‘mind’ thing.

We occupy our bodies as ‘vehicles’ in our own personal stories/lives as they unfold 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for a lifetime. Because, how could that ‘story/life’ cease/rest at all, as long as the vehicle/body/heart keeps its pace/beat within this plane of existence and all others we explore while upon it? All those pieces tumble as interlocking facets of discovery by some, while forgotten by others, and still more of us expounding upon evolution itself. It can never stop, simply because of that evolving ‘promise’ from within. There is always progression upon the most efficient distribution of available resources. Evolution is just the ‘polishing’ of all the best inherited characteristics of ‘past’ existence/experience.

This forward movement has been somewhat stifled/controlled/harnessed to the ends that have benefited the designers of our alternative ‘reality’. The problem they’ve been facing all along is the methodical progression of that juggernaut called, natural law. The lid they’ve affixed upon the collective consciousness has been under constant assault by all those souls rolling forward within the akashic aether. Now, its design/polishing is manifesting just as in the gestation of a single human birth. The single cell, representative of the whole, the unstoppable embryo of the collective unfolds in the perfection that is nature. How could one ever hope to control that which is divinely uncontrollable?

So, whether I’ve lived a thousand, a million, or only the lifetime I’m within at this moment, I’m witness to the same answer. As we collectively change, the environment unfolds to accommodate that ‘field’ of the collective and vice versa. 

The ‘mirror’ is the cause and the effect of the whole, and cannot be stopped. Remember, the history we’re just emerging from has been written by the controllers, they write it as we go, as we live, according to an overall agenda/plan/guess/gamble. They must operate from a movie/fiction/script based upon a false itinerary they have constructed and control, not the one born from within us, the quantum heroics of the cosmos and life itself!

A single human cell has .7 volts, it is its own power plant. The human body is comprised of trillions of these tiny engines that communicate with each other. They follow your agenda, your story, your ambitions, their command is your wish and no one else’s. With that, comes responsibility, your ship/body, awaits your history to unfold before your eyes. Where you take it and how you react to it is your responsibility and only yours. Just as you cannot drive another’s car while operating your own, nor would it make much sense. 
It invades the free will, or natural law, of others living their own journeys/stories or experiences. That is the crisis now faced by the tiny group of puppeteers/manipulators of our collective perception of truth, actuality, and physical existence. 

But keeping this in mind, we acquiesce to the overall demands of an entire set of rules that are not our own, and we do it together while keeping one another in order, according to those rules. We use hate, race, borders, war, mis-education, man-made drugs, etc, etc.

Our entire lives are co-opted through education/programming, religion/programming, debt/programming, legal system/programming and kept there through the conduit of belief.
The roots of belief are so powerful that it’s difficult to remove the imprint of its fingers on our collective psyche, and I don’t really like to use that word, but everyone’s familiar with the ‘science of the mind’ and the drugs at the ready to ‘patch’ a rebellious ‘free thinker’. 

During the extraction from the ‘control system’ it’s entirely possible to use the mind as the ‘key’ to your release, as it should be. All you need to do is exercise your abundant imagination, build your future, minus all that you’d like to be ‘free’ from. That is creating from the inside out and communicating at the cellular level where all wish/commands should come from. In my world I make all the rules and that way it’s much easier for me to understand, I write all my own programming, why wouldn’t I? Why wouldn’t we? How did we ever get to a place where we allow others of our own, to become our self-proclaimed masters?

Obviously, drama and hysteria whirl around us on a daily basis. Tsunamis, earthquakes, terrorists, dirty bombs, world war three scenarios, blah, blah, blah. In your own lives, microcosms spin from the macrocosms of manufactured doom and disorder. What can, or do we need to do about it from our own vehicle/body? What should we do? 


All that’s available to you is the creation of your OWN perfect world within your journey/life. If all the cells of the whole are happy, then how can you/we/us end up with anything other then a perfect world? Animals need nothing in their lives to live a happy, productive existence except a little food and water. They don’t get caught up in drama, real or imagined, they live within a plane of utter awareness/bliss.
With all we have at our disposal, a perfect existence is already here, there, in your head, just uncover it, open your gifts. 

No need to bet, this isn’t a gamble, odds are, it’s a sure thing.

Peace. Graham