Friday, May 4, 2012

Real History

This is an excerpt from a David Wilcock article posted at There you will also find the complete transcript of his interview with the man known as Drake. If you haven't heard it, then it's worth a read for sure.

The real core of this group's power lies in the control of the money system -- through the Federal Reserve banking families and their international equivalent, the Bank for International Settlements or BIS.
This Financial Tyranny is the underlying root of a staggering number of problems on Earth.
Starvation and disease is epidemic in much of the world, and even in the modern countries there is widespread poverty and economic hardship.
The majority of the world is completely fed up with Financial Tyranny, and has formed an alliance to stop it -- using as non-violent a means as possible, while still achieving the necessary results.
Drake has revealed startling new information. The plan was already developed into a five-inch-thick briefing document as of 1979.

This plan will be carried out by a 60-percent majority of heroes in the Pentagon and US military -- who do NOT support Financial Tyranny, and genuinely have our best interests at heart.
There are now signs that this majority has recently become a lot more than 60 percent.
Drake just told me on the phone that he is now in direct contact with the underground on a mass level.
He is now working with every significant group having to do with freedom. The numbers are incredible. There are crushing demands on his time as a result. Everyone wants to get clear on how they can help.
His latest show, after our interview, consumed more bandwidth than every other program in the entire history of Blog Talk Radio -- combined -- and strangled the server.
An estimated 1.3 million listeners tuned in -- live. There are already YouTube copies of my interview with Drake that have over a hundred thousand views each.
The original MP3s have been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times from this website as well.

Former Asia-Pacific bureau chief Benjamin Fulford was the first to break this story, as far as I am aware. He has been talking about it for at least three years now.
The complexity of an operation like this is staggering -- as this cabal effectively controls the media, and uses murder, torture, blackmail and bribery to insure it is never exposed.
I became personally involved by interviewing Fulford several times now -- and posting the transcripts, which have never ceased to be fascinating.
In addition, I began directly working with some of his top contacts behind the 134-nation alliance of countries ready to end Financial Tyranny -- as of last November.
If these mass arrests do occur, and I very much believe they will, this will be at least as significant as 9/11 in world history -- if not far more so. And in this case it will be significantly positive, not negative.
Everyone will be talking about it. There will be no possible way NOT to talk about it. The scope will be that vast -- and all-encompassing.

The full details of the plan, including its origin, are classified -- as some of the people involved are still alive. Any attempt to attach it to a particular time window could significantly increase the threat of exposing them.
However, in Operation Northwoods, the US government seriously considered terrorizing its own cities to provoke a war with Cuba -- as of 1962.
ABC News published the details of this plan on May 1, 2001 -- before 9/11.
U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War with Cuba
By David Ruppe
N E W  Y O R K, May 1, 2001
In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.
Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and evenorchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.
The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba's then new leader, communist Fidel Castro.
America's top military brass even contemplated causing U.S. military casualties, writing: "We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," and, "casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."
The Wikipedia page on Operation Northwoods is also quite good -- at least right at this time.

Kennedy turned the plan down after it was offered to him. This plan also undoubtedly caused a great deal of alarm among many top military brass.
Seeing Kennedy assassinated, in broad daylight, not long thereafter made them very aware of what they were up against.
The same types of operations detailed in the Northwoods document had now been used against their own Commander in Chief.
For those who swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and its people, against all enemies -- foreign and domestic -- this was certainly a powerful wake-up call.
Very likely this is when the plan for mass arrests started to gain momentum and support.

When I did the interview with Drake, it occurred to me that Nixon's planned coup, which he circulated amongst all the top military brass, undoubtedly influenced the plan for mass arrests.
I had first read about this in William T. Still's epic work, New World Order. Here are a few excerpts from the first chapter, which spells it all out.
Excerpts from New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies by William T. Still
7 On about October 15, 1973, I was given a memorandum by my father, Lt. Col. William L. Still, a retired Air Force officer, one of the architects of the military’s defense communications network.
On October 3, 1973 he was approached by an acquaintance, Joe Josephson, who claimed he had connections with the White House of President Richard M. Nixon.
This acquaintance asked my father how he and his military friends would feel about a military takeover of the U.S. government….
The Watergate hearings had gone on throughout the summer and now President Nixon was refusing to comply with court orders to surrender the White House tapes as evidence….
My father was dumbfounded by the suggestion that a coup was afoot. Fortunately, he was able to conceal his shock long enough to learn some of the details from his 
associate, Mr. Josephson.

************************ Here is the link to the full transcript below. Please take some time and watch the "Thrive" movie, allow this mountain of information to sink in. Just understand that this information has been thoroughly vetted and cleared. This is the real history never taught to us in any school. There is a lot more information at David Wilcock's site:  There is also another mind blowing article there: 'Financial Tyranny' which explains in great detail the illegal financial system which is in the process of being taken down as of this writing.********************

As always, please don't rest here. Don't take other's word for what's going on in this world, start to do your own research and become aware of what will be happening very soon so you'll be able to help instruct your family and friends. Do not reject information, you owe it to yourself to at least prove it to yourself one way or another. Thank you friends.

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